Submitted to: Contest #293

Driving to Change

Written in response to: "Start or end your story with someone looking out a car or train window."

Fiction Inspirational Teens & Young Adult

It was August, the weather was beginning to crisp, and the leaves were falling around me. Clouds moving across the sky as the cool air moves into the area. I was alone. Laying in a pile of leaves, to create a nice soft crunchy bedding from the moist ground beneath it. My world was about to change just like the weather. This was going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But I was kind of forced into it, in a short amount of time.  

I sit up, admiring the kids running around. People walking their dogs and seeing babies experiencing leaves for the first time. It was almost like they didn’t have a care in the world. They had it figured out. Or did they? Maybe in the moment they were distracted or taking a break. And I’m here, covered in leaves on my sweater, mentally freaking out of how I was going to survive the next step. Where do I start, where do I go? I exhale as a leaf falls from a tree. It lands in my hands; my eyes look up at the tree. Maybe this leaf is like me. It left its familiar home to a bigger world. It was perfect sitting in my hands. With a calming exhale it was time for a new adventure.  

I stand up, to walk to my car. I bought this with my own money. From a job I am currently going to right now. I have be like the leaf and take the leap and see where it takes me. I grab my book, as I arrive to my job. It was a scrap book, writing the date August 14th. And place the leaf into the book, below it I write, “Leaping into a new adventure.” I go into work and quit on the spot. 

I begin to drive a long road with many turns and so many places to go. It was hard, but I did it. Driving for miles, with a full tank of gas, I could end up anywhere. Setting it on cruise with some music in the background. I think back, trying to make sure I haven’t left anything behind, sure enough... I did. It was a snow globe with a tree inside of it. It was my favorite snow globe, but I was scared to take it, and it could break on the way.  

I check the time on my dash, the minutes were passing slowly on the highway and getting later then I wanted it to be. I was going to be late getting to my destination, but I honestly didn’t care. This was my time, like at the park, just enjoying the peace and quiet. I’ll get there when I get there. It didn’t help when people were slower in the slow lane though. Time was just crawling by. The music helped and kept me focused.  

Three hours pass as I continue my journey down the road. It was slow, but I was starting to get hungry. I take the next exit and drive down to see if anything piqued my interest. After a little bit I pull into a small diner. I enter and take a seat, ordering something I would enjoy. A burger and fries, with a shake. There’s small chatter around, but it was pretty quiet. I placed a napkin with the diner’s name into my scrap book, next to the leaf. Underneath it I wrote, “best diner food I’ve had in a while.” 

After a while I was ready to hit the road again. I still had an hour of driving before I got to my destination. Heading back to the highway, I turn on the music. It was also getting dark, but that didn’t bother me. I knew I was getting close and didn’t have to drive all night. Night driving is nice, since there is not as many cars around you to cause trouble. Some huge trucks do sneak up at me from time to time, but other than that, dark roads, and street signs, showing what is coming up in the next miles. Mentally playing games with the smaller signs, and yelling cows when I see them. Your mind thinks crazy things when you are alone and on a new adventure. 

I take the last exit I needed to get off and hit a backroad. Though it was dark, the trees I passed were huge. I glance out the driver window occasionally to look at them better, but also very focused ahead, never knowing about deer's coming or going. I turn left on to a dirt road. My car sat low, and the gravel was slightly rough, but not enough to damage it. I been down this road a few times in my life. It’s my getaway to my getaway.  

I drive it until I reach the end, which was a small beach area. I can see the water that was feet in front of me. Knowing any closer it would be scary, and my car would try to go for a dip, but this is where I wanted to be for the night. Stepping out of the car, to feel the cool breeze on my face and arms, realizing its chilly. I walk to the water to dip my toes into it. My body jumps in shock from the cold, but it felt nice because the heat was blasting on my feet.  

After my feet were starting to freeze in the cold water, I’m ready for bed, grabbing pajamas. Though, I don’t lay my seat down just yet. I grab my book to really get myself to relax, but I couldn’t stay focused on the book, when the water rippled in front of me and the full moon shining it’s light across the water. It was a perfect picture. I rest the book in my lap as I just look out the car window, admiring the view in front of me.  I love it here. 

Posted Mar 13, 2025

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