Christian Contemporary Fiction

Maxi shivered as she stood looking out her bedroom window. It was an unusually chilly but beautiful fall day in Topeka. I don't think it was this cold last year, she thought. "Who knows," she said aloud. At any rate, she was looking forward to her quiet teatime. "Meow."

Her Siamese cat made her entrance into the room. "Oh, Sapphire."

Just as Maxi scooped up her fur baby, the tea kettle screeched, causing Sapphire to leap onto the floor and scramble under the bed. "Silly cat," scoffed Maxi shaking her head.

She grabbed her favorite mug, with pink and purple butterflies and her favorite Jasmine teabag. As the tea was seeping, her mind wandered about her grandma. Dorothy Elms was a Christian woman who sang and played piano as often as she could. She never turned down an invitation to use her God given gifts whenever or wherever possible. Her first love was God. Her second love was her family. Her third love was tea. Maxi recalled a whole drawer in her grandma's kitchen, filled with different teas. Herbal, Chinese, Indian, oolong, white tea, black tea. You name it, she had it. When Maxi was 10, Dorothy set up a tea party for her and 3 friends. At first, Maxi was not on board, however, her mother talked her into it. "Why can't she just buy me something like other grandmas," she had asked. "Because, you're her only granddaughter and she desires to share something that means a lot to her with you. Just allow her this once. Besides, you just might enjoy it," her mom stated. She doubted but graciously accepted the invite. It was a Saturday afternoon and sunny. Dorothy had everything set up in the backyard, next to a small pond and under a pergola. Her well-manicured garden made you feel as if you were in a fairytale. It was AMAZING!! There were finger sandwiches, scones, and berries with cream. She even made cupcakes which were Maxi's favorite dessert. Even the tea was good! Her friends were impressed too. She was so proud of her grandma. Dorothy really displayed her love for her granddaughter in that moment. "I wish one of my grandmas would do this for me. This is so cool," her friend Jordan had said. "One grandma smokes and coughs all day and the other one eats and sleeps all day." They all laughed then and Maxi giggled at the memory of Jordan's statement. She was truly thankful for her grandma especially after hearing some of her friends quips about theirs. Her other friends Robin and Julia spoke of travelling grandmas and coffee drinking grandmas, (which there's nothing wrong with of course). She remembered hugging her grandmother tightly that day. " Thank you! I loved it and my friends loved it too!" Dorothy smiled, "It was my pleasure, Sweetheart." After that day, she would visit her grandmother often. Admiring the teacups and the kettle. Dorothy gave Maxi an appreciation of different cultures and tea rituals. It was more than just sipping a hot drink, she would say. While the tea seeps, these are moments of reflection and gratitude. A time to just relax and not be in a hurry. To appreciate where you are now and ponder where you are headed in life. Afterwards, Dorothy would sing hymns and play piano for Maxi who would join in to the delight of her grandma. There were stories of Dorothy's childhood and why she loves tea. Her mother introduced teatime to her. She had always wanted to pass the tradition on to her daughter, but she became mom to 3 sons, to which she laughed She had many tea dates with her grandma, and she put into practice what she learned from her. Theirs was a close bond for nearly 25 years. Her grandma saw her through EVERYTHING. Maxi confided in and received support in the best and most loving way possible with Dorothy. When she divorced, when she needed shelter, when she felt hopeless, her grandma was there to comfort her. Yet, also, when Maxi got the needed job promotion, remarried and closed on a new home, again there was Dorothy to cheer her on. The tea parties were personal but therapeutic and always appreciated. The kettle was always on.... until Dorothy became ill. Although strong and resilient, she was no match for pneumonia. She was 89 years young, just 2 days shy of 90. Maxi was devastated as she had planned a special tea party for her precious grandmother....in England no doubt. They were to leave a week after her 90th, with Dorothy as excited as a child at Christmas. She had made space in her drawer for the tea that she had hoped to bring back. Two years later, Maxi's heart still bleeds but the kettle brings warm memories and the comfort that her grandmother is singing in heaven. Dorothy's kettle, well Maxi's now, is a lovely beige ceramic pot with blue dragonflies carefully etched in movement as if chasing each other. The bible scripture, "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good," Psalm 34:8, is written in romantic font toward the bottom.

As Maxi, sat admiring the kettle and reminiscing, the sound of keys in the door jolted her back into the present. She had lost all track of time. "Oh, gosh! Dinner!" She jumped up grabbing the chicken that she had taken from the freezer hours before. She also turned the kettle on. "Hey, babe!" Evan bounced into the kitchen, kissing her on the forehead. "Hey! Sorry, hon! Dinner's a little behind." "No problem," he said grabbing a small bag of pretzels. As he sat at the table, the kettle screeched. Maxi grabbed a mug, (manly blue), and poured Evan a hot cup of Jasmine tea. He looked up and smiled. "Dorothy would be proud," he said while rubbing her protruding belly. "Our little lady is in for an incredible journey." Maxi laughed. "I wish grandma was here. She was the best. Little Dorothy will know everything about her. I will teach her all that was taught to me and one day, the kettle will be hers."

February 01, 2025 04:58

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