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So, the other day I went to hang out with my friends. We went to our usual hangout spot and we were in the unfortunate position of witnessing a robbery, but before I explain any further I should probably explain a little about my friend group. First up we have Ronnie, Ronnie is the “jokester” of the group. He is always clowning on someone for something, it’s hard to take him seriously sometimes because of that, it's also hard to not get mad at him sometimes for it. It does get a little annoying. Next up, we have Nate. Nate is, well, somewhat like Ronnie, just not as bad. He’s more of the jokester, but the more funny tolerable type. He likes to crack jokes any chance he gets, somehow they just aren’t as annoying as Ronnies though. Lastly we have Bryan, Bryan is the more book smart one of all of us. Always had the best grades, 4.0 GPA, and he’s shooting to be Valedictorian for senior year. Sometimes he wasn’t that common sense smart, but he certainly was book smart.  So back to the story, we went to go get some ice cream, drive around town, and then we were gonna go to Ronnie’s house, his house was the only one with a pool and jacuzzi. It was like 90 degrees outside so we figured we might as well. We always chose Ronnies house because it was the biggest and had the coolest stuff. His mom was a very successful real estate agent and his dad was a very successful investment banker. However, when somebody stuck up the ice cream shop that was put on hold. Now, you’re probably thinking, “who in their right mind would stick up an ice cream shop”, yea, me too. So the guy comes in does the whole “everybody get on the ground” thing, mind you we were obviously scared because I’ve never experienced anything like this, but the funny thing was that he didn’t seem interested in the money in the register, he kept saying, “open the back door”, which sort of answered my question about why they were robbing an ice cream shop. Something bigger and better must’ve been back there. Two other guys came in and escorted the two people behind the counter to the back, I still wasn't sure what was back there. The first guy that came in was just telling everyone to be calm and that we could go back to our regular day after. That was good news to me, as far as I was concerned I just wanted to get out of there. However, I thought, I don’t wanna wait. I got up and said “hey buddy, listen, we had plans today, you need to get out of here and let us go.” My friends were looking at me like I was crazy. I knew he wasn’t gonna shoot, that would look pretty bad on them regardless of whether they got caught or not. He put the gun down and got in my face and told me to get down. So I decided to be a hero, I tackled him to the ground and was beating on him. I’m not gonna lie, he got a couple good shots on me but I still feel like I won the fight, my friends helped a little, but I still did the majority.


Look, whatever Jack told you, he probably over exaggerated. Yes, we did get robbed, well the store, did not us. Two very big guys with guns came in and said “Give me the money!”, it was just like a movie! Another guy came in and kept telling the cashier to go to the back, I have no idea what you’d wanna steal in an ice cream shop but hey, to each his own right? Anyways, Jack probably told you he “saved the day”, and I’ll admit, he’s never shown that much courage ever since I’ve known him, but he got pummeled by the dude. I’m thankful that he didn’t shoot him or worse kill him. Jack got up and tackled the guy (if you could call it that). He ran towards him and basically threw himself on him and made the guy stumble. I took me and my friend Nate to basically pull the guy off of him and we booked it. I was just happy nobody got shot. So, Jack did HELP save the day, a little bit, barley at all. But hey, he showed some courage I never knew he had.


So the other day I went to go get ice cream with my freinds and the establishment got stuck up! Can you believe that? An ice cream place. What has this world come to? I mean you can’t even go out anymore without getting hassled by some ruffians. Regardless,  back to the story. So one guy with a gun follows and two more follow shortly after. The first guy walked in and said “Everyone get on the ground”. The first thing I thought was “Who is this guy” and then I thought “I hope I don’t die.” Everyone got on the ground and listened to the orders. As the two more guys with guns entered, they took the cashier to the back and kept insisting that they give them whatever was in the back. I don’t know what was so important in the back of an ice cream shop. What was it, gold? Let’s think about this logically, the ice cream equipment can’t be worth that much right? As that was occuring, my friends Jack and Ronnie decided to put on a very unsolicited display of recklessness. I understand they wanted to help but they beat the guy senseless. It was more Ronnie beating the guy senseless than Jack but you get the idea. Jack attempted to tackle the robber, however he was unsuccessful at it and Ronnie had to help get him to the ground. I’m very thankful the robber didn't have a gun in his hand at this time otherwise they both would’ve been toast. Once Ronnie was finished with the guy, we figured it was probably best that we left the vicinity before the other two came back and saw what was going on. So, we left, and then went to Ronnies house.

May 06, 2020 20:54

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1 comment

06:28 May 20, 2020

I think the account of the three friends were quite similar. But I liked the description in Jack's account


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