Separating the Color Blind from the Men from the Boy’s……..Coat tails.

Written in response to: Repeat the same line of dialogue, from the same character, three separate times.... view prompt


Kids Middle School Teens & Young Adult

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. For the opportunity. For this space.

Props for promoting honest debate and thought. Mostly. Independently. For the opportunity. Mind, body and writing realizes the risk of exposing emotions, feeling and thoughts. And then to publish them for some to see.

It is probably risky to offer an “air”wave to potentially prove a right and perhaps attempt to sensibly improve an old sad wrong, an old sad narrative. And also prove an opportunity to right a right and with additional write. A re-write.

In journal times used to be called. “Re-write, re-do, re-edit, re-dundant.” However has evolved in to the updated term—reparations. Charity. 501c-3. Equality this or that. While the lot of us are still recovering from all the words and potential meanings.

I, for one, applaud your journalistic rules of restraint.

Pathetically. Many failed, did not take notes, take notice—legally—responsibly—and at the very same time-pathetically unchallenged because the bucks flowed in and life was good on the backs of neighbors who silently kept the score—were keeping the score. At times, based solely on hatred, creed, color. And who knows what else.

It was and has been also a human rights violation of epic proportions. We just did not see it in the moment. Mainly because we were just plain—tired. Of the whole act. And of the bigger FACT hatred was being used as a weapon of mass destruction in the form of quotas, affirmative “action”, disability and discrimination. And that is tiring because it draws upon negative energy in our beings that is not naturally, “there”.

Pay it forward takes on a whole new meaning.

The simplest of facts over looked by us, but not by the haters is that WE do NOT hate. Why did you try to spin us into your hate-filled, color web? You could have simply….asked. But instead you thought you would put the “fun” into fundraising? And affirmatively and procedurally document your hate on our backs. At events, concerts, halls and churches.

And spread the hate.

Collectively and effectively kinda “get” why you thought you could manipulate the story. And then did. It. Because you would lose the $$$$$$for inequity, for inequitable “thinking” and so long as you were driving that narrative, who would challenge? We get it. Now.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Collusive tactics and behaviors are just that. Collusive. And. Water downed. When hid behind.

Well, because your challengers were confused and few, I for one, did not buy into it. Yes, I for one,


The hateful and hate-filled connection you though you “app”-ly got. You did not. Because I do not subscribe to your hate. Or your charitable app promoting the hate. Not my style. Yours. Yes. mine. no. I have other more important things to do.

Please take note.

I noticed your human, civil and personal rights violations of epic proportions being sold under the guise of “charity, reparations, and prejudice, scholarships, fashionably sold” .

But. I made the choice to work for it than receive it based on the color of my wrinkly and pale-faced skin.

It was you of the self-haters own self promotion and making and it preyed on consciences like a bad hackful and hack-filled cough.

Can you find it in your hearts to leave us alone? We have given more than you know or really care at this point in time.

And for awhile, we thought we liked that. The down trodden, street smart rebel helping the lesser man. If you really stop to think about it. We are all not destitute. But you and your hate is surely moving all of us in that direction. Sans clear directions because that is and always has been how you like it.

Turns out, we do not. Because we know self haters use. Others. Us. The rest of us do not hate. Packaged haters like you who hate us use their hatred to change the conversation. Not to change the real problem. Which is your problem. To stop at nothing, use, chew up and spit out spouses, children and loved ones as their “ammo at the ready” to spread hatred.

The rest of us. Trying to get by without your aroma of rat-filled hate. We would willingly and godingly (yes godingly) have helped you if you just asked, if you just liked yourself more—even if you did not deep down but were at the least, “trying”. To like yourself. When you had the opportunity, why did you proceed to proceduralize it all and cram it down our throats? Who were you really working for?

Why did you choose to prey instead of pray. (Guessing the root of your problem stems at the money tree)…….

Do you feel vindicated now in your jacuzzi and hot tub? In your square footage. That you “did it”. At the expense of lots.

Pity us for not seeing the spread of self-hatred. Right in front of our faces. No doubt. The ramifications are far reaching. But. In the end you have to be able to close the deal and if you built it on a shakey, colorful and color-filled foundation and lessen the facts—because you are who you are—and you failed to ask, but not to use color as a weapon of mass destruction. Have you not gotten enough free color-filled stuff already? The rest of us pasties or “patsys” as you may think choose to embrace and re-grace that others DO have a brain and consciously believe that that brain is color blind. And that is ok with us.

We are sorry it has not been ok with you.

We are. We may even forgive you for your pathetic hatred. But it is not a slam dunk. While you are fashioning yourself as all that and a bag of chips, while others would probably kill to eat and ravenously consume a bag of chips—

But. You already knew that and you failed to share when you had the chance. Did your yachts stall? The crumpets and ordeurves under-cook? Did your self-cleaning oven, fail you? (maybe you did not learn how to cook in the first place)

Suggestion to YOU. It has been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Since your plan is blowing up the lives of the majority, can you step back and think about what you have done. To the minority? At the expense of the majority.

Because it ain’t pretty.

If, not in your own name.

At the least or most,

In the name of God. Or. A higher purpose even? Other than yourself, of course.

Because we are tired of your old, mean-spirited game. And it is doing no one any good. Cough, Cough. Sneeze. Sneeze.

God Bless You. Gezunheidt. Too.

June 20, 2022 20:28

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