Wasted Vacation

Submitted into Contest #260 in response to: Write a story with a big twist.... view prompt

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Teens & Young Adult Mystery Fiction

My eyesight slowly faded in as if it were the beginning of a television show. I heard muffled screams and cheers surrounding me. I was hoping this was still a dream. It wasn’t.

My mom abruptly shook me as if she thought I was unconscious, or something. “We won! We won! We won!” she squealed repetitively. I glared at her half asleep. “The vacation we entered to win; we won!” She continued squealing. I had no recognition until she pulled out a brochure of the Dominican Republic.

I snapped out of my sedated state. I couldn’t believe it, we entered a contest to win an all expense paid 7-day vacation to the Dominican Republic, but I never had the least bit of hope we would’ve won. 

I hopped up and joined the celebration with my mom. “When do we leave?” I asked eagerly. My mom rolled out my suitcase fully packed and said, “Now!”

It all seemed like a daze, the car ride to the airport, the flight with extremely boring television shows, and the arrival to the Dominican Republic hotel. 

This place was beautiful; palm trees, tropical birds, tiki huts and a coconut scent in the air. I felt like I was watching an episode of the Travel Channel, the ones about those blissful destinations where a person would have to shell out half of his life savings just to visit; this was definitely one of those.

A man in a hibiscus-patterned shirt with the nametag ‘Simon’ escorted us to our hotel suite. As he opened the door, I felt like I was now watching one of those shows about the world’s top ten hotels; this was definitely one of those. It seemed more like an apartment than a hotel. There were hallways everywhere, modern furniture, and island-themed decors filling every crevice. 

As I explored the never-ending suite, I made a peculiar discovery. All the amenities were very up to date and brand new; yet, there was no television. The second Simon left I was complaining. “Mom, there’s no TV in this stupid place!” My mom gave me a stern glare. “We’re in the Dominican Republic on a dream vacation and you’re complaining that there’s no TV?!” I groaned as I walked into my own personal room. I plopped down on the waterbed feeling sloshing movements beneath me. 

I stared at the bare wall in front of me thinking of the TV that should be there. Contemplating all the new episodes I was going to miss, I furiously stomped out the door and down to the hotel lobby.

“Excuse me, do you not have TV or something?” I grimly asked the receptionist. She gave me the most bewildered look and mimicked me. “TV?” I was steaming at this point. “Um hello? Television!” She continued staring at me with a blank expression and I walked away before any more nonsense could exit her mouth.

As I was trudging through the lobby, I noticed there were no TV’s in the sitting areas. I felt like I was in the middle of nowhere much less a 5-star hotel. My mom was irritably standing in our hotel room’s doorway. I guess this wasn’t the best way to start a vacation. The absence of TV made me feel so alone.

“Devin, forget about TV. Let’s go down to the beach – the actual reason why we came here.” My mom said with a slight tone of attitude. I went in my TV-less room and changed into my bathing suit. Just being in there made me angry.

My mom and I shuffled our feet through the grainy sand as we arrived on the beach. This place was breathtaking; it made Clearwater Beach seem like a mediocre shore. 

I lay down on the cushioned beach chair and felt the sun’s rays baking me intensely. As I shut my eyes and tried to concentrate on tanning, I thought about how much better this would be if I were watching an episode of the Jersey Shore.

I turned to my mom and asked her for sunscreen, but when she didn’t respond, I figured she was sleeping. My curiosity overwhelmed me and my adventurous side dared me to explore the island. I had to find out the deal.

I successfully crept away from my mom while remaining silent. I increased my pace as I reached a tiki bar, usually filled with die-hard sports fans watching the game and screaming over interceptions, fumbles, and touchdowns. Instead, everyone just sat at their bar stool and kept to themselves. No TV, no music, no nothing. 

“Why isn’t the game on? No TV?” I asked. The bartender and customers all cocked their heads at me and had that same blank expression the receptionist had. I stood there for about 18 more seconds and stormed off. I was beginning to wonder if I was on a different planet. Who doesn’t know what a TV is?

I continued on my journey, still determined to find a TV. I walked about a mile across the crowded beach until I reached a bulky man selling umbrellas. “Excuse me sir, do you know where I can find a TV to watch around here?” I asked politely. The blank look appeared once again. “TV?” he repeated me. “I have never heard of such a thing.” My jaw dropped. “TV?! The box with moving pictures that has shows and movies?” I yelped. The man looked at me like I was insane. “Ma’am I think you’ve been in the sun for too long, you should go home and rest.” The man advised as he handed me a water bottle from his cooler, and rolled his cart away.

I stood there in utter disgust. I walked back to where my mom was tanning, but she was gone. I dreaded the yelling I was about to receive as I walked back to the suite.

I hesitantly opened the door. Sure enough there she was, looking furious. “Where the heck have you been?!” she screeched. “Uh...I got thirsty.” I answered, holding up the unopened water bottle. “Don’t lie to me, you were out looking for a stupid TV!” She caught me. I guiltily sighed and muttered a faint sorry as I walked to my room.

The next morning there was a faint knock at the door. It was Simon. “Morning everyone! How has this magnificent suite been treating you?” I looked at him with no expression. “What kind of 5-star hotel has no TV?” My mom glared at me as Simon chuckled and left.

I had never been more miserable – and I was on a dream vacation! I would sit in the room and stare at nothing, but the tropical-themed wallpaper and count how many palm trees were on it. 57. Boredom consumed me. Anyone would think on a tropical paradise vacation that would be the last emotion I would feel. But no, it was my one and only feeling.

Finally, it was day 7. The day we were leaving. My mom convinced me to at least enjoy today, so we decided to go on a boat. The captain looked oddly familiar, and I had a weird feeling about him. He had a familiar mischievous smile and a fake British accent. He greeted us as we boarded the boat.

I began inspecting the massive boat as I heard faint voices. I followed my ears to see where they were coming from. I ended up at a door where I was positive the voices were. I slightly slid the door ajar when saw a room full of men holding camera equipment. 

Their attention was fixed on about five screens. I forgot I was supposed to be quiet when I screamed “TV!” I sprinted towards them as I then noticed it was me that was on the screen. “What the…” Before I could finish my sentence the captain ran through the door. “Got ya! You’re on Trick Vacation!” The cameramen immediately had cameras, lights, and microphones in my face.

I stood there in shock and puzzlement. The captain removed his sunglasses and cap. It was Simon! I was about to strangle him when he began explaining the situation to me and the cameras in a TV host tone. 

“You’re on the reality show Trick Vacation! We took away all TV’s, and had actors play the part as hotel employees and vacationers all in a test to see if you could adapt without TV.” He paused for a moment. “You didn’t. We’ve been filming you secretly from day 1. If you learned how to enjoy this place without TV and adapted, you would’ve won $1000…but like I said, you didn’t. Sorry!” He sarcastically apologized.

I couldn’t believe it, not only was this all a trick, but I missed out on a once in a lifetime vacation and $1000 all because of TV! I began to feel a strong hatred towards TV. I stormed off the boat in tears. I will never watch TV again…what a wasted vacation.

July 25, 2024 22:21

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1 comment

Jason Basaraba
01:46 Aug 04, 2024

Yep that darn boob tube has wasted many a time


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