Double Edged Sword

Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Write about a character who is allergic to heat.... view prompt


Fiction Science Fiction Teens & Young Adult

Containment breach…Containment breach…Seal all doors…

The sirens above blared incessantly. I backed away from my door, person after person flying by the little plate glass window set into it. It was like a tiny movie, each character falling deeper into madness as the monotone voice overhead screeched at them over and over and over…

Lockdown initiated…Starting cooling sequence…In 3, 2, 1…

Then the already frigid air around me cooled even more, making my fingers and toes tingle.

Oh joy.

I let out a sigh and sunk down onto my bed, wrapping the thin sheet around me in an attempt to warm up a bit. But it was no use. My breath began to come out in cloudy little puffs that hung in the air, floating upward and dissipating slowly. 

“Hurry up and plug the breach!” Someone bellowed outside my door. “We don't have all day!”

Frost began to crawl up the metal door, fingers of ice creeping toward the little glass window. I thought they were overdoing it, but I didn't remember the last time there was a breach, even though I had the scars to prove it. That doesn't mean they didn't drill the importance of “staying cool” into me every day of my life. Not that I cared, honestly. 

I shivered, pulling my knees to my chest. Goosebumps rose on my skin, my hairs standing on end as more cold air hissed into my room through the vents above. They were definitely overdoing it.

“We’re going to have to move her, Sargent,” a woman I recognized as Astra said, her voice strained. 

“Get the suit, we’ll take her to the inner chamber,” the Sargent answered. 

Oh great, not him.

My door burst open and a large man with a bald head and a red beard stomped in. He shuffled over to me and yanked the sheet off of me, beginning to force me into a freezing cold white suit.

“Morning, Sargent Jerkface,” I grumbled, wincing as he zipped some of my hair up in the back of the cold suit. 

“That’s Sargent Jefferies to you,” he snapped, pulling the hood over my head roughly. “I don't know how many times I have to tell you.”

“Charming as ever, I see,” I muttered. “Is this all really necessary?”

“Of course it’s necessary, Ren” Astra said from the doorway, her brows furrowed. “We must keep you safe at all costs.”

“You're not fooling anyone,” I spat at her as Sargent Jerkface dragged me out of the room and down the hall. “You don't care about me, you’re just in this for yourself.”

“Enough of your pity party,” Jerkface said, shoving me forward so hard I nearly fell. 

I caught myself on the frosty white wall, my feet slipping on the ice-rink of a hallway. I threw a glare behind me at Jerkface and Astra, but only Jerkface returned the gesture. Astra looked pained and worried, her face a carefully curated mask to hopefully keep me on her side. But I knew her kind. I knew what she really wanted. She wasn't the first guard to reel me in with special treatment. Meals warmed more than room temperature, an extra bed sheet, a lukewarm shower. But they all ended up the same.

And I know it seems like I’m being harsh. I should be grateful that they are whisking me away to keep me safe, right? But my answer to that is simple. They don't want to help me. They want to use me.

“Open the inner chamber!” Jerkface called ahead to the two guards stationed at the end of the hallway. 

I pulled at the metal cuff around my wrist, scratching underneath it.

These things are so damn itchy.

The cuff beeped loudly, lighting up bright red for all to see. Jerkface closed in on me and grabbed me by the arm, spinning me to face him. His eyes bulged with anger as he looked down at the cuffs on my wrists, his face just as red as the one I’d aggravated.

“Leave those alone,” He growled, swatting my hand away as I tried to itch at the left one this time. 

“Then take them off,” I shot back, banging the cuff on the wall. I knew they wouldn't break, but the look on his face was reward enough. “You know, if you'd crack a smile every once in a while, people would actually want to be friends with you.” I continued with a grin.

Jerkface fumed, but whatever he was about to say was cut off as the sirens blared even louder.

Containment breach…Critical temperature increase imminent…

“You earned those cuffs when you tried your little tricks on Sargent Kent last week.” Jerkface spun me around and shoved me through the door to the inner chamber, slamming the door behind me. “And I have plenty of friends,” he yelled from the hallway. Then his footsteps stomped away and I was left alone.

