Shadows of the Past

Submitted into Contest #252 in response to: Start your story with a character being followed. ... view prompt


Fiction Mystery Suspense

The streets of Edmonton were eerily quiet as Liam walked home from the pub. The chill of the night air bit through his jacket, and he pulled it tighter around himself, quickening his pace. He couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw nothing but the empty street and the dim glow of streetlights. Yet, the sense of being followed persisted, gnawing at the edges of his mind.

Liam was a barman, known for his easy smile and ability to mix the perfect cocktail. His regulars loved him, but tonight, he felt a disquiet that had nothing to do with work. He turned a corner, hoping to see a familiar face or hear the comforting hum of a passing car, but the silence was oppressive. As he approached his apartment, the sensation of being pursued intensified.

"Just nerves," he muttered to himself, trying to dispel the anxiety. But deep down, he knew it was more than that. There was something off about tonight. He reached his building and fumbled with his keys, the metal jingling too loudly in the stillness. Finally, he unlocked the door and stepped inside, locking it firmly behind him. He leaned against it, taking a deep breath.

His phone buzzed, startling him. He pulled it out of his pocket and saw a text from his girlfriend, Sarah.

*Hey, just checking in. How was your night?*

Liam sighed, grateful for the distraction. He texted back quickly.

*Quiet, but weird. Feel like I'm being watched.*

The reply was almost immediate.

*That’s creepy. Maybe you should call the police?*

He considered it but dismissed the idea. He didn't want to seem paranoid. Instead, he decided to shake it off and went to bed, hoping a good night's sleep would clear his mind.


The next morning, Liam woke to the sound of his alarm and the faint smell of coffee. Sarah must have made some before she left for her early shift at the hospital. He stretched and checked his phone. Another message from Sarah.

*I hope you slept well. Call me if you need anything. Love you!*

He smiled, feeling a bit more at ease. But as he got ready for work, the unease from the previous night lingered. He tried to shake it off, but every time he glanced out the window, he half-expected to see someone standing there, watching him.

Liam arrived at the pub early, hoping the bustle of work would distract him. He threw himself into his tasks, greeting regulars and mixing drinks with his usual flair. Yet, every time the door opened, he couldn't help but glance up, looking for a face that didn't belong.

It was during a lull in the evening when he noticed her. A woman sitting at the far end of the bar, her eyes fixed on him. She had a calm, almost serene expression, but something about her gaze unnerved him. He approached her, putting on his best professional smile.

"Good evening. What can I get for you?"

She tilted her head slightly, studying him. "I'll have whatever you recommend, Liam."

The way she said his name sent a shiver down his spine. He hadn't told her his name. Trying to maintain his composure, he nodded and made her a gin and tonic, his go-to recommendation. He placed the drink in front of her, but she didn't touch it. Instead, she continued to watch him, her gaze unblinking.

"Do I know you?" he finally asked, unable to stand the silence.

She smiled, a slow, unsettling curve of her lips. "Not yet."

Before he could respond, a group of regulars walked in, calling for his attention. He glanced back at the woman, but she was gone, leaving the untouched drink behind. The rest of the night passed in a blur, but her presence lingered in his mind.


Over the next few days, Liam couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. He saw the woman everywhere—in the reflection of shop windows, in the crowd at the pub, even outside his apartment. She never approached him, just watched with that same unsettling smile.

One evening, after closing up the pub, he found a note tucked under his windshield wiper. The handwriting was elegant, almost old-fashioned.

*Be careful what you wish for.*

Liam's heart raced as he crumpled the note in his hand. He looked around, but the street was empty. He ran home, his mind racing with thoughts of who she could be and what she wanted.

That night, he couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about the note and the woman's enigmatic smile. His mind wandered back to a wish he had made years ago, a wish for something exciting to break the monotony of his life. He had been young and reckless, sitting in the very same pub, surrounded by the hum of conversations and the clinking of glasses. 

He remembered the moment vividly. He was talking to a friend, lamenting the predictability of his routine. "I just wish something exciting would happen, you know? Something to shake things up," he'd said, raising his glass in a mock toast to the universe. It was a careless wish, made without thought for the consequences.


The following morning, Liam decided to take action. He called Sarah and told her everything, from the feeling of being followed to the mysterious woman and the note.

"Do you think she's dangerous?" Sarah asked, concern evident in her voice.

"I don't know," Liam admitted. "But I can't keep living like this."

"Maybe you should go to the police."

He nodded, knowing she was right. After hanging up, he headed to the local precinct and reported the incidents. The officers took his statement seriously and promised to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity.

Feeling somewhat relieved, Liam returned to his routine, but the sense of being watched never truly left him. He started seeing the woman less frequently, but every time he did, it felt like a cold hand gripping his heart.


Weeks passed, and the sightings became less frequent. Liam began to relax, hoping that whatever strange obsession the woman had with him was over. But one night, as he walked home from the pub, he heard footsteps behind him.

He turned and saw her, standing under a streetlight, her face partially obscured by shadows. She took a step forward, and Liam's instinct told him to run. He turned and sprinted down the street, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He didn't stop until he reached his apartment and slammed the door behind him.

Leaning against the door, he felt a mix of fear and frustration. He couldn't keep living like this, always looking over his shoulder. He had to find a way to end this.


The next day, Liam decided to confront her. He went to the pub, hoping she would show up. Hours passed, and just as he was about to give up, she walked in. She took her usual seat at the far end of the bar, her eyes never leaving him.

Gathering his courage, Liam approached her. "Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?"

She smiled that same unsettling smile. "I wanted to meet you, Liam. You wished for excitement, and here I am."

His mind reeled. "What are you talking about?"

She leaned in, her voice a whisper. "Be careful what you wish for."

Liam's blood ran cold as he realized the truth. His reckless wish had somehow brought her into his life, a living embodiment of his desire for excitement. But this was no adventure; it was a nightmare.

"Leave me alone," he said, his voice trembling. "I don't want this anymore."

She stood up, her expression unreadable. "It's not that simple, Liam. You can't just undo a wish."

With that, she turned and walked out of the pub, leaving Liam standing there, his mind racing. He had wished for something more, but now he understood the true cost of his words.

As the days turned into weeks, Liam saw her less and less. The sense of being watched faded, replaced by a lingering unease. He had learned a valuable lesson about the power of wishes and the unpredictable consequences they could bring.

In the end, he found a new appreciation for his once-mundane life, grateful for the quiet moments and the simple pleasures. And though he never saw the woman again, her presence remained a shadow in his memory, a reminder to be careful what he wished for.

May 27, 2024 16:57

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Grace Mcnabola
16:25 Jun 07, 2024

We are rooting for Liam with his strange confrontation with this woman. Is she real or a figment of his imagination? Did she disappear only to reappear at a later date. Lots of questions, very engaging. You can feel his dispair.


Mark Parsons
23:03 Jun 07, 2024

Glad you enjoyed it, Grace!


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Helen A Smith
15:31 Jun 03, 2024

This is not over by the looks of it. Well written piece in which we get to care about the fate of the MC.


Mark Parsons
15:43 Jun 03, 2024

Thanks! Perhaps Liam and/or the mysterious woman will appear in a future prompt submission.


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Trudy Jas
13:55 Jun 02, 2024

Spooky. One wonders what might have been or is still to come. Welcome to Reedsy.


Mark Parsons
15:35 Jun 02, 2024



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