Suspense Fiction Mystery

This story contains sensitive content

Warning: this story contains mental health, suicide, violence and foul language.

Saturday, May 1st

             Today went pretty well. My wife Chelsea and I went to the store today, we made dinner together, and we didn’t have any arguments or anything. I’m starting to have a new outlook on this whole marriage counseling thing. I honestly thought it meant the end of things but maybe this is for the best.

Sunday, May 2nd

             Chelsea thought we should maybe look at adopting a new family member. A dog, which is weird. She’s always been a little skittish around dogs. But maybe this is what the counselor suggested, a compromise. We’re going tomorrow to the pound to pick out one. I honestly hope we get a husky or german shepherd. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Monday, May 3rd

             The pound went well. We signed the adoption papers for a husky mix. We just have to wait a couple more days. She seems pretty excited about it. We agreed that tonight she’ll cook dinner and I’ll go pick out the necessities for owning a dog. I’m pretty damn happy. I’m happy we made this compromise. Things are really starting to look up. Chelsea even held my hand today at the pound.

Tuesday, May 4th

             The dog is here! We named it, I guess I should say her, Nacho. She’s a pretty cute dog. It has the brilliant blue eyes and a clipped ear. We think she got in a fight a while ago but she’s so sweet. Chelsea said that she might need a little time adjusting but she thinks it’ll be good for us. It’s almost like we are starting our own little family like we dreamed of years ago.

Wednesday, May 5th

             We had counseling today and Chelsea hates me apparently. It’s so stupid, we just got this dog because I’ve always wanted a dog and apparently she has a fear of dogs but she told me that she got over it. But we don’t want to give up the dog. I have no idea what happened but she keeps saying that she had bad dreams of the dog. I think she’s just going crazy again. I thought that this whole counseling thing was going great! But apparently I’m the bad guy for wanting a dog? Screw this.

Thursday, May 6th

             Work went well today. Everyone was wondering where I went and I had to explain so many times that I went on a mental leave. I came home today and found her just staring at Nacho from across the room. She’s really going loopy over this damn dog. The dog is so innocent too! A little derpy and stupid but innocent. I’m sleeping on the couch tonight.

Friday, May 7th

             Chelsea started to garden today. Maybe this will help her get these crazy ideas of some demon dog out of her head. Give her something to do. All she does is just stare at that dog and mumble. This hasn’t happened in our marriage ever. Goddamn crazy person. But I have to make this work out. Marriage is for life.

Saturday, May 8th

             I’m really starting to worry about Chelsea. She called me four times at work saying stuff like, this dog is creeping me out or it’s following me around. I’m calling our counselor on Monday for an emergency appointment and maybe something solo for her. It’s just a dog…named Nacho for christ sake.

Sunday, May 9th

             I came home from work today to find the dog gone. Chelsea on the floor crying hysterically saying things like she’s seeing things in the shadows. I don’t know what to do. What do I do? She isn’t okay. Who did I marry? She’s never told me about her family history with mental illness and she’s only 28. Is she crazy or did we just adopt some demon dog? Should I take her word for it? No, there’s no such thing as that. She’s just losing it man.

Monday, May 10th

             We went to counseling today and got a referral to a psychiatrist. Hopefully this will help her chill out. All I want to do is just come home to a happy and sane wife with a cute dog but I think she let that damn dog out. The counselor was saying things like I shouldn’t use the term crazy or nutjob to her but I mean, what else do I say when my wife is saying things like our new dog is following her around threatening her? I mean, is she hearing the dog talk? Is she hearing voices?

Monday, May 10th

             I have to record this. I feel like I need to start keeping a log of things. Chelsea is staring out the window saying that she’s seeing Nacho outside on it’s hind legs staring at her. I looked outside and there’s nothing out there. Then I looked at her arm and she’s picking at her arm. She’s losing it man. I’m gonna call the psychiatrist tomorrow and get her some meds or something. I can’t take this for much longer. She’s starting to freak me out. I’m sleeping on the couch again. But all I can think about is when we first got together. We were so happy. I think I can remember some story she told me about her family dog dying, but I can’t really remember. I wasn’t paying attention.

Tuesday, May 11th

             We have an appointment set for tomorrow for Chelsea. I don’t even want to go home but I have to. Someone has to keep an eye on her while she’s like this. I just have to wait a little longer and then my wife will come back. She’ll come back.

Wednesday, May 12th

             We went to the appointment and the doc set her up with some sort of medication. I hope this works out. I just want my wife back. I just don’t want her to be staring out the window all night anymore. She’s turning into a completely different person and I hardly recognize her anymore.

Thursday, May 13th

             Today is the first day of medication for Chelsea. Her doctor said that it could be a couple days until we start to see any real changes but for now there is hope. She still just stares out the window saying that Nacho is staring at her. But last night was a little different. She said that there was two. I looked and didn’t see anything like usual. I just hope that this medication works.

