Crying in the rain

Written in response to: Set your story during the night shift.... view prompt


Teens & Young Adult

Only three more hours I thought as I looked at the clock it was ten o' clock in the evening. I had taken the shift from nine o' clock at night till one in the morning.

I had a part-time job at a garage store in North Yorkshire, Whitbly. I take the night till morning shift because during the day I study Business Finance at Craven college.

My name is Amelia Ansley and I'm twenty years old. I was employed by a Mr Davis he owned the garage store and the car garage repair shop. I had previously worked as a crew member at McDonald's restaurant but, that started requiring more hours than I was willing to give. I've been working at the garage store for two months now. I enjoy it because, the evenings are quite. I usually only have to serve between two to five customers.

I looked up from my novel to see the lamp post from across the street was flickering again. Now hear me out I do not believe in Ghosts or monsters but, that light sure sent gloomy horror film vibes. I ignored the flickering and continued to read my novel. I was reading the "The Great Gatsby" by F.Scott Fitzgerald. I know it's a fictional tragedy but my favourite novel to read.

I was reading the best part when the mysterious Jay Gatsby reveals himself to the hyped crowd of guests. I was absorbed as Nick Carraway looks at Gatsby with his eyes filled with admiration. Only to be interupted by a knock on the window. I jumped up in surprise and tried to looks sharp. It was Noah Wilson.

He was my nextdoor neighbor in my apartment. He was tall, clean shaven , hazel brown hair and emerald colour eyes. He was an international student at my college he came from Morroco.

I had only known him for two years but recently developed a crush on him.

I buzzed the door open and he came running in. "Hey Ames" he said trying to catch his breath. Just him calling me Ames would make my knees weaken.

"Hi Noah" I replied trying not to blush.

He took off his coat and backpack and glanced over at me with his contagious smile.He walked over to the counter and sat down on the highchair.

"How are you Ames?" He asked picking up a magazine from the news stand. I pulled a strand of my hair behind my ear and answered " I'm very well thank you just counting down the hours until I can hit the sack." Noah bursted into laughter. I rolled my eyes and offered him a cup of filter coffee. We drank our cups of coffee and ate some banana bread that Noah had baked. We exchanged stories about our week.

An hour had past and an hour well spent. "Oh Ames love I have to go " Noah said as he grabbed his coat and swung his backpack over his broad shoulders. I stood up and said" thank you for the company and banana bread". " No sweat, bye Ames love " he replied and off he ran out of the garage store into the darkness.

I once again looked at the clock it was five past eleven. I was just about to return to reading my novel when I heard another knock on the door I thought it was Noah maybe he left something. I turned around and to my surprise it was not Noah but Mrs Pam.

Mrs Pam was a regular customer at the garage store. She would buy the Lindt chocolate sticks in the sweet treat section. She was married to Mr Pam also known as Pam Ham he owned a butchery a few blocks away from the garage. They had one son Don and he was the biggest bully I had ever met he was also known as #NOfilter on Campus. Mr Pam was an ordinary man and kept to himself as for Mrs Pam she was the town's gossip. Nevermind taking the time to read the newspaper I would think just go to her for afternoon tea and you would hear all the news. It might be an unkind thing to say but undoubtedly true.

I buzzed the door open and she walked in wearing a furry mustard coat that was lined with fluff at the bottom of the coat. "Evening dear " said Mrs Pam.

"Good evening Mrs Pam "I replied .

"Do you like my new coat ?"she asked.

I so badly wanted to say no the coat was certainly not of my taste but that would be impolite to do so. "Is it from Paris?" I asked. "Yes dear all my coats are" she chuckled. Thats right Mrs Pam was forever bragging about buying products and accessories from Paris, she was convinced this made her French.I mean I eat Croissants for breakfast that doesn't make me superior or better yet French!

Mrs Pam showed off her coat as she walked down the isle to buy Lindt chocolate. One would of guessed she was training to model on the Chanel walk way with Kendall Jenner.

She returned to the counter and payed for her Lindt chocolate. I packed the chocolates into a paper bag and handed them to her. "My dear"she said.

I looked up wondering what gossip she was about to spew this time. "How are your studies going?" she asked.

