
A card adorned with flowers and a golden wax seal:

“Dearest Licht,

“Thank you very much for the flowers! They are lovely, and smell so sweet. How did you know hydrangeas were my favorite? I don’t recall ever telling you. Of course, I do tell you a lot of things, so I suppose it would not be odd if it slipped my mind! I do not have much time right now, and I do apologize for not having the time to take you into town and show you around. The palace has kept me as busy as a bee! I do have next Saturday off, so how about we go then? I’ll meet you in my favorite place in the garden. If you can remember without a hint, I’ll buy you something sweet! I know how you enjoy sweets. Anyway, I hope I can see you soon, and thank you again for the flowers!”



A plain piece of parchment haphazardly folded to resemble a card with a red wax seal:


“You’re welcome.”


A card adorned with pictures of cake slices and a golden wax seal:

“Dearest Licht,

“Thank you for allowing me to show you around town. It was an absolute pleasure. I can’t help but smile when I remember your quickness to assist those children who had gotten separated from their father. That was so sweet of you! I know you would be embarrassed to hear me say that, and I can imagine your face might look a little annoyed while reading this. But then again, does your face ever change from that stoic expression? How about next time we have a tea party with Claus? I promise there will be plenty of sweets! Oh! I forgot to buy you some when we went out, didn’t I? It must have slipped my mind in all the chaos. I’m so sorry! Anyway, Claus and I will set it up, and we’ll have a servant let you know when it will be. Thanks again for the ride around town. It was fun!”



A plain piece of parchment haphazardly folded to resemble a card with a red wax seal:


“You’re welcome.”


A pink card with a golden wax seal:

“Dearest Licht,

“Thank you for the chocolates after the tea party. They are delicious! I wonder, however, why didn’t you share them with Claus, too? Were they just for me? Ah, what am I writing, of course not. You don’t usually share treats with anyone other than Claus. I know I’m new to this whole “princess” thing, but you princes ought to spend more time with your other brothers, too. I’m sure you would all enjoy it, even if your face never showed it. By the way, I thought I heard something from one of the paths in the garden Samuel told me not to go down. Is that not where the old palace ruins are? Maybe I shouldn’t ask… Anyway, thank you again for the chocolates and I hope I can see you at the ball next weekend.”



A plain piece of parchment haphazardly folded to resemble a card with a red wax seal:


“You’re welcome.”


A floral-smelling card with a golden wax seal:

“Dearest Licht,

“Thank you so much for the dance at the ball! I was so surprised to see you there, considering all the other princes said you never go to them. I wonder why that is? Or perhaps the better question is why did you go to this one? Remember afterward, when we went a few steps down the forbidden path, just the two of us? Why did you take me there? And when Samuel found us and scolded us, why did you lie to him? Have you lied to him before? …have you lied to me? Never mind. Thank you for the dance at the ball, again. I had a great time. It was wonderful to be with you!”



A plain piece of parchment haphazardly folded to resemble a card with a red wax seal:


“You’re welcome.”


A red card with a golden wax seal:

“Dearest Licht,

“Thank you for your time the other day. It was fun to walk around the back garden with you. Though I’m sad Samuel stopped us before we could go back down that walking path to the old, run-down palace. I want to see it! Promise me you’ll take me there one of these days. It’ll be an adventure. Samuel said it wouldn’t be safe, but with you by my side, I’ll always be safe. Let’s plan it later, over tea. How does next Thursday sound? Oh! And do NOT forget about the next ball on the Saturday after that. I hope to see you there and dance with you again. Thank you again for walking in the garden with me, and I hope you have a wonderful day, as always.”



A plain piece of parchment haphazardly folded to resemble a card with a red wax seal:


“You’re welcome.”


A light green card with a golden wax seal:

“Dear Licht,

“Thank you for meeting with me the other day, and for the flowers you sent after. How did you know hydrangeas are my favorite? Wait, that feels familiar. I could have told you that already, I suppose. Though, my memory hasn’t been doing well lately. I’m young and spry, as the servants say, so I should be fine. Anyway, I know we can’t spill the contents of our conversation like you said, so I will just say thank you. I can’t wait until we go there, into the… “town,” I suppose we’ll call it. Though this letter may make people think twice, won’t it? Maybe you should burn this after you read it… Anyway, if that’s the case, then to the old palace we go! I’ll see you in the garden by the forbidden path tomorrow night. Thank you.”



A plain piece of parchment haphazardly folded to resemble a card with a red wax seal:


“You’re welcome.”


A torn up card found in the forest:

“Please, someone help me. My name is Princess Emma, and I’m trapped at the old palace. I attempted to escape from Prince Licht, and made it approximately halfway back, but I can hear him calling for me. If anyone finds this, please-”

A tear-stained piece of parchment:


“I hate you.”


A bloody piece of parchment haphazardly folded to resemble a card with a red wax seal:


“You’re welcome.”


July 29, 2024 01:41

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Rose Willows
13:25 Aug 04, 2024

Oh wow. That is not where I saw that going!


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Sara M
22:02 Aug 06, 2024

Horrifying! I thought he was some kind of extreme Mr Darcy type for a while...the end was shocking!


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