
When you go to the library, you expect a quiet, sweet, old lady, right? Or at least your librarian is always a woman. I don’t know why, but my librarian must always be a woman. She’s my go to when I desperately need a book and I don’t know what it is. But my librarian always knows what I need; somehow she just knows. 

So when I went to the library on Tuesday after work, really in need of a book, I was shocked not to find Susan, or Nancy, or even Gina who works part-time, but this Derek character. Yes, he’s talk, dark and handsome, but I need a librarian, not the love interest in my romance novel. And then, when I stood in front of the help desk in confusion, he asked in a deep, sultry voice, “can I help you?”

“No, you cannot,” I said, and fled to the stacks.

My day was ruined. I was stressed and in a state of agitation, and now I had to find my library book by myself. For an hour I had to stumble between the shelves until the warning sounded that the library would be closing in thirty minutes. Finally, I gave in and picked up one of the amazing books that Nancy and picked out for me a month ago. 

As I made my way past the help desk, I could not help but notice Derek was charming some other female patron. I rolled my eyes. Is this what the library was turning into?

A week later I returned to the library. The book I picked was fine, but it did not deliver what I needed since I knew what was going to happen. I was hoping again to find Susan, Nancy, Gina, or even Shirley, who I admit has questionable taste, but no, standing 6’2” like a movie star was Derek. 

“Hi,” he said with a smile. 

‘Don’t try to charm me,’ I thought.

“Can I help you?”

“No, you cannot,” I said and walked straight over to the stacks again and resumed my futile attempt at finding a new book. This time I settled on a debut novel of a new author that was supposed to be the next big thing, based on reviews. I took my usual path to the checkout, passing Derek at his un-earned post. This time two teenage girls were fawning over him. ‘Mothers,’ I thought, ‘hide your daughters from that male librarian.’ The way they giggled and hung on to his every word confirmed my suspicions that they were up to no good. 

By Friday, I was back at the library again. The new author had no business writing the novel that I read. I could not get past chapter one. I tossed the book in the book return and went to see if one of my beloved regular librarians was on duty. But no, the desk was empty. I waited and waited, until finally I could hear a young woman's giggle followed by a deep male voice. I knew that voice, and that giggle did not sound innocent. I followed the sounds of the two offenders walking into the part of the stacks where the classics were kept as an easy reference for students. There I beheld Linda’s daughter, Sam, rosy cheeked looking up at Derek. He looked a little flushed as well. He ran his fingers through his hair, which even made me blush. I gathered myself and cleared my throat, causing the two deviants to straighten up. 

“Ma’am,” Derek called out, “I’ll be with you in just a second.”

‘Don’t bother,’ I thought as I set a reminder to call Linda that night and let her know her daughter is in danger of that predator, the male librarian. 

The next week to my relief I saw Nancy at the help desk of the library. I wanted to run up to her and hug her, but I knew I would weep if I did so, and I wasn’t wearing my waterproof makeup, so I controlled myself. 

“Nancy, I am so happy to see you. Where have you been these past few weeks, I’ve missed you terribly.”

“Oh,” said the elderly woman, “Charles is ill. We learned a few weeks ago that he has stage four cancer. Derek, offered to take my shifts so I could spend some more time with him. Have you met Derek? He’s such a wonderful young man.”

“He’s okay,” I said, “but no one provides book recommendation like you.”

“Oh dear, you are mistaken. You see, Derek is our Senior Director. He keeps us little old ladies up with the times. In fact, the last three books I recommended to you were suggestions that came from Derek himself.”

“Oh really,” I said, tempering my shock by biting my lip.

“And actually, I made sure to hold this book especially for you since I knew today was your usual day. We’re not supposed to do that, but that can be our little secret,” she said, sliding a light blue book over the counter to me. 

I looked at the cover. It was appealing and the title read ‘Forty and Eligible’, my interest was piqued. 

Nancy sighed, “that may be the best book I can recommend for a while.”

“Why are things getting worse for your husband?”

“No, not for me, but for poor Derek. Someone reported him for indecency at the library. That’s why I am working today instead of spending time with Charlie. The library has been short-staffed since Susan retired, and both Gina and Shirley are unable to work evenings. Who ever accused Derek of indecency should be ashamed.”

“Isn’t that jumping to conclusions?” I said, hiding my face in the book. 

“Hmph, I guess. But we do have cameras everywhere. They will exonerate him. Well enough of my gossip. I hope you enjoy the book. Derek believes it will win an award this year.”

Nancy turned to help another patron and I skipped away to the check out. I was stuck with Derek’s book, but I figured I would read it, this time with a more critical eye, to better understand what Derek’s taste was really like instead of under the belief that it was a recommendation from Nancy. When I got to my car, I took a peak at the first chapter. I then devoured six more chapters until I realized an hour had past. I sighed, finding myself wanting to read more, but I closed the book. I put the car in drive and shook my head. I couldn't believe it. That male model was good at picking books. 

April 16, 2022 10:46

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Dave Bede
10:23 Apr 30, 2022

I really like how you keep in play that Derek may have really been out of line with the girl. It's a bit frustrating to the reader, but then it would have been taking the easy way out if you'd resolved it right away. Very engaging from start to finish! Nice job.


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L.M. Lydon
15:30 Apr 23, 2022

I like that the main character had to rethink her bias and acknowledge Derek's ability at making recommendations, but I hope that the erroneous report doesn't cause her (or Derek) too much trouble!


Allya Nosmada
18:52 Apr 23, 2022

Exactly! ;)


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Jeannette Miller
15:12 Apr 23, 2022

Can't judge a book by its cover :) I really like the premise and your character's judgement of the male librarian. The transition was a bit abrupt but overall, well done!


Allya Nosmada
18:47 Apr 23, 2022

Thanks for the feedback. :) I have a tendency to rush my short stories. I'm always fearful of dragging things out too much and boring the audience.


Jeannette Miller
15:49 Apr 26, 2022

Ah, I get it. Nothing boring here :) You're doing great!


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