Science Fiction

The dark clouds filled the sky with dark purple and blue. Toshi looks out the windows, still in his bed.

"It's another day." He sighed, jumping out of bed. He walked over to the other room where his robot, Rocky, was . Rocky was a small cardboard box robot that loves to hang out with Toshi.

Toshi, on the other hand was a quiet alien who loves to study and read. He doesn't really hang out with the other aliens.

Toshi walks up to Rocky's bed and shakes him softly.

"Hey, buddy," He whispers, "Time to get up."

Rocky rubbed his eyes. "Good morning, Toshi." He smiled.

Toshi gave him a gentle smile. "Good morning to you too, Rocky."

Rocky got out of bed. "So, any plans for today? He asked.

Toshi thought for a moment. "Maybe go to the music shop and then the park." He told him.

Rocky and Toshi walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Toshi looked in the fridge to see if there was any food.

"Looks like we also need to go to the grocery store too." He added, "I'll buy us some food too before we go back home."

He grabbed his keys and walked out the door with Rocky behind him. Rocky looked out the balcony of the apartment.

The beautiful scene of trees nestled near a metal fence. Houses were behind the trees. "What's the hold up?"

Toshi was already down the stairs. "Oh sorry!" Rocky called out.

He walked down the stairs, holding the rail so he wont fall.

When Rocky got down, Toshi pointed to a calico cat who was meowing in pain. "We should go help it." Rocky suggested.

The boys walked over to the cat and crouched down.

It was a young kitten who only had 3 legs. He was laying down near the bushes. His front right leg was missing. Toshi could feel his pain and his hurt. He felt really bad for the cat.

He picked it up slowly. "It's a good thing that the vet is near my apartment." He told Rocky, "We should go."

The walk only took a few minutes. Toshi looked into the cat's eyes.

"I promise when we get out, Rocky and I will take care of you."

Rocky opened the door for them. They walked up to the counter where a lady was standing.

"Excuse me, ma'm. We need your help." Toshi says, placing the cat on the counter. "My robot and I found him near the bushes at my apartment. Can you help us?"

The lady looked at the cat. "Ah yes. It's missing a leg to his right. The doctor will be here in a minute,dear."

Toshi took the cat and sat down with Rocky.

"So,what did they say?" Rocky asked.

"The doctors will check on it in a minute." Toshi says, pulling out his phone. "I found this cool book on a reading app. Wanna read it with me?"

Rocky had a smile on his face. "I would love to." He rubs the cat's soft fur. "What should we name the cat?"

Toshi looks down at the cat. He scratched his head. "Jasper." He whispers, his eyes glowing.

Jasper purrs in his laps. The door opened. An old doctor came out with a clipboard. "Uh, is Toshi here?" He asked.

Rocky leaned over to Toshi. "We're the only ones here." He whispers. Toshi chuckles. "Come on, Rocky. We have to see what's wrong with Jasper."

Toshi puts his phone back in his pockets and carries Jasper down the hallway. "How is everyone's morning?" The doctor asked.

"We're doing good, doc." Rocky says. "How about you?"

"I'm doing great! Thank you for asking."

They made it to a small room with a small window. Toshi puts Jasper on the table, careful not to hurt him.

The doctor took a look at him. Jasper licked his hands.

"Well, due to his right leg getting cut off due to cancer, she is in a lot of pain." The doctor says.

Toshi and Rocky look at the doctor. "When was this?"

Squinting, he looked closer to Jasper. "I can't say. His stitches are stitched up well." The doctor says.

Jasper looked down at the floor. Toshi rubs his fur. "So, can we take him home with us?" He asked.

The doctor scratched his white beard. "Are you two going to take care of him?" Toshi and Rocky nodded their heads.

"We will love him with all of our hearts." Rocky promised.

The doctor shrugs. "You guys should let him rest for a little bit and buy him some food."

"Thank you." Toshi and Rocky took Jasper and walked back home. Toshi looked at Rocky. "Can you get the keys for me and unlock the door please?" Rocky did what he was told and unlocked the door.

"Welcome home, Jasper." Rocky says as he closes the door. "We promise to take good care of you."

Jasper starts to purr, smiling at his owners. "We should let him lay on my bed for a little while." Toshi says.

He lays Jasper on the bed. "We should get him some water." Rocky says. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a small bowl and poured some cold water in it.

He walked back to the room. "Here we go."

He laid the bowl on the bed and tilted it so Jasper could drink. Toshi sat down on the side of the bed near Rocky.

"I wonder how long he has been alone." He told Rocky.

He stopped tilting the bowl. "Who knows. We should get some food before the stores close."

Rocky rubs Jasper's head before they walk out the door. "We promise to be back." Toshi says, closing the door.

They walked down the stairs. "So now we need food, drinks and cat food." Rocky sighs.

Toshi scratches his head. "We should go to the Green shop."

The Green shop wasn't as far from the vet. It was only a few blocks away. When they made it, Toshi looked in his pants for some money. "We only have 40 dollars."

Rocky got a shopping cart. "Well, we don't have time to waste so let's go."

They shopped around for pizza, juices, noodles and cat food. Toshi rides Rocky around in the shopping cart as they look for more food. "We should get some ice cream!" Rocky pointed out.

Toshi grabbed two bowls of ice cream. "I think this is all we should get." He told him. "The cart is full of fast food."

Rocky laughs. "Hey, at least we're not humans," He points out. "We can eat as much food as we want."

Toshi smirks at the thought of that. "I believe you're right about that, my friend."

They walked to the counter where a lady was waiting for them. "Will ya'll be using cash or card?" She asked, scanning their stuff.

"We will be using cash." Rocky smiles politely.

The lady sighs and scans the last of the products in there. "That will be 45 dollars and 52 cents."

Rocky and Toshi look at each other, shocked. "Rocky, do you have 6 dollars?" Toshi asked.

Rocky pulled out 6 dollars from his sweater. "Here you go, buddy."

Toshi took the money. "Thank you." He took the other money from his pants pocket and handed it to the lady. The bags were already in the cart with Rocky.

"Here you go, ma'm." He smiles.

The lady took the money and gave him back a few coins. "Thank you for shopping at the Green shop. Have a great day!"

They drove the cart all the way home. "Guess we have to carry the cart together, don't you think?" Toshi says.

Rocky got out of the cart. "Sure."

They carried the cart all the way to their apartment. Toshi unlocks the door. "We're home, Jasper!" Rocky shouts. They carried the cart to the fridge and closed the door.

The boys put up the stuff in the house and walked back to the room with Jasper. "Hey, sweetheart." Rocky says in a baby voice.

Jasper purrs softly. Toshi sat down on his desk to read his book. Rocky continues to play with Jasper. "Are you hungry?" He jokes.

Jasper meows softly. Rocky turns to Toshi.

"We should give him some food."

Toshi got a bowl and put some cat food in it. He gave it to Jasper.

He was very hungry. "Aw, that's so cute." Rocky smiled.

Toshi turned his head to Rocky and Jasper and smiled. "That's cute.

He turned his head back to study, looking out the window. Everywhere he looked, people were talking and having fun.

He was very sad about it since the only friends he had were Rocky and Jasper. But, he was just lucky to have someone who cared about him.

"We should go to the park tomorrow." Toshi told Rocky.

Rocky smiled. "Of course."

Toshi looked back at the city view. "You know, Rocky, tomorrow will be a great day."

April 22, 2024 17:48

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