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Fiction American Friendship

"C'mon it's not that hard. All you do is go in and present yourself to the director and that's it." Ben explained to his friend, Charlie.

Ben had been acting since time began and Charlie, who was always shy and quiet, wanted to try it but always too scared to try.

"I dunno Ben, I mean what if I goof up, or throw up or pee myself?" Charlie replied looking at the floor as if he were ashamed of himself. Ben smiled and put his arm around Charlie's small shoulders.

"Directors have seen it all, they're used to it. On the plus side, you aren't going in already with a list of demands like Miss Girly Queen of the Universe Pageant contestant. They like seeing fresh faces." Charlie looked at Ben, like a puppy looks after it's been scolded.

"But...but what if I don't get in the show?"

Ben hadn't thought about that but he had an answer. "Charles, we've been friends for how long now. You always keep putting things down without trying them. You have to start learning to say 'oh well' rather than 'what if'. Besides, I'll be there cheering for you every step of the way." There was silence as Charlie thought things over before announcing his decision.

"Ok, Ben I'll do it but can you help me prepare? I mean I don't know what to expect, do I need to bring anything." Charlie started working himself up.

"Charles, just relax. Yes, I'll help you. First off, dress comfortably. You'll see people there in sweats, t-shirts, something that is comfortable to them. Reason for that is sometimes you might have to do some movement and don't want to be restricted." Ben grinned. "Charlie boy, I am so proud of you for doing this!!"

The days went by and Ben and Charlie worked together to get Charlie prepared for his audition. Charlie was confident now and feeling the whole thing. "Ben, I...I can't..."

"Charlie, don't you dare tell me you can't do this!" Ben cautioned.

Charlie laughed. "No no, nothing like that, I...I want to say thank you. Thank you for working with me on this and prepping me. I don't know of anyone else who would have put up with this hot mess!"

"It's what friends do. They help others when they need it." Ben was speaking from the heart. "Now, you have your resume and headshot. They may not ask for those but sometimes you never know best to be prepared."

The two men drove to the theater where they were greeted by a small group of other men for the auditions, each one practicing their monologues and various lines from the show. Charlie froze unable to move. "N--no. nonononono! I..I can't that's...no!" He was glued to the car seat.

"You got this Charlie, I believe in you. Don't let these guys intimidate you. You're better than that" Charlie was refusing to move. It took Ben all his might to drag Charlie into the theater where the director had just unlocked the door to let the prospects in.

As they turned their resumes and headshots, the young lady who was accepting them smiled at them both and wished them the best of luck, and jotted down a couple of notes. Charlie sighed wearily.

The auctioneers all sat in the house of the theater as the director, who looked like he was about one foot in the grave, went over his procedures. "Today will be fairly easy. We'll have everyone read for Felix and Oscar, from there we will say who can leave and from there you will read with the women who are being considered for the Pidgeon sisters. If this your first time, break a leg. We've all had our first audition. You'll all be fine." Everyone applauded the elderly gentleman who took a seat behind a makeshift desk situated in the center of the house. He started calling out men two by two and each one read their scene. Charlie was feeling better, or at least he was until his name was called along with Ben. The butterflies had started up but he followed Ben up to the stage.

The director looked at their pics. "Ben, Charlie, welcome. Ben you'll read for Oscar and Charlie you'll be Felix. I trust you gentlemen know the story of 'The Odd Couple'." They both nodded. "Very well, open your scripts to page 47 starting with Felix saying 'That's funny isn't it Oscar' and go to the end of page 48. Anytime you're ready."

The two delivered their lines. Charlie began to doubt what was so hard about acting, he was having a blast with it. When the scene ended they thanked the director. Before they could go sit down the director looked at Charlie and said "Would you mind reading again for me? Ummm Adam, could you read Oscar, same scene." Ben hadn't prepped Charlie for this but he did as he was told. Adam, who looked like he was fresh out of high school, hopped up on the stage and shook Charlie's hand in a friendly manner. The two read and finished and both allowed to sit. By this time the director took the stage again. "Gentlemen thank you all, everyone was wonderful. This part I hate doing, if I call your name...thank you for your interest but we don't need you at this time." Looking at his clipboard of names he began to read.

Charlie whispered to Ben. "I think I'm going to be sick." Ben squeezed Charlie's hand.

"It's nerves, you'll be fine."

The director finished the list. Both Ben and Charlie made the cut!!

"Charlie!! Charlie you did it!! You made the call backs!!" Ben almost screamed. Charlie was perplexed.

"What does that mean?" He asked.

"It means they like you enough that you might, just might fit into the show somewhere!"

Charlie couldn't believe it! His first audition and he made it this far!! "Ben, thank you for believing in me and letting me come along with you." The two talked as the women entered for the roles of Cecily and Gwendolyn. One woman, who looked like a meek mouse softly asked Charlie. "M-may I sit here?"

Charlie looked up at her and smiled. "Sure, go ahead. I'm Charlie." He said as she took her seat.

"Oh hi I'm Joyce, this was my first audition." Charlie looked at her surprised.

"Really? Mine too. I just made the callbacks!" The two began to chat quietly as the process began again. This time a quartet of readers were called. Once everyone was finished the director took the stage, "Congrats to everyone who made the callbacks we have our cast. Good job to everyone! I encourage you to come back if you didn't make it this time." He began reading off the cast with 3 poker players, making a note that the role of Speed was now going to be a woman. "In the role of Cecily Pidgeon is Joyce Pettis!"

Joyce stood up and almost screamed. "Thank you, sir!!" She went down and got her script! When she got back she gave Charlie and Ben hugs. "Good luck you two!!" She said excitedly! He read off the other sister who did give much of a reaction.

"Now for our leads, for the role of Felix we have...Charlie Kaspurski!!" Charlie couldn't believe his ears!! "And in the rold of Oscar we have...Benjamin Walsh!" Both men stood and retrieved their scripts. "Rehearsals start Monday night at 7pm bring a pencil."

As everyone started to leave, Charlie couldn't help himself but to hug Ben tightly. "Thank you Ben, thank you for kicking my butt to do this!"

Ben chuckled. "Like I said it's what friends do. Now the fun begins! C'mon let's get something to celebrate!"

"Yeah sure Ben, on a minute." Charlie approached Joyce who was packing her script in her bag. "Umm hey, Ben and I were going to get some lunch, you...you want to join us?"

Joyce was surprised by the offer. "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot."

Ben, standing back and observing everything, realized his shy friend was now coming out of his shell.

January 23, 2021 04:52

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1 comment

Shayla Linden
19:05 Jan 30, 2021

I liked the story it was very uplifting and the character development felt natural as Charlie gained confidence. I was a bit confused with the beginning because I though they were already at the place to audition but then they got in the car to drive there. Also when the director asked Adam to do the scene with Charlie instead of ben the second time I thought that was foreshadowing that Ben wouldn't get a part and Charlie would. It would have added an element of drama to the end of the story by creating some conflict. Of course you can keep...


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