The Gift of a Quiet Morning

Submitted into Contest #261 in response to: Write a creative nonfiction piece about something you're grateful for.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Happy

In the frenetic pace of daily life, it's easy to overlook the moments of tranquility that offer respite from the chaos. One such moment I have grown to cherish deeply is the quiet morning. I'm grateful for the stillness of early hours, the peaceful interlude between the chaos of yesterday and the demands of today.

My appreciation for quiet mornings began during a particularly stressful period of my life. I was juggling a demanding job, personal obligations, and a relentless stream of physical issues that were on the rise. It seemed like there was never a moment to breathe. Then one day, I woke up early for the umpteenth time. My apartment was silent, apart from the sound of the fridge. The world outside was still cloaked in darkness. Instead of turning over and going back to sleep, I decided to get up and go out for a walk.

The first hints of dawn were just beginning to paint the sky with soft hues of pink and gold. The air was crisp and cool, carrying with it a sense of new beginnings. As I walked, I listened to the world waking up—birds beginning their morning song, the distant hum of a city slowly stirring to life. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated peace.

Since then, I have made it a point to carve out time for these quiet mornings. I set my alarm a little earlier, allowing myself to wake up before the rest of the world. I cherish the solitude and the freedom from the constant barrage of information and demands. It's a time to reflect, to gather my thoughts, and to prepare myself mentally and emotionally for the day ahead.

During these morning walks, I often find myself lost in thought, contemplating everything from the mundane to the profound. Sometimes, I think about my goals and dreams, reassessing my path and making plans for the future. Other times, I simply revel in the present moment, appreciating the beauty of the world around me. The simple act of watching the sunrise, of seeing the world bathed in the soft light of dawn, fills me with a sense of gratitude and wonder.

These moments of quiet have become a sanctuary for me. They remind me of the importance of slowing down, of taking time to appreciate the little things. In a world that is constantly demanding more—more productivity, more efficiency, more engagement—the quiet morning offers a precious counterbalance. It's a reminder that it's okay to pause, to breathe, and to simply be.

I remember one particular morning that stands out in my memory. It was late autumn, and the air had a sharp, invigorating chill. I had woken up even earlier than usual, unable to sleep. My apartment was enveloped in darkness. I pulled a cozy sweater over my head before making my way to the elevator and out of the apartment building.

Outside, the world was cloaked in a dense fog, the trees mere shadows against the gray expanse. As I walked, the fog began to lift, revealing the vibrant colors of the leaves—deep reds, oranges, and yellows, all glistening with dew. The transformation was magical, as if nature was slowly waking up and shaking off its slumber.

In that moment, I felt a deep connection to the natural world. I was reminded of the cycles of life, of the beauty in change and transition. The quiet morning had given me the space to reflect on these things, to find solace and inspiration in the simple act of observing the world around me.

Over time, I’ve come to realize that these morning walks are not just a luxury, but a necessity. They provide a much-needed balance to the demands of modern life. In a society that often values busyness and productivity above all else, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and burnt out. The quiet morning offers a counterpoint to this, a chance to slow down and recharge.

I’ve also discovered that these moments of tranquility can be incredibly inspiring. Some of my best ideas and insights have come to me during these early hours. Without the distractions of the day, my mind is free to wander, to explore new possibilities. It’s a time for brainstorming, for dreaming, and for planning.

One morning, as I was walking along a forest path, I decided I wanted to start writing again. I used to spend hours a day just writing down my thoughts or building my own worlds and characters. During the rest of that walk, I brainstormed story ideas, and now I am so happy that I am closing in on finishing my very first book.

In addition to fostering creativity, the quiet morning has also helped me to cultivate a sense of mindfulness. It’s a time to be fully present, to appreciate the here and now. I’ve started incorporating simple mindfulness practices into my morning routine—breathing exercises, meditation, and mental body scans. These practices have helped me to stay grounded and focused, to approach each thought and physical pain with a sense of calm and clarity.

My morning walks have also deepened my connection to nature. There’s something incredibly soothing about being outdoors in the early hours when the world is still and the air is fresh. I’ve watched the sunrise from hilltops, listened to the rustle of leaves in the wind, and marveled at the delicate beauty of frost-covered grass. These experiences have given me a greater appreciation for the natural world and its rhythms.

As the seasons change, so do my morning walks. Each season brings its own unique charm. In the spring, I revel in the sight of blooming flowers and the sound of birds singing. Summer mornings are filled with the warmth of the rising sun and the vibrant colors of the landscape. Autumn, with its crisp air and stunning foliage, is a time of reflection and transformation. Even winter, with its stark beauty and peaceful stillness, offers a sense of renewal.

No matter the season, the quiet morning remains a constant source of comfort and inspiration. It’s a time to reconnect with myself and the world around me, to find balance and perspective. It’s a reminder that, no matter how hectic life may become, there is always a moment of peace waiting to be discovered.

In the grand scheme of things, the quiet morning might seem like a small thing. But for me, it has become a cornerstone of my well-being. It’s a daily reminder to slow down, to be present, and to find joy in the simple moments. It’s a time for reflection, creativity, and gratitude. And in a world that often feels overwhelming, it’s a precious gift that I am deeply grateful for.

August 01, 2024 08:52

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M.D. Adler
12:41 Aug 08, 2024

Beautiful writing, it flows so smoothly and easily portrays your thoughts to the reader. Lovely!


Samantha Red
06:18 Aug 09, 2024

Thank you!


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Leah Braatz
09:48 Aug 06, 2024

Loved this! I'm a nature lover as well and you captured its essence beautifully!


Samantha Red
18:05 Aug 06, 2024

Thank you so much! I appreciate your comment.


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