I'm PROUD To Be Black!

Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt



I was walking down the street with my mama, we were heading to the grocery store. It was right down the road. My mama hated the racism in the world, she would always say, "Oh Lil Trisha, don't pay attention to racist people. You are BEAUTIFUL! Be PROUD of your skin!"

I was so embarrassed of my skin color though. I was always so sensitive. But lost in my thoughts, I tripped! I hurried up and hoped no one saw, but then one white boy yelled, "You can't even walk!" Another yelled (in unison with the first boy) "FREAK!"

I don't know who could be so cruel as to calling someone names by their skin color, but obviously they didn't care. I ran crying, headed home. My mama was trying to comfort me and told me to come back.

I said, "Go mama, go shop without me! I can't take the embarrassment of my skin anymore!" I didn't see nor hear her after that, because I ran faster than I ever did, hoping to get home fast so I didn't have to face the racism anymore.

I went in the bathroom to cry as soon as I got home, and I grabbed something I found a while ago. It was some skin whitener. About a month ago, some kid tossed it at me and said "I think you spent too much time tanning, use this!"

I cried, but brought it home because I figured I could use it. I thought about using it and I put it on my legs then I heard my Mama's voice "You are BEAUTIFUL! Be PROUD of your skin!"

I then said, "Oh, what am I doing? My mamas right, I AM beautiful, just the way I am!" I went back to the store, and said to my mama, "I'm sorry mama, for running off. I shouldn't have done that." She replied, "It's okay, child. You didn't know what to do. In those situations, just do what daddy used to say, hold your chin high, stand tall."

For the rest of the day, I held my chin high and stood tall. I ignored all the mean comments about my skin color. I wake everyday, and I say, "Look in the mirror, you see yourself. Not an ugly troll, not a short elf. You can be beautiful in all ways. Your skin color, your eyes, even by the things you say. The only way your ugly, is on the inside. If you are ugly on the inside, don't talk to me, goodbye"

I listen to my mama and daddy words, and I don't ever, ever, think about changing my skin. I went outside and walked around the block. Suddenly, I see a little black girl crying. I asked her what was wrong, she said that she just got bullied for being black and said that she hated her skin color.

"Don't be ashamed!" I tell her. "I was ashamed too, I even tried using skin whitener on my skin. I realized what I was doing and ran to my mama. I told her to just follow my daddy's advice, hold you chin high, stand tall."

helped the little girl up and said "What's your name?" And she replied "Dina." I said, "Well, Dina, I think your beautiful, and that you shouldn't listen to racist people. Just be yourself" I help Dina with her bullying problems, and I think she thinks of me as a friend.

I want to help people with their problems. I sell lemonade to help raise money for homeless blacks who got fired from their job because of their skin color, or who feel ashamed of their skin color who people say is why their homeless.

I give them compliments on their skin, and give them my daddy's advice. Hold you chin high, stand tall. I want to help make a change in the world, and I'm determined to even though I'm only a kid. I even made signs saying "Black is beautiful, how come it gets hate more?"

I hung them up all around my neighborhood, Dina even helped me! Me and Dina are best friends, and we ty to help people the best we can. At school I offered help the guidance counselor by giving him my advice, so he could pass it on to the kids having racism problems.

I try to be friends with almost everyone in my class, even white people. If I ever get bullied because of my skin color, I'll just hold my chin high, stand tall, and say, "I'm PROUD to be black!"

I say to my mama, "I'm PROUD to be black!" I say to my while family, "I'm PROUD to be black!" I say to my teachers, "I'm PROUD to be black!" I say to my classmates, "I'm PROUD to be black!"

I say to my friends, "I'm PROUD to be black!" I even tell strangers, "I'm PROUD to be black!" I'll tell to the whole neighborhood, "I'm PROUD to be black!", I'll tell in the middle of the grocery store, "I'm PROUD to be black!"

Heck, I'll tell it anywhere! I won't ever try to change my skin color again, I'm more like my mama now. Thanks to her, I'm now insensitive, I'm brave, I'm happy with my skin color, and I finally believe that I'm beautiful! I am proud of my clothes, I am proud of my house, I am proud of my eyes, I am proud of my nose. I am proud of my family, I am proud of my health, I am proud of my teeth, I am proud of my personality, I am proud of my mother, I am proud of my father, I am proud of the army, I am proud of my teachers. I am proud of the government, I am proud of construction workers, I am proud of store workers, I am proud or singers. I am proud of people who work in jobs that embarrasses them. I am proud of alot of things, but most of all, without a doubt, I am PROUD to be black!!

June 07, 2020 16:39

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