Inspirational Romance Happy

Where to start? I have had four asthma attacks in one week, The last was the deadliest. I went up stairs for a five minute nap. Suddenly I woke up called 911 telling them to come quick my air way is closing. Sure enough by the time I unlocked the door for the ambulance I started having trouble breathing.

I just had my 20th birthday now I'm going to Virginia Beach with family and friends. My life started out difficult when mom died. That was heart breaking for me, yet I had to go on with my life.

After all the terrible things happening in the world. Earth started healing itself. Strange and unusual storms happened. The storm would start small the get big. Others were downright nasty and took live. No one knew how long the storms would go on, but I did. I was terrified the whole week from all the strange storms going around the world.

I had been wanting to go to school for Creative Writing but no luck. I have been working at the local Library for the past year. They offered to pay for my school. I searched so long I almost gave up. I decided to enroll to Stratford Career Institute. Shut its mail time.

Stepping outside into the bright warm sun was great. Looking into the beautiful blue sky I noticed a cardinal. I do believe it is Ohio's national bird. I made my way to the mailbox only to realize it was Sunday...Well at least I had my exercise for the day.

The world was changing, and nobody noticed. I had started authoring stories for a living. I was able to travel around the world and share stories. While I was in Virginia Beach, I came across a writing contest. I came in second, but I did not mind. I have a year's supply of my favorite candy Reese's Dark Chocolate Thins. They are so good I am satisfied with eating only one.

My brother took me to Super Ninja Japanese Steak House (Hibachi, Sushi, bar) in Virginia Beach that blew my mind. Pizza will always be my favorite, however I like sushi too. It was fun watching them [re[are the meal. On the way out I ran into a chest. Yes, I said a warm and unmoving chest.

Excuse me I was not looking where I was going. I was too busy talking to my boys.

That's okay I forgive you this time. I walked confidently out to my family.

While I was there I rented an apartment and found a job reshelving books. My starting salary is $15 an hour. Writing started slow until my book Noctem Aeterus which is Latin for The Eternal Night took off. People are asking for another book already. When my sister-in-law found out she wanted to celebrate, so once again back to Super Ninja Japanese Steakhouse we go.

        Recently I have been getting text messages, emails, and private number phone calls from a secret admirer. I had almost forgotten about him until the cook said someone paid for it. Dinner was great, it was nice having a dinner after a long day at work. I happen to look on the other side of the table to see the guy I ran into 6 months ago. Just as I was about to look away, he looked straight at me then cracked an evil grin.

Excuse me miss I think you left this at your table.

I do not think so. Who are you anyway?

Bowing forward he says, “Hello, my name is Saige a warrior of Htrae Planet and your secret admirer. Is your real name Angelique Wilder or is it an alias?”

Yes, it is thanks for the basket. Where do we go from here?

How about you give me your number and I’ll take you to breakfast in the morning. We can spend the entire day getting to know each other.

          Once I was at home, I looked over the basket Saige had given me. The basket contained fresh cut carnations of a variety of colors with an Alstromera flower Bunch. A large Chocolate Fudge scented candle. Most importantly a super size bag of Reese’s Dark Chocolate Thins. I smiled while eating a Reese’s cup thinking about how sweet he is. I wonder what will happen next.

          The next morning, I was groggy dragging my feet with every step I made. Entering my kitchen to grab a glass of water when my phone rang. The call came up Guess Who? I do not remember being there. Saige had placed his number in my phone when I was not looking. The date went great so great that it 3 months later Saige decided to move in with me.

      Hours later she strolls into the bathroom to begin her nightly routine for bed. Brushing her teeth until they were pearly white. Next using Dove soap to wash away today’s worries. Finally pulling her hair into a loose ponytail she feels refreshed as she lays down in her bed.

          It is Sunday morning about 6:30 and I am having a tough time sleeping. Every time I close my eyes, I see a different disaster. Saige will be leaving this week for training, so I am sad today.

Hey why the long face. Do not give me those puppies either.

Instead, I started pouting. When will you be back?

 The training takes 3 months I will be back before summertime. Then we can spend all the time you want. Remember I love you. If anything should happen, I will always find my way back to you.

I love you too. I will miss you. Can we just stay in today stream movies?

