Christmas Drama Sad

I sat in my seat quietly as i was only 12 and didn't know much about what had happened. The grownups always kept us kids in the dark, thinking we are too young to know the truth, but the thing was i already knew everything about Tinna.

Tinna is my older sister she was the friendly, caring one she knew how to make someone's day, but she was gone now and as much as i wanted her to come back she wasn't going to.

This Christmas dinner was quite, we all sat in our seats waiting for the chefs to bring the food to our table.

I remember when Christmas used to be fun, Aunt Jenny and aunt Carol would sit in front of eachother face to face, while i was told to sit next to kevin and maddie. Mom and dad would sit in between aunt Carol and I, us kids were always told to sit together and give eachother company. We would always laugh and play with our foods and our parents would have to force us to eat the vegetables, but tonight was different, tonight no one spoke a word, we all sat in silence as we ate our Christmas dinner.

Not a single sound came out of anyones mouth, the only thing Heard was the silverware scratching on the plates as we ate.

"Dinner is nice. Right?" I questioned as I stared at everyones face one by one. My eyes shifted from one frown to another. They all acted as if they didnt hear me. I bent my head down facing my food as tears dropped from my eyes and on to my plate.

I had enough of this I thought to myself.

I pushed my chair back and got on my feet.

"What is wrong with you guys?" I yelled while my hands rolled up in fists.

"Why can't you guys be happy for her?" I said as all eyes shifted on me. The shock on my aunts faces was enough for me to realise what i was doing.

but i couldn't back out now. I had enough of them hating on her for no reason.

"You guys kicked her out only because she didn't want to follow in your foot steps and chose her own path, she chose to follow her own dreams. You guys should be proud of her, not moarning for her like she is dead! Christmas used to be fun now it feels like im sitting on a table with complete strangers!" I yelled as i kicked the ground and ran out the door.

My vision was blurry from the tears gathering in my eyes. All i saw was my parents look of disappointment as I ran to my room and fell on my bed crying. I wish things could go back to the way they were. Or mom and dad could just accept and believe in Tinna. I thought to myself as i wiped away my tears and took the picture frame off my bedside table of me and Tinna standing in the snow together. I stared at it for a while, as if I stared at it long enough she would come back.

I took her picture out of the frame and put it in my pocket, i grabbbed my piggy bank and smashed it on the ground. 45...50..57..60$. i had 60$ in total. It was enough for me to get a ticket to south Carolina right? I questioned myself. I grabbed the money put it in my pocket and dashed for the door. I ran and ran till I reached the train station and waited for it then sat in my usual spot.

My spot was the same as always it was near the window, the third row from the second door. Tinna and I sat there everytime we would visit our uncle. He was the only one who understood Tinna and allowed her to live with him when mom and dad kicked her out. I sat in my seat and stared out the window crying. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up I was already there. I remembered uncle Josh's house because we would go every Christmas morning.

I knocked on the door and saw Tinna she hugged me and I began to cry again as I told her everything.

"You shouldn't have come alone. Do you know how dangerous it is?" She began to scold me as we hugged and talked for hours. "Well i told your parents you are here. They will be coming soon." Uncle josh said as he picked me up in his arms and continued," you are a brave girl you know that. No one would have the strength to come on a train alone, specially at the age of 12." I giggled as Tinna and uncle Josh set up the blankets and pillows for me to sleep.

The next morning we heard a knock on the door after a while and went to open it. Everyone was standing by the door, aunt Carol and aunt Jenny along with maddie and kevin. Mom and dad were standing in the back with a look of guilt in their eyes.

"We're sorry Ruby." they said in unison and walked in.

"We were too busy being upset about Tinna that we totally neglected your feelings." Said dad as he picked me up and sat me on his lap.

"We should have known that you were going through alot too." Added mom as she hugged me.

Aunt Carol and aunt Jenny sat next to mom on the bed and began to pat me on my back.

"You are right Ruby, and we are sorry. We should accept that Tinna is happy in the field she chose, English literature. We should be happy for her too." Aunt Carol said as she looked up towards tinna who had the biggest smile on her face.

"Since you all are already here. Why dont you guys just spend Christmas dinner here?" Uncle josh said.

Everyone agreed and That night we all feasted as a happy family again. Mom and dad even begged Tinna to come home again and she was as happy as we all were.

July 02, 2021 10:16

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Nimra Rasheed
16:47 Jul 06, 2021

Good job👍hope you win this ❤️


Watsapp Status
16:46 Jul 09, 2021



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Amna Ali
15:40 Jul 06, 2021



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16:46 Jul 09, 2021



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Fizza Zaidi
15:16 Jul 06, 2021

I want more stories like this😍


Watsapp Status
16:47 Jul 09, 2021

Thanks i will write some soon


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Fizza Zaidi
15:16 Jul 06, 2021

I like it😍


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Fizza Zaidi
15:15 Jul 06, 2021

Such a beautiful story.💝


Watsapp Status
16:47 Jul 09, 2021

Thanks 🥺❤️


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Kainat Asif
15:11 Jul 06, 2021



Huzzy Rajput
16:05 Jul 06, 2021

Done 😉


Watsapp Status
16:47 Jul 09, 2021



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Watsapp Status
16:47 Jul 09, 2021

Thanks soo much ❤️🥺


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