To my surprise no gossip left her lips. "Well thank you Mrs Pam" I replied. " I heard my darling boy Donny is quite popular on campus" she said. I thought sure his popularly known for being a bully. " Yes" I said. "Well dear I would love to stay and chat more but, I am wanted at home" she said. I waved goodbye and off Mrs Pam went ahe disappeared into her Porsche and drove away.

It was only half past eleven. It had started to rain outside.I was already yawning just at the site of the clock. Maybe time was passing by so slowly because, I was not doing anything effecient. I decided to restock some of the shelves. I was packing away the biscuits when I came across a box of chocolate chip cookies.

My eyes suddenly filled with tears. My heart started to race and a cold breeze made me shiver. Holding this box of biscuits brought back memories. Sweet and sour memories but it was apart of my childhood.

My Father worked at a newspaper office. He very much disliked his job and would always complaine about it.

He was fired for drinking continuously and aggressive behaviour. Every Friday he would bring home a box of chocolate chip cookies just for me and my twin brother Adam. We would share the biscuits and eat then all up on the roof of our house.

My twin brother drowned when I was twelve. My Father took him fishing and was too drunk to even notice he had been taken out by the tide and when he woke up it was too late. My mother never forgave him she left him and me soon after. I haven't seen her since. My Father would still buy me the chocolate chip cookies. Even though Adam wasn't there to share them with me I would occasionally leave some for him on his grave stone.

When I was fifteen, my life changed again. It was a spring day ,I waited for my Father to come home on Friday with a box if chocolate cookies. He did not return.The following day I remember policeman were on our door step. Right then I knew I was no longer going to have a box of chocolate chip cookies brought to me each Friday. I was no longer going to have to clean the stench of my father's vommit out of the lounge rugs and I was now completely alone.

The policeman told me there was a car accident between a truck driver and a

Drunk driver. Both of the drivers did not survive. They returned what was left if his belongings to me. Among them there was a crunched up box of chocolate chip cookies. My Father might of not of been a very wise man and he had done some unforgivable things but he loved me.

Sitting on the floor of the store garage remembering all those memories brought tears to my eyes. I had not cried so heavily in years. My emotions were like dry ice in a bottle. I ran out of the garage store into the rain and stood there crying.

I had never appreciated the ran as much as I did now. I liked the rain because when I cry no one can hear the pain, no one can see my tears and no one knows my fears. I just stood there I felt such a weight lift off my heart. I needed to cry to get rid of all that I had been storing inside of me. I couldn't save my brother from drowning, save my parents marriage or save my Father from the car accident. I knew I could save myself from further deterioration inside.

I walked back inside the garage store. I dried myself off and finished stocking the shelves. I continued to read my novel realizing Jay Gatsby tried to recreate his past and save something that he could not save. He's obsession to perfect his life was his greatest misfortune. He too had endured many sufferings but instead of creating a better future he let his past consume him. In the end it was all a dream reality was ruthless.

I looked up at the clock it was ten minutes past one. I eagerly gathered my things. "Sorry I'm late Amelia" called a voice from behind me. I was Kent coming in to take the next shift. "Its okay this weather is not the best to be walking in" I said as I took my umbrella. " Well I'll see you same place same time next week" Kent said.

I took a look at the clock and realised don't watch the clock , do what it does keep going. That's what I decided to do. "No Kent I quit, I'll send my resign letter to Mr Davis tommorow, bye Kent all the best" I replied and left the garage store.

I walked down the street slowly all the way to my apartment. As I reached for my door handle u heard Noah call out to me"Hey Ames love is that you?."

I walked over to his door and it opened. There stood Noah in his sweat pants and sushi socks. "Would you like a slice? I'm ordering pizza in a few minutes" he said. " Noah it's two in the morning and you are ordering Pizza!" I said with a confused smile. " It's never to late for Pizza Ames love"he replied. We stood there in akward silence I could not think if anything to break the ice. " Would you like to come in I'm watching Downtown Abbey and we can top it off with chocolate chip cookies" he said.

No way I thought he's into BBC dramas.

I looked up at Adam and smiled. I had no idea what the future was going to bring but I was excited. They say time heals the wounds... well that and a box of chocolate chip cookies.

August 27, 2021 18:30

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