Friday, May 14th

             Tonight there was a bark outside. I looked outside and look who came back! Nacho! She has a couple cuts and scratches but seems fine. Chelsea on the other hand isn’t handling this well at all. I had to force her into the bedroom. She had a knife in her hand and was threatening to kill the dog. She keeps saying that Nacho is here to kill her or something. My wife is crazy. I’m calling the police right now after I log this.

             The police showed up and took Chelsea to a local hospital. I’m going to go there once I get things locked down and make sure Nacho will be okay for a little bit alone. Damn dog is getting restless or something though. I’ll just give it a Benadryl before I leave and hopefully it’ll get some good rest.

Saturday, May 14th

             My wife has been admitted to the psych ward at the local hospital. Looks like it’s just Nacho and I for a little bit while she’s getting take care of. She doesn’t want to see me right now which is a little hurtful but I guess I understand.

Saturday, May 14th

             Dear diary, the doctor wants me to write out what I’ve been experiencing and keep a logged journal. So I’m just going to write out the past week and then just keep you updated until I get out of here.

             This whole thing started a while ago. My husband John and I have been having marital problems. Well, it was more of him being an asshole. He never takes my side and just expects to come home to a perfect house when we both work full time jobs. So we started going to marriage counseling and came up with a compromise. John knows that I don’t want children but he wants a family so we agreed to get a dog of his choice. The only thing is that I was attacked by a dog when I was younger and have been scared of bigger dogs ever since. But I feel like I grew out of that with some previous therapy and meditation.

             So we got a husky and named it Nacho. But here’s the thing, and don’t think I’m crazy. This dog is different. It followed me around and just stared at me for like the first two days. Then things started to get a little, crazy. I would wake up in the middle of the night and see this dog walking. Like, human walking. Then when it saw me watching it, it would act like a normal dog again! I feel so crazy for even saying this but I swear it was happening and I’m not crazy! But John doesn’t believe me and just thinks that I’m like my grandma who had hallucinations.

             Anyways, after a couple more days, things got worse with Nacho. I thought that we adopted some derpy dog with one brain cell but this thing…it started mumbling. But it wasn’t any kind of mumbling. It was like something out of the bible and it was in some weird language I’ve never heard? But then again I can’t remember if this was a dream or not. This just doesn’t feel real. But last Sunday, I started gardening to try to get away from this dog when I’m at home. Just anything to keep me out of the house. But John left the back door open and it got out. So I was finishing up some things outside and it was getting dark when I heard something in the trees behind me. But I couldn’t really tell what it was exactly. So I tried to get a couple steps closer when I saw it. It was Nacho, standing on it’s hind legs just staring at me. It’s ears were bent back and it looked like it was snarling, peering at me from behind the tree. I’ve never felt my gut drop so hard and fast. So I ran inside and locked the door.

             The days that followed, I would look out the window and it felt like Nacho would get closer every night, just testing the boundaries of my sanity. But then Thursday, I think it was Thursday. I looked outside and there were two Nachos staring at me from the tree line. And of course, John would look out the window and not see them. It was like a game of peek-a-boo with just me and the dogs. John at this point has been calling me crazy and put me on this medication that makes me feel like I’m not even awake. Then Friday, Friday is when this all came to it’s boiling point.

             Nacho showed up at our front door acting like a normal dog. And of course, John took it back inside. Giving this spawn of satan treats and belly rubs. So he went to the garage to get the dog food and other things that he bought it when Nacho came up to me in the house. On it’s hind legs, and it spoke English. It told me to stay calm and not worry but kept getting closer and closer. I of course grabbed a fucking knife and started yelling at it to get back but it just kept getting closer. That’s when this things eyes rolled back and it opened its mouth. It’s tongue rolled out and this…I don’t even know what it was, this black liquid came spewing out. Then it started talking saying that it’s going to accept me as it’s sacrifice and all this other nonsense. And…oh my god…I sound crazy. I sound so crazy. No wonder John called the cops. I’m just going to stop this right now.

Sunday, May 15th

             Chelsea is still in the psych ward. But Nacho isn’t acting normally. I keep finding her running in circles, whimpering. I wonder if she got hurt or caught some disease out there. But she has these blisters on her skin. I’ll take her to the vet tomorrow.

Sunday, May 15th

             Dear diary, a police man showed up at my room today. I guess this never happens but something happened to John. They’re taking me to the station to get my statement on whatever happened. Oh my god, what if I’m not crazy? What if Nacho attacked John?

             Dear diary, my husband was found halfway across the state in what looked like a wild animal attack. Something tore his jaw off, along with his right hand and bit through his neck. I can’t believe this. I just saw him a couple nights ago. This couldn’t have been Nacho. But they’re taking me back to the hospital on suicide watch. I guess if I am happy about anything, I’m away from that damn dog, Nacho.


November 01, 2024 02:10

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