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American Fiction Inspirational

“Right…You manage an office furniture store in Omaha and you’re single.” she said sarcastically while rolling her eyes, “Uh yeah, and I’m an heiress, soon to be worth over a billion dollars.”

They were sitting in a suburban hotel bar, identical to hundreds of other suburban hotel bars across the country. There were two red leather bar stools between them.

“But it’s true” he said, “Just what is so unbelievable about that? I’m here for a convention. How about if I buy you a drink and I will try and convince you?”

“I’ll be right back. I’ll take a rum and Diet Coke, please.”

When she returned from her bathroom break, she sat on the barstool next to him. “What are you doing all the way down here in Nashville, Mr. office furniture salesman.”

“Jerry” he said with a smile, “and what’s your name?”

“Jenny. Thanks for the drink.”        

They continued with small talk as they sipped on their drinks.

“So what’s your story…really,” he asked.

I told you. I am an heiress, or I will be when my daddy dies, I’m not sure which of those is correct. Have you ever heard of Carello Yellow? It’s a glue.” She could tell he didn’t believe her so, after ordering another drink, she went on. “Now they make a resin that is used in the manufacturing of electronic chips. Thanks to some old patents, my daddy has done well with that. Now he wants to retire so he just sold the company for 1.6 billion, dollars. That’s billion, with a ‘B’.”

He still didn’t believe her. “Of course I have heard of it.” He said, “But I am surprised I didn’t hear about the sale. I follow the markets pretty closely and a sale that big always makes the headlines.”

I don’t know what to tell you. I’m not smart enough to make this stuff up.”

By this time he was feeling the alcohol just a bit. “Let’s go to that table over there and get some dinner.” he suggested. After they had looked at the menus, he said, “What I told you about the office furniture was true, but it’s not the whole truth. I am here for an office furniture convention like I said, but I actually own a factory in Omaha and I sell the office furniture to stores. This convention is one of my biggest events of the year. So tell me, what is life like for an heiress. Or future heiress, whichever it may be.” He said with a smile, or maybe a smirk.

“Well…Jerry.” She said ‘Jerry’ slowly and with a bit of a smile, as if she didn’t believe that was his real name. “I may have also stretched the truth a little myself. I actually do live in Scranton, where the Carello Yellow factory is. And I do know two people who have worked there. But I am just a divorced high school history teacher. I came down for a girl’s weekend. Last night, I went with my sister and two sister-in-laws to the Grand Ole Opry. They left this morning but I decided to stay another day since our school is on spring break for the rest of the week.” She went on, “I have two boys who live with their father and I get them on weekends and pretty much every other time I want.  My ex is more than fair, at least about the visitation.”

By this time they were done eating, but another round of drinks had shown up and their words were becoming a bit fuzzy. “It must be the drinks.  I am not usually so open” he said. “I do have a factory in Omaha like I said. But I have to say that I also own three factories in Mexico and one in Guatemala. I’m flying to Mexico tomorrow to look at a site for another factory.” Then I am off to Bali for a little R and R.”

“I like history myself.” He said truthfully, “Hmm, let’s see. What was the Profumo Affair all about?”.

Without hesitation she said, “Oh, that was when Christine Keeler had an affair with John Profumo, a British MP and a Russian at the same time. I forget his name. Why?” and then just a second later, “Ohhhh, never mind. You want to see if I really am a history teacher. Go ahead, ask me another question” she smiled and leaned forward.

“Thell me aboud the Gadsden Purchase.” He was just beginning to slur his words more, as was she.

Well, thad was when the US boughd shum of New Mexico and Arizona. I think id was in the mid 1850s or somebdin. Ryou convinced I’m a history teacher now?”

Yet another round came and he was becoming braver. His words were becoming a little more sloppy. He was now convinced she was a history teacher so he changed the subject. “Are lyou lookin for the best sjex of your life tonight?”

She was expecting some sort of pass but this was surprisingly abrupt. She thought about a yes but she decided to stall him, at least for a while longer. Her words were becoming less clear, too. “No Jherry, I’m not.”

“Good! Then ahm the guy fryou.”

The response was so unexpected that she laughed…and scooted closer.

Twenty minutes later, they both laughed embarrassing loud when they simultaneously slurred “My room or yours?”

It wasn’t yet 7am when he walked out of the free breakfast buffet area of the hotel. He had his suitcase in one hand. His other hand was holding his phone against his ear. On his way out the door, he stopped at the front desk, dropped his key card in a box and slipped a USA Today newspaper under his arm.

“Yes dear,” he spoke into the phone, “I have two stops in Murfreesboro, and one in Franklin. I think the copier repair in Franklin will be quick. And the other two service calls don’t sound too bad either. Chattanooga is only a couple of hours from there. I think I should get home before the kids go to bed. And yes dear, I will get some chocolate for Timmy and Henry and another Wee Wobbly for Caroline. I think she still needs the hedgehog and the unicorn for her collection. I already bought the laundry soap you asked for.”

He drove a block down the road to a gas station. As he came out with a cup of coffee, he saw across the street a large fenced-in cement area. A tall skinny guy with a chauffer’s hat and a shorter guy with a leather jacket and aviator sunglasses were leaning against a car. The car was a bright yellow limo with Carello written along the side in bold red letters. Ten feet away was a helicopter, with no lettering, but painted exactly the same color. As he tossed the USA Today onto the passenger seat to make room for his coffee, the paper’s financial section became visible. He read the headline, “Carello Yellow Sold to Conglomerate for 1.58 Billion Dollars. Underneath was a two year old file photo of Ned Carello next to his daughter, Jennifer.

“Holy Shit.” he said as he drove off toward Murfreesboro, his styrofoam cup of coffee in hand.

July 23, 2024 03:22

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1 comment

Jeff Meade
07:26 Aug 01, 2024

Fun story! You have an excellent command of dialogue and do a nice job moving the story forward through the conversation back and forth. The exposition and context is clearly described, but done so from what the characters are saying and not just in a block of explanatory text. That makes for fun and smooth writing. The characters are believable, and both have realistic agendas. The guy is just looking for some fun on the side, and Jennifer's reservations about revealing too much identity are thoughtful. This is a scenario that could actua...


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