Crime Fiction

Drip drip drip. Not only could I hear the sound of dripping water, I could feel the splash of ice cold water on my face. I felt like I was coming out of a deep sleep, and gradually opened my eyes. My body was aching all over, in addition to a blasting headache. Even my face was hurting. I could smell and taste the dried blood around my nose and mouth. As I opened my eyes, I could see a dark room that smelt damp. My heart started to race as I began to replay what had happened! I remembered fighting for my life. Someone had dragged me down a narrow stairwell into a dark basement. I fought all the way down the stairs. Once we got down to the basement I was punched and kicked in the stomach, I fell to the ground. The kicking continued, and I truly felt I was going to die. I must have passed out. At some point I gradually came around and the memory of what happened came flooding back. My chest hurt with angst as I replayed it all.

It all started on the morning of Lucy's birthday. We had been dating since college. We both attended Imperial College, London. After graduating we decided to rent an apartment on the East side of London near the The Royal London Hospital, where Lucy was an Intern. I am a writer, so I can work anywhere. The east side rentals are much cheaper than the west side of London. We decided on a neighborhood called Shoreditch. The neighborhood was a mix of blue and white collar folks, and we liked the vibe. Over the past several years London stabbings had increased in numbers. It was usually gang related, but not always. Lucy and I felt relatively safe in our neighborhood. Lucy often finished at midnight, and I would meet her from the tube station, but we never saw any trouble other than a few drunks here and there. The homeless were harmless, and just asked for money. We had made friends with several neighbors, and loved the local corner shop, and became friends with the manager, Raj. It sold everything from newspapers, frozen curry, to mouse traps. Raj was about our age, mid twenties. He would always smile, and say my name as I entered the shop, HENRY!

So the morning of this nightmare, I was making coffee, and going over the check list of everything I needed for Lucy's birthday, Then I realized I had forgotten the flowers. Lucy's favorite thing! Lucy had just come home from night shift at the hospital, so I had plenty of time to get the flowers and set everything up. I decided to just walk to the local corner shop, buy flowers and chat with Raj. It was a beautiful morning. Miserable London weather had given up to sunny warm days. We were gradually reopening from the pandemic. Life began to feel good again. It was really early so not many people were out and about yet. I entered the shop, and it seemed eerily quiet. No Raj behind the counter grinning as usual? I walked further into the shop and saw Raj on the ground, with what looked like a bloody head injury from a baseball bat! Raj actually kept the bat behind the counter for self protection. As I checked for a pulse and breathing, I felt someone grab me, blindfolded me. I was dragged out to some type of vehicle. I did notice a large white van as I entered the shop.

I assumed it was some sort of delivery van. I could hear male voices arguing. One said the plan was not to hurt anyone, just rob Raj's shop. Another suggested to call 999, but then they realized the call would be traced. They decided to go back to the shop to check Raj was still alive, and then call 999 from the shop landline. I got the feeling they knew a lot about the shop, and Raj. As we drove I could hear sirens, then felt the van stop suddenly. The voices in the van became afraid, not only could they also hear the sirens they could now see the emergency vehicles. One of them said, "Lets get the hell out of here now!" The van screeched and drove for some time. The men seemed to calm down saying, at least Raj did get help. Hopefully he is OK. One said, " I just don't care one way or the other. Plus what are we going to do with this preppy guy." The same voice said, " I'll deal with him, but won't kill him. Drive to the big house on Tottenham Court. " The others agreed. My heart was racing at that point. What was he going to do.

The van stopped. The back door to the van opened, and I was dragged out. I was pushed onto a cold pavement, then felt they were trying to get me through a window! I fell onto a soft carpet. . I heard, " OK then Jimmy, take care of this. Please don't kill him.” I wasn't sure at that point if I was going to pass out from fear. I was then punched in the head, face, kicked in the arms legs and stomach. I pleaded for this guy to stop. I was dragged further along the carpeted area, and another door opened. The guy took off my blindfold. He told me his name was Jimmy. He said, “welcome to the basement! I’m not not going to kill you exactly, but the chances of you surviving in this basement were slim.

He then dragged and beat me all the way down the basement steps. At this point the pain was so excruciating I felt I could hardly breathe. My eye lids began to swell, but I could make out a dark damp room with cobwebs. One shallow window allowed some light to filter in. Jimmy said the basement door will be locked. The window has a bar on it. You will not get out. He then simply left, locking the door behind him. Tears ran down my face, that hurt too. I thought of Lucy, getting up to see unwrapped gifts, no Henry. I must have passed out.

As I came around, the pain was excruciating. But at least I was still alive. Suddenly I heard a voice, I began to panic, but then calmed down. It was an older man's voice, saying, " hey, you boys, you in here? I've told you to stay away from this place, I will call the police, AGAIN" The relief flooded over all of my feelings, I tried to shout out, but had lost my voice. I then heard a door unlock, and someone coming down the steps of the basement. The old man came running up to me. He said "hey Laddy what happened to you, I'll call 999". He held my hand and chatted to me while we waited for the ambulance.

I must have fallen asleep in the hospital because the next thing I knew I woke up in a bright hospital room with a big window, with the sun shining through. I could make out two people chatting quietly in the corner. It was Lucy and Raj. Raj had a bandage over his forehead, but still had the goofy grin. Lucy was in tears of joy. Raj said, HENRY, you missed Lucy's birthday!

May 04, 2021 02:37

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