Suspense Fiction

Be careful what you wish for my darling Juliette. You overlooked me. You keep running from me. You wish for me to leave you alone. No, I cannot let that happen. I won't let it happen.

You are forever mine. I will get you my sweet Juliette to see it my way and only my way. My way is the right way. My darling Juliette, you will learn your lesson.

I'm watching you every day. I'm out here watching you. Where ever you go I'm there. I see you looking all over the place. You are scared.

I love that you are scared. It makes me happy. Oh my darling Juliette only if you knew what you did wrong then you wouldn't be so scared.

Run my Juliette. I still see you. I still see you looking over your shoulder but you won't see me. I'm invisible. Only God can see me.

Don't close your blinds. I still can see you. Your apartment is beautiful. You are beautiful but your soul is dark.

Your heart is dark and evil. Those around you are blind to who you are. Oh, my darling Juliette if only people knew the real you.

I only ever wanted to be your Romeo but you laughed in my face. You humiliated me. You broke my heart.

Now, I want to do much worse to you. I want you to feel the pain I feel and more. My darling Juliette, you will know first-hand my wrath.

My darling Juliette, I can see it in your eyes, fear. Fear is all around you. You just don't know how much fear there is. Soon you will.

My darling Juliette, I will haunt you until I break you down like how you broke me. I crave vengeance. My evil will be released on to you.

Sweet dreams my darling Juliette. Tomorrow is a brand-new day for fear. Tomorrow is a brand-new day for the evil in me to rise. Tomorrow is a brand-new day to see the fear in your eyes.

Good morning my sweet darling Juliette. I see you but you can't see me. I see you looking out the window. What are you looking for?

Oh, my Juliette, I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere. What does today bring for you my darling Juliette? Oh, so many plans. I don't know where to begin.

Black Roses for a black heart. I hope you love them. I pray the black roses scare you. I smile when the delivery guy gives you the box.

Oh, my darling Juliette, you are all smiles. But you won't be smiling when you open the box. Open it my darling Juliette. Yes, that's right, open it.

A scream that's music to my ears. I love seeing the fear in your eyes. No card my darling. I am the surprise you are waiting for. I am the evil you are waiting for.

I know you want to know who sent you the black roses. I'm not ready to reveal myself. In time I will. At this moment I'm not finished breaking you. More surprises are coming.

Dead Roses for a dead soul. That's what you are my darling Juliette. No one is going to help you. You can call your friends, family even the cops but no one is going to rescue you.

My darling Juliette, you are all alone and all mine. Here come the roses, the dead roses. I hope you like them.

Today, I won't follow you. I will wait for you to come home. I want you to look over your shoulder even when I'm not there. I want you to feel scared all the time knowing someone is always watching you.

I left the dead roses on your table. I see you threw the black roses in the garbage. I took them out for you and left them next to the dead roses. I hope you like the roses.

Oh, my sweet Juliette, you don't know the pleasure I take being this near to you without you knowing. Your apartment is beautiful. it doesn't match your dark soul.

Where are you my darling Juliette? It's late at night. I'm very disappointed in you. Do the guys you are with know what kind of woman you are?

My darling Juliette, you are a tease, a flirt. You are so many things I can't count. Do you do this with all the guys you are with or only a select few?

Do you pick the guys who have money and are good looking to be your pay toys? What was I to you? I was nothing to you. I was your clown.

I'm not your clown anymore. I am your evil shadow. I am your tormentor ready to get my vengeance on you.

You have finally come home and you are alone. Turn on the lights and see my surprise. Yes, that's it my darling Juliette. Look all around your apartment. No one is in your apartment.

I love that scream of yours. Call whoever you want. They won't make a difference. I'm still here. I will forever be here, your evil shadow. More surprises are coming.

A dead rat for the heart of a rat. This present is a special one for you. Your heart is as small and black as a rat. I hope you like it.

This is the best present I have to give you. I will wait until you are all alone. I love when you are alone and vulnerable. It makes my job that much easier.

My poor, poor, poor, Juliette, the cops are not taking you seriously. Why is that? This is just too funny. They leave without help you. I love it.

Oh, how sweet my Juliette how your friends are comforting you. What are your friends going to do for you? The answer is nothing. Tomorrow they will be gone.

It is tomorrow and your friends are gone. Time to send my gift. I can't wait to see your reaction. I know my reaction will be a happy one.

You don't want my gift. You want to break my heart again. Take the gift and open it. I want to see your fear. Do it my darling. Open your gift. I love your scream.

Where are you going now? Don't you know I will find you. My darling Juliette you are my obsession. I want to pay you back for hurting me.

Running away will Only make things difficult for you. Be careful my Juliette your evil shadow will always be with you. Where ever you go I will follow.

I will follow you and bring more surprises. Nowhere is safe. This is only the beginning. I will break you down until you are a shadow of your former self. I am coming for you,

May 29, 2024 21:09

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