 Great idea first we will watch Joel and Victoria then we will start our day.

The day went by quickly so did the week. After we said our good bye’s, it was time for me to work at the library.

               It has been 4 months now and still no word from Saige. I was working in back rebinding books for and hour before I start reshelving books. I felt uneasy and began to shake. Before I knew I opened my eyes to an E M T giving me oxygen. Not only had I fainted, but I had stopped breathing. They asked if I could sit in the chair for them. I shook my head slowly yes. They stayed another 10 minutes to make sure I was okay.

I had just settled down on the couch in the library when a figure just plop down next to me.” “It’s last Friday of the month, so what are you doing this week?

 Looking over to the left there he was smiling. Saige, I have missed you so much. We kissed for a brief time.

Every day I was gone I thought of you. I wanted to show you the world, but I will settle for a corner. Let us go home.

          Once at home they sit on their granny apple green with a black dragon design couch. The next two hours he talks about the training camp and wants to teach her as the night went on they fell asleep in each others arms.

        Morning came too soon. Saige still had me snuggled up in his arms. I had to wiggle my way out to go to the bathroom. By the time I finished he was standing in the doorway.

Good morning, so you ran off without me.

No, I just could not hold it no more, besides, you have the same problem. I will be in the kitchen getting breakfast ready.

       As the day went on, we talked about our dreams, having kids, and goals. We decided to elope and start our new life together. Even though we both work we managed to be available for each other. It has been six months now. Saige had a new mission that he may be gone for a year. Today I am going to the doctor, because I have been waking up nauseous at least 3 – 4 times a day.

        It is Tuesday my doctor called said the sickness should go away in about 6 to 9 months. Today Saige is leaving soon. Saige, I have something to tell you. Can you give me a minute. Just then I heard a horn blowing in the distance.    

The boys are already I must go. Tell me later, okay? I love you.

Okay, later it is. I will be waiting for you. Love you more.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if one person had power? I had been getting visions for months, but last night was terrifying. I started to envision what ifs. The sky was black filled with stars and clouds. The crisp clean air filled my lungs as I took a deep breath. The stars shined so brightly they lit the dark sky up like a Christmas tree.

        After talking to Doctor on a zoom call I started feeling weird. Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. I found myself unable to breathe and no one around me. For the first time in my life, I was afraid of dying.

        At that moment I was asked the question of what I want. Do I want immortality or do I want to stay a human. I was thinking about family and how sick they are. I thought what if my family members were no longer sick and free of illness. In the end it will be disastrous if everyone in the end is linked in one way or another. That means the entire world would be immortal even the universe.

       One night I was working on a project when I felt my body tingle. As I took a deep breath it felt different. I wondered through the house looking for signs of change but nothing. I grew tired and went to bed. I had just gone to bed for a 5-minute nap. It had only been a couple minutes before I felt different. That was an under statement.

   To make a long story short I passed out and was unresponsive. After arriving at the hospital, they ran a test on me. As my bed side Nurse was moving me threw the hallway, I could see is the doors going by fast. Looking up at the lights they looked like speed bumps. As I inhaled the air smelled like distilled water. I had spent four days in the hospital before they decided it was okay for me to go. Now it has been 3 weeks nothing has changed.

        There were so many things I could be doing, but ‘m sleepy. That new medicine the hospital gave me lasted more than 24 hours. It is nap time. Monday soon arrived. Opening my eyes, I could say things too clearly. I could see the particles floating in the air. As I started to walk, I could feel my body start to tighten as if it were changing. In minutes, every person changes as if the Whole world was dying.

         It is morning the sky is filled with shades of blue and lightly cloudy as the sun shined brightly in the sky. Sitting in my favorite rocking chair on my finished porch. The traffic goes roaring by on the next street. The wind blowing ever so lightly across my face as I sip my coffee.

         The wind chimes next door singing a beautiful song in the wind. As I looked around, I watched a sparrow land on the newly cut grass walking around looking for food. Once he found food begins to eat.

        In the distant children are playing on the slip N’ slid bringing back childhood memories. I am starting to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin as I enjoy my surroundings. As I sit on my porch listening to the sounds around me children are riding their bikes around the neighborhood again. My peace and quiet is over now as my phone begin to ring. Hello. Yes, this is her. It is true I am his next of kin. I will be there soon.