I shivered in the circular white room, staring around at the impossibly boring walls. I was alone. But what was new? I was always alone. Every kid here either failed their ability test and was sent away, or passed and made it beyond the training center. But me? I’m stuck here. And to make matters worse, I was moved to my own unit entirely. No other kids, just guards, guards, and more guards. At least I didn't have to see the failed subjects dragged out kicking and screaming anymore. But I do miss seeing people in passing. 

And yes, I did pass my ability test. Years ago. And with flying colors, actually. I’m the best kid they’d ever made, at least that’s what Dr. Sandborne said. But there’s just one little thing. Inconsequential, really…

Breach contained…Breach contained…Resume normal activity…

Perfect, now I could go back to my room. Right? I'd never been in the inner chamber before, but I really hoped I could leave soon. The mattress was so thin, and there wasn't even a sheet. Just a single, lone pillow sitting crumpled on the bed. I pressed my ear to the crack in the solid metal door, hoping to hear the guards on the other side. I could hear the faintest whisper of a conversation, one voice familiar, and the other new.

“Why do we have to keep her in there?” The new guard asked. “And why the hell is it so cold in this unit?”

“Ren is a…” the other guard I recognized as Hanes paused for a moment. “Special case.” I could hear the smirk in his voice. 

“I thought she was the most powerful one here, how is it that she can't tolerate when the door seal rips?” the new guard replied, his tone skeptical.

“Well, she is definitely Dr. Sandborne’s best one, but—”

“Sargent Hanes, bring Ren back to her room please,” I heard Astra say, her voice barely recognizable through the thick inner chamber door.

It’s about time.

I thought my room was miserable, but this stupid chamber made it seem like an oasis. The door hissed as it slowly creaked open, the air from the hallway like a warm embrace, though I could still see my breath. Both Hanes and the new guard walked me back to my room, the new guard stealing confused sidelong glances at me the whole time. 

“Take a picture, why don't you?” I snapped, itching at the cuff bracelets again. “Can someone take these off please?”

“Not until you can prove that you won't attack anyone else,” Hanes said, unzipping the back of the cold suit as I stood in my doorway. “Then maybe we can talk.”

“That guard had it coming,” I said, ripping my arms and legs out of the suit and hurling it at the new guard. “He tried to cut my hair.”

“He was gathering a DNA sample for Dr Sandborne,” Astra said, ushering me gently into my room. “We’ve told you this.”

“He didn't even ask!” I snapped back, shoving her away from me. “Just because Sandborne grew me in some tube, doesn't mean everyone here can treat me however they please.”

“Ren, you need to calm down,” Astra said, holding her hands up with her palms out. “Would you like me to get you an extra sheet? I’m sure the drop in temperature wasn't pleasant.”

“Just get out, all of you,” I said, reaching over and grabbing the wooden water cup from the table beside my bed. I threw it at her, the weight of it dangerous now that it was filled with a frozen block of ice. “I said go!”

All three guards backed out of my room and Hanes slammed the door behind them. I let out a frustrated roar and kicked the wall, my foot singing with pain. I hated it here. I hated all of the guards and Dr Sandborne and all of the other kids who passed their ability tests. I even envied the kids who failed. Any place would be better than here. But no, I had to be the most blessed and cursed creation to ever exist here. A girl who can manipulate gravity itself, but is deathly allergic to heat. Stupid, right?

August 09, 2024 02:25

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Jack Stokes
15:00 Aug 16, 2024

Abby, I'm ready for the rest of the book ! Great descriptions of the institution and its harshness. I felt the lack of human touch, or lack of love as depicted. I read this as the beginning of a journey for Ren. It left me wanting to know the final destiny. The story has growth potential just like it's well described main character, Ren. You do a great job of creating curiosity for the next paragraphs! Well-written. I like how you started, jumping right into the action, also. David


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05:31 Aug 17, 2024

The story feels incomplete.


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