Sophisticated Isabell

Written in response to: Set your story in a cat shelter.... view prompt



 “Why do you look so sad, pretty lady?” asked a black male cat, in the next kennel.

Little pretty Isabell turned her head to see who was speaking to her. She never bothered to answer and just looked away without a word.

“Goodness sakes, young lady why would anyone bring a pretty little thing like you here in this old, lonely, cold and dirty kennel? Didn’t anyone love you?”

Isabell looked at him while walking toward his kennel and looked him in the eyes, “Why are you here, then?” she softly asked. “Someone couldn’t had loved you.”

“Well, I lived with a little boy and he loved me and I liked him so much it broke my heart when he brought me here, but after he moved away his mom was too sick to take care of me,” he told her, as he filed his nails. Then added, “That’s life, so what can you do about it?”

The big black cat was a quick talker and never let anything bother him.

“Why did he not take you with him? Isabell softly asked.

“He couldn’t. He joined the army, so I’m here stay here until someone else wants me.”

“You might have to wait a long wait.” she added.

“Then I’ll just have to wait, won’t I? This place is okay. They feed you and rub you now and again.”

Tears started to come in Isabell’s eyes.

“Why are you crying? Gee, you are so pretty,” Then he asked, “Hold on, you never told me about why you are here.”

She looked at him with glossy blue eyes, “It’s a long story.”

“Does it look like I’m going anywhere?” he asked, as he spit a nail from his mouth.

She began, “I had been staying with many of female and male cats. If you didn’t catch enough mice or rats you were thrown out of the house. So some were thrown out because some were too lazy and others were sick.”

“You mean they even threw out the sick ones?”

“Yes, they were a hard bunch of cats. Though some with babies didn’t have to go hurting until their babies were a good size., but they threw me out because I couldn’t catch rats they were too big to handle and then because I caught less mice than anyone else they said I had to leave. So that’s why I’m here.”

“At lease you tried.”

“I know and maybe I could have caught more but I felt bad when the mice would beg me not to eat them It broke my heart. I also didn’t want to get my fur dirty or lose my pink bow, so I was careful when I tried to find food in the garbage bins”

Suddenly another cat from across the hall and two kennels down shouted, “Is that you Isabell?”

“Yes, so you are here to, Dixie? Why?”

“Yes, because I started catching less mice.”

“Who is she?” ask the black cat.

“She is a good friend of mine.”

“I think if she was catching mice they should had never thrown her out. She did her best. Like you.” said the black cat.

“I know, but they were a strict bunch of cats. You didn’t do your work well enough you had to go.”

“So, that’s why you are here?”

Isabell titled head head up and down.

“But how did you eat?”

“After they threw me out, I went to the neighbour’s and stole their cats food and then maybe took food from garbage cans, but only what I didn’t have to dig for.”

“You have a good heart to not kill for food. That’s a part of you I love. If we go together I will take care of you.”

Isabell started acting shy and put her head down.

“Come here Isabell.”

Isabell stepped closer. The black cat took her pawns, “I fell in love with you the first time you walked in here.”


“Do you hear voices?”

“Yes. Isabell softly answered.

As the people draw closer Black cat heard them say, ‘I’m looking for a good mice and rat catcher. My house is full of them. I just bought it and I hear them in between the walls.”

“Follow me ma’am. I think I have just what you are looking for. He’s very active and smart and been well looked after.”

When they got to Black’s kennel the lady looked at Black and said, “He sure looks fit. I think that’s just what I need. She stared and stared at him. Just as she was waiting for the man to take him out, she spotted Isabell. She put her hands over her mouth and took a deep breath, and tears came to her eyes.

“What’s the matter Ma’am?”

“That pretty one” she pointed, I need her too. I had one that looked just like her and a car hit her. I have never forgotten her since and she looks just like her. Can I have her?”

“Sure, you can have as many as you want.”

Black smiled as he looked at Isabell.

“So, you’re taking both of them?”

“Yes, both of them.”

In the end Mr. Black and proud Isabell were together and a new, nice home and with lots of food.

“Did I not tell you I will take care of you? Now this is my chance.”

When the old lady wasn’t looking they kissed.

It didn’t take long for Mr. Black and Isabell to have a family. She had six babies and nearly all of them looked like her and the old lady was more than proud. There was a couple that looked like Mr.Black. He was proud of them all. He loved Isabell. When they got food in their dish Black always waited to see if Jsabell had enough. He didn’t want her to go hungry, she had his babies to look after. When night came Isabell and Black would sleep close and say good night before falling asleep.

February 25, 2023 20:39

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