       Gathering everything needed, she arrived 25 minutes later at Cleveland Clinic Akron General Hospital. Walking up to the customer service desk she takes a deep breath.

               Excuse me I’m looking for Saige.

               He is in room 357, take the elevator on the right.

               Thank You very much. Once I was on the third floor I began to search for his room. It was not hard to find as guards stood outside the door. I almost panicked.

               Miss you can’t enter unless your family.

               Does wife count?

               As she was entering the room looking back and forth from the guards to the doctor.

               Mrs. Eirow this please. I have questions for you.”

        There he was laying in a hospital bed unconscious and changed. Those handcuffs will only hold him while he sleeps. How is he?

          We are having trouble figuring that out. We can find a pulse, but not his heart. His oxygen level seems normal, but he is high in carbon dioxide. There are markings on his body that we cannot identify.

               Those markings are from fights and his birthmark shape is an arrow. He breathes the same air as us, it is simply different. How was he when he arrived in?

          The EMT said he had a gash in his left side and stabbed womb in his chest. We are planning to have surgery to remove it. We do not know where it is. He was awake when he arrived in.

           Just as the doctor begins to look over him the patient suddenly wakes up breaking the handcuffs, grabbing the doctor by the neck. Saige lifted the doctor of the floor as the guards came running in from the screams. The guards aimed their weapons at him threating to shot.

        He does not care about that. Let me talk to him. (Nodding the guards stepped back then hoisted their weapons.)

               A low growl resonates from Saige as the temperature began to rise to 120.

               Stop your going to kill him. (Still the temperature rose higher.) Saige, I am here. Please stop. He turns eyes red focusing on her voice and face. Suddenly he stops.

               How did you get here?

               Saige you are on Earth my home planet. Someone found you and brought you here.

               What is this place? Answer me, enraged Saige.

               Saige you need to release him first. I am sure he will not mind answering.

               He releases the doctor with anger written on his face. Saige, I am Doctor Tims. This is Cleveland Clinic in Akron, it is a place of medicine. We just made sure you were okay. How is your injury?

               In order to help me you will need dry Ice to apply to my skin, so when you cut me, I won’t heal so fast.

               One hour later Doctor Tims removed a 6 x 3-inch-long piece of metal that was 2 inches from his heart. He will be ready to go tomorrow. By then he should be well rested.

               Menacingly standing behind the Doctor. Saige says, Thanks. I am ready when you are.

               I have not discharged you yet. There are four examinations we need to run.

               Your test will not work on me, besides I’m better now. Nokomis time to go.

               The overly loud intercom goes off calling for a code blue in the next room on the right. Well, someone woke up. In the stroller that she has been pushing is a very cranky 11-month-old.

               Is he your son?

               Actual he is our son. His name is Draco.

               You named him after my father even though his name means Dragon.

               A siren goes off and a class 5 tornado has touched down soon will be right on top f the hospital. There is no escape, all lives are at risk. Saige holds his family tightly in his arms as the tornado picks them up like nothing. There are no survivors.

               The world as we know it is gone. What is next for us? If only we had a choice. What would the choice be? Be careful several choices effect the world others only effect you.

A red orb appears says, What every you desire I can grant it. What do you desire?

               Saige was about to answer when. A white orb appeared.

Stop for the light is the truth. Choose your request wisely for there is only one. What is your answer?

Thinking of all that he has seen or done Saige takes a deep breath.

I would like to live with my family and friends on a new world.

Your answer is you seek life for all not just yourself.

               Yes, I seek life for all.

Your request is granted. Now go rejoice in the new world. As the light faded the world came into view better than the first. A child could be heard laughing in the distance. As the mother continues to tickle the little one Saige briskly walks towards them.

 Everything looked perfect from the sky to the grass. Something is wrong, it is too perfect. Where are we? Before she could answer me, a meteor shower rained down until there was nothing left.

               Saige is greeted by a third green orb. You made a good request, yet you made it for everyone. Would you like to try again?

               I wish I could have spent more time with my family. The green orb glowed brighter and brighter until Saige was thrown into a new time. One without perfection, with desire, and life. Most of all he was spending quality time with his family.

May 29, 2024 11:53

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