Creative Nonfiction Friendship Inspirational

Let me tell you the story that’ll warm you to the very bone

It concerns us a hero, and a victim to a heart of stone

Our tale begins in the heart of Texas, on a cold wintery day

And a fortunate old car, that just happened along the way

On this December, just a few weeks before Christmas

The driver worked his hours, minding his own business

The winter is a record-breaker, the harshest you ever seen

The ground is dry and freezing, the wind strong and mean

Like a futile desert where grass and hope wouldn’t bloom

I was transporting groceries, traveling slow in the gloom

Radio music playing on low, interior heater turned up high

Lost in a pleasant daydream as the houses passed me by

I took a left turn, and came to stop at a long red traffic light

It was 9 in the morning, the wind howling with all her might

The road ahead of me was smooth and narrow, slow and serene

So I just sat and hummed to myself waiting for a light of green

About 20 yards ahead of me, I saw something in the middle of the road

But I wanted to just pass over it, and continue on with my load 

The light finally turned green, signaling freedom to go my way

And I stepped on the gas, determined to carry on with my day

My old car moved slowly forward, and I headed towards the debris

I fixed my eyes on it, curious to find out its true identity 

What is that piece of rubbish, futilely trying to block my road?

What is that item, as drab and brown as an ugly toad? 

Is it a brown paper bag, maybe a piece that fell from a rickety car?

I have been asking myself these questions, since I saw it from afar

But oh my, of all the things I could’ve or would’ve guessed

I never would have counted on the thing I’m about to tell you next 

What I once thought was trash became a tiny little bundle of fur

And I had to stop my car at once lest I accidentally ran over her

I sat there in my seat, and I quickly came to realize that

That little bunch of roadside debris is quite actually a cat

A cat, a kitten, oh yes that I could now clearly see

And she just sat in the road, unmoving and staring at me

Why didn’t she move? Did she sense the dangerous machine?

Most animals in the road would have dashed into the nearest ravine 

Humor overtook me, my curiosity sated and piqued

And I turned on my video recorder, before climbing out the driver seat

I had to catch this on film, before she decided to finally run away

Nobody else would believe this, no matter what tale I say 

And narrate I did, taking in great satisfaction

At this silly cat that served as a great attraction 

“This little gal whom any driver could have drove past or made plaster,

Doesn’t know what a car is, I would have crushed her if I moved faster.”

I crouched low and finished my recording, before turning the device off

Then I moved closer to shoo her away with a self-satisfied scoff

But then I stopped, and for the first time I realized what was before me

A tiny kitten the size of my hand with her eyes shut…the kit couldn’t even see

I realized that I couldn’t leave the poor thing alone, she needed an intervention 

So I whipped out my phone and called a woman I knew to ease the tension

She answered quick and cordial, and I talked to her for a moment or two

Explained to her the situation, and we debated what we should do

At first we were gonna leave her where we found her, figuring she had a home

But then I told her the situation, and that I am certain she is alone

With an exasperated sigh, saying this happened all to often in her life

The woman told me to collect the cat, and take it to my dad’s wife

So I grabbed me a large plastic tub that I always kept in my car trunk

I scooped the blind victim up, and she tumbled in with a gentle thunk

I carried her back to my car, and placed the box in the passenger seat

I then drove off again, this time with more than just store-bought meat 

The little gal immediately, began to purr loudly feeling once again warm

She began to groom herself, finally safe from the incoming winter storm

Though the journey short and smooth, the previous carefree mood long deceased

And as the days wore on, my worries and concerns dramatically increased

Turns out she is a wee little kitten less than a pound or a month old

Tossed out of a car by her owner, and left to die alone in the cold

Living was a struggle for her, she was under constant intensive care

And as her physical and internal health wavered, I doubted how she’d fare

I began to doubt myself, and ask myself hard questions day and night

Was what I did noble? Was me stopping the car right?

Did I just prolong the kittens’ suffering before she left this cruel world? 

Would everyone’s hopes be dashed and killed after hope briefly swirled?

Well the weeks flew by, the poor kitten put through thick and thin

But then a miracle happened, she healed, grew, and managed to live again

A year later, that little kitten is as healthy as she could be

A one-eyed devil whom we have named Moxie

She is big and hefty now, she even outweights our small dog

She steals all the pets food, man what a hog

As she meows at me and rolls around at my feet

I feel a burning inside and the sensation is quite sweet

I’ll never regret picking her up off of the road

Nor will I forget the lesson I learned from this episode

Mercy and compassion, the chapters of love

Never doubt or overlook, the gift from above

February 21, 2025 22:16

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