Drama Fiction Sad

I was hooked on his dance moves first, he always made me get into his groove and start to move. I was obsessed with the way he moved his body, my soul he possessed his actions often remembered when I undressed. I then moved onto his eyes and was once again, a drooling, smitten kitten. You know what they say about good dancers don’t you I certainly couldn’t stop thinking and imagining it. The only trouble was he was my best friend’s new beau and beautiful though he was, he wasn’t mine. Right there and then I decided he was going to be mine and the beginnings of my demise began.

I could not stand seeing the two of them together but to get to

him I had to keep Sandra around. That was hard to do when she had the same

problem as me, we were both obsessed with Tim. I have a feeling he and she knew

but chose to deny it, I don’t think they knew the full extent of my infatuation,

and even at the time, if I did, to be fair.

I found out his schedule from Sandra’s whispered phone calls,

she never used to whisper, she knew something was up she must have, but she’s

never addressed the issue with me, the proverbial elephant in the room. I found

it easy to learn when he was dancing, playing football, bowling or table tennis.

His mates never had a problem telling me if I didn’t get the information from

Sandra. He was a fitness fanatic; I suppose along with his mother that’s what

made that fantastic body. The body I was soon going to be licking all over. I

digress, I’m suddenly in a bedroom or a shower, either will do. I snap myself

back to reality, I must keep a steady head. I need to bide my time.

I suddenly took a keen interest in certain activities; Sandra

was bemused by my sudden uptake of sporty stuff. I told her I just did not want

to pile on the pounds like her, and delighted in the drop of her head, feeding

the darkness in me with each dig. My once beloved friend I watched slowly move

away from me bit by bit. I didn’t care, she was only still here at all, so I

could keep tabs on Tim, soon as he became mine, she would no longer be part of

my world.

I started sneaking photographs she had of her and Tim just one

now and again, she had an endless supply. I was making a space to keep a record

of me and Tim and all our firsts. The first time we kissed and so on. I did

have to cut Sandra out and paste me in, but I completely forgot that fact when

the finished product was under my pillow. We looked perfect together.

Poor Sandra stopped taking photographs as often as she used to

as she kept breaking out in some nasty rash and had swollen eyes and lips. Her

allergy returned on and off, but she never figured out what was causing it. I

could, in fact I knew, I was injecting the very substance she was allergic to

into her cream and watched with a smile as she slathered it all over her

precious to Tim’s face.

Stupid bitch kept asking my advice.

“Kelly, look at the state of me, what am I going to do?”

“Sandra, what are you talking about? You’re gorgeous.”

“Are you blind? I’ll lose Tim if this keeps up.”

“Don’t be silly, you know Tim is crazy about you, a little rash is not going to make Tim go away.

I had to stop myself from laughing out loud, as that was the plan. I told her she may be allergic to something in the pill, and she better stop taking it for a while until she got her doctor to check it out. I then had to listen to her go on and on about how she’d have to curtail her sexual activities with Tim, I already knew that. She was terrified of getting pregnant, we were once on holiday and she wouldn’t get in the pool after we spotted a couple making love, afraid something would be still in the water. Good old Catholic Ireland, still working that guilt complex to this day.

I am getting a makeover it’s been three weeks and Kelly hasn’t

heard anything back from the doctor, her and Tim have stopped all bedroom antics.

I must look my best; I’m hoping a virile young man will be just ripe for

picking. He has no idea just how close me and Sandra once were as he never sees

us together now. So that will be one moral dilemma solved for him. It’s not as

if he's cheating on her with her best friend, not anymore.

Sandra was not the stupid bitch I thought she was. She knew straight away when she got the results from the doctor what had happened. The resounding slap she landed on me when I was supposed to meet Tim I deserved. The pulling of the hair, the scratching of my face I asked for. Tim had also told her that he’d felt uneasy around me for a while. He told her about our prearranged date and told her he wasn’t happy meeting me on my own. That’s all she needed to seal the deal. She knew exactly what I’d been up to and why. My disgrace now written all over my face. The words that came out of her mouth I never knew she had it in her. She quite impressed me, I even started to like her again.

The tablets are now the beginning of my end. I lay them out on the table and relish the dryness of each one. As I swallow each pill, I imagine him dancing for me still. His every action lured, he never had to say a word.


July 16, 2024 15:33

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Maria Wickens
07:14 Jul 26, 2024

I second that wow! I was on the edge of my seat. Although its quite high drama it still felt grounded to me. Little details like being afraid to get in the swimming pool helped keep that balance between crazy obsessive narrator and real world. I liked how you showed how she snapped back to reality and find herself in the bedroom and the shower which showed how she was really delusional. It seemed authentic to me anyway. I wasn't expecting Tim to be honest and tell Sandra what was going on so that was a nice surprise. And a great dancer....


08:48 Jul 26, 2024

ah thanks for the read Maria and a great comment glad you enjoyed it have a great day cheers x


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Alexis Araneta
16:20 Jul 16, 2024

Wow ! That was intense. I love the creativity you took with this. Well, serves Kelly right for trying to steal his friend's boyfriend. Hahahaha !


17:50 Jul 16, 2024

ah thanks Alexis you are kind cheers for reading x


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