For your own good

Submitted into Contest #260 in response to: Write a story with a big twist.... view prompt


Fiction Romance Suspense

I was standing on the edge of an open field. Shaking enough to start an earthquake. Asking myself how I got into this trouble in the first place? Trying not to show any fear as I heard the hammer of the gun being pulled back into cooking position. The gun was close enough I could reach out and touch it. A large 44 magnum chrome plated, you could hunt the big five with this gun. Looking at the barrel and asking her, "Do you really need a gun like that?" It's for your own good she said

My mind flashed back to the day it all started. I had just won the court case of the year. It had been a high profile divorce. The mayor had been caught with a lady of the evening. Tv and newspapers had spent the week outside the courthouse. Alot of secrets came out. The ex wife was later charged with embezzlement of a local charity.

I had just left the press conference and returned to my office. Checking in with my secretary as I sat down to return my calls there was a commotion in the outer office. Suddenly the door burst open and a woman came storming in. The secretary said she tried to stop her. I motioned it was ok. Slamming papers on my desk and screaming. "I want a divorce." My forest response was, " but we're not even married. " 'I know that you imbecile from my husband." " OH that's better. " I said.

She just glared at me for a second. "I've been told you are the best in town at this." It was. "I am good at my job," I replied.

After A quick introduction I learned her name was Sue Highridge. I knew that name. Her husband was a prominent contractor for the city. I made a quick observation of her. Taller than most women with rough hands. She was not afraid to work with them or get them dirty. Well toned muscles, would not have been surprised if she carried a weapon. My kind of girl.

I listened with interest at her story. How unfaithful he had been, his extravagant spending, and holding back on his business with her although she was half owner. When she was done. I asked her what she wanted? "Half of everything, " she said. That meant the classic cars, house, secret bank accounts, and any stocks. This was a little bit of a surprise. Usually the wives wanted everything and put the guy on the street. She just wanted her share. I could tell money was no problem for her.

Sue filled out the proper papers and I asked her, "was she afraid of what he might do when she gave him the papers?" Without blinking and eye Sue said, "No he knows better."

Quickly putting my P.I. on the husband's trail. I also had Sue checked out clean came back stamps on all the reports, except one. Sue had been citated with a disturbing the peace at a local restaurant. Seems she had bumped into her husband mistress. It had not been a peaceful encounter.

After a few months of working together, I found we had some of the same interest in common. We both had started to like each other. Going against all my best judgment we went out.

Sue was intelligent, fun, and a bit of a short fuse with the ability to back it up. I was getting in deep. I tried to call it off. The way she squeezed my hand and told me it was a bad idea had me worried. Her husband's lawyer had also put a tail on Sue. I had recognized him from a previous case. So the cat was out of the bag. When I mentioned it to Sue she asked, "should we be worried?" "Not at this point," I said. But that soon changed as we continued to see each other. Her husband's lawyer had put up a good fight. I was afraid he would bring up our friendship, but everyone he looked over at Sure he changed the subject.

She had wanted to go out after the win getting everything she wanted. Telling her I had lose end to wrap up we could meet later. Later came one evening in the parking lot. I saw a flash of red a a classic firebird convertible candy apple red with a pearl finish pulled up behind my car.

I was mesmerize as Sue stepped out of the car. Even though my mind screamed no I walked over and slowly started sliding my hands over the ventral curves of her body. My pulse was pounding as I felt the warmth coming off her body. Leaning into her wanting to wrap my arms around and caress every inch of her. The world around me disappeared. I didn't care who was watching a I slowly unhooked her top and started folding it down. My body betrayed me as I pulled out my phone. I got to have a photo of you baby. I handed the phone to Sue asking her to take a shot of me with her car. Oh yeah, Sue looked good too. She snatched the phone from my hand and took a photo or two.

It was a whirlwind affair. I could not get enough of the car. Little did I notice the jealousy in Sue's eyes until it was too late. She had picked me up on a Friday night as usual in the red firebird to go eat. This time she headed to the open road towards the country. Looking into her eyes and only getting a cold look of darkness back sent a chill down my spine. Traveling well above the speed limit I did not dare jump out. She quickly turned off the main road heading out into no where. She had barely some the whole time. Suddenly the car slides to a stop at the dead end of the road. Turning asking the tree line we finally stopped.

I had never seen her like this. It was not a request but an order. My hands were starting to shake as I stepped out. It was dark and cold. The car was still running a she got out holding a her purse. I was still beside the car when she said to stand in front of the headlights. Doing as ordered I stepped in the glow of the lights. My heart skipped a beast and my stomach turned sick as I watched her pull a gun from her purse. "Sue, come on, it didn't have to be like this." I heard the shaking in my voice. She pulled back the hammer and raised the gun. "Quit your sniffling be a man about this," she said. "It ends here now." Looking me straight in the eye no sign of emotion no hint of regret she leveled the gun. I closed my eyes and heard a deafening blast. I could feel the cold fingers of death on my face. "Wake up. Come on you can do it." Sure was saying. My mind was a blur. " It's cold or here," she said. "What happened," I asked? You passed out you dummy, Sue said as she helped me back to my feet. "I am not shot," I asked? No! Why should you be? But the gun, I saw you shoot me." I said.

Then I saw the steam coming from under the hood of the car. You passed out just as I turned to shoot the car. Still puzzled I asked why? You were becoming obsessed with the car. Quite frankly I was getting jealous. She smiled at me as I still tried to get my brain around all this. " How are we getting back," I asked? I have a back up car on the side of the entry road. She said. Let's go, I'm getting cold. Just think years from now we will be laughing about this, Sue said as we walked toasts the other car hand in hand.

July 26, 2024 22:11

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