Christmas Holiday Drama

       It was so terribly cold. Snow was falling, and it was almost dark. Me and my sister, Molly, were sitting on the sidewalk of Buffalo, New York. We were left on the streets all alone after our parents died in a car crash from the tremendous snowfall. Molly was shivering in my arms, and I was shivering also. We used newspapers that people left on the sidewalk as blankets. People were so careless on these sidewalks. They littered so much! Once, me and Molly were asking for food, and this lady threw her empty coffee cup on my head! Molly asked if I were okay, and I just nodded my head without saying anything. Today, the snowfall was terrible. It was like an avalanche! Me and Molly got all of the newspapers we could get our hands on. Me snuggled in them and went under a restaurant’s roof so we wouldn’t be directly under the snowfall.  Then, this black couple came up to us. “Hello, dear,” Said the woman. I said, “Hello there.” She gave me a nasty look and said, “I was speaking to the other one.” Molly looked at her, scared. “H-Hello…?” Molly said to the woman. “How about you come with me and my husband, dear!” The woman said, with a huge grin on her face. My heart sank. Suspense was creeping. My heart was beating. I was wondering what my sister was going to say. Molly looked up at the woman and said, “Really? Will my sissy be able to come with me?” The black woman looked her in the eye and said, “Uh no dear, I cannot take care of 2 children.” Molly started to cry and said, “No! If sissy can’t come, then I’m not going!” The woman gave a huge sigh and said, “Whatever. Just come on.” Me and Molly jumped up with excitement. We were finally getting a home! The black couple held Molly’s hand and made me walk behind them. I thought that was strange, but I didn’t really care. I was happy that someone cared for me. Or, that’s what I thought.

       The black couple took us to their house. It was like a mansion! They had 5 bedrooms and 3 restrooms! I had to use the restroom, but the black woman told me, “You can go to the restroom in the hole in the backyard.” My jaw dropped. When Molly asked to use the restroom, they said she could use the golden toilet! They dressed Molly up in golden clothes and a crown! They had 5 bedrooms, and made me sleep in a cardboard box behind the house! The black woman hit me and threw plastic bottles at me while Molly was sleeping. I expected Molly to act like a spoiled brat, but she was so nice to me. She brought food to me because the black couple didn’t feed me. Molly told me their names were Mr. and Mrs. Blake. One day, I was just sitting my cardboard box reading a dirty newspaper they threw out to me, then suddenly Mrs. Blake came to me. She threw a metal pole at my head. I blacked out. Molly came out to see what Mrs. Blake was doing, and when she saw me with blood on my head, she started to cry. She yelled, “WHAT DID YOU DO?!” at Mrs. Blake. Then, Mrs. Blake started to go crazy. Anything she could get her hands on, she threw. She hit me again with the metal pole. There was a tremendous amount of blood. She accidentally hit Molly on the arm with the metal pole, and she was crying from the amount of pain. Mr. Blake called the cops. The cops arrested Mrs. Blake, and me and Molly were taken to the hospital. Mrs. Blake faced a year in prison for almost killing me. I amazingly survived, even though a metal pole bounced off my head. I had memory loss, though. My sister suffered from a broken arm. When I woke up, I couldn’t remember anything. Molly was sitting in a chair right next to my hospital bed. She said “Sissy?” But I just stared at her. I said, “Who are you?” And she started to cry. Luckily, I got into some stuff that got my memory back. Me and Molly were sent to an orphanage. We were treated horribly there. If we spoke without permission, we were hit. It was terrible. We were there for 5 months. It was a living hell. After that, we were adopted by a white couple that were abusive. They also were drinking 24/7. Me and Molly thought we could never get a good family. All we got were slap marks. No hugs, kisses, and love. We always saw kids with their mom or dad getting ice cream, eating out at restaurants, hugging and kissing. We were depressed. All we wanted was love and care.

       Me and Molly were back on the streets. The white couple that adopted us dropped us off on the street while going out to buy alcohol. It was Christmas Eve. We smelt the sweet smell of cakes and cookies at the bakery. We went in. Since we haven’t eaten in weeks, we asked the lady in the front, “May we have some cookies?” The gentle lady said, “Yes of course, dears! How many would y’all like?” We were surprised. Finally, someone was nice to us! She actually cared about us! We said, “We’d like two, one for each of us.” The lady went to the back and got two heart shaped cookies and gave them to us in cute little bags. There were letters on the cookies, and it said, “You Are Worth It!” Me and Molly thanked the kind lady and went outside to enjoy the cookies. After we finished, the lady came back out and gave us cozy blankets. We started tearing up. We hugged the lady and layed down on the concrete to sleep. When we woke up, we were in front of a fireplace with hot chocolate in front of us. When we looked up, we saw the kind lady from the bakery. We started to cry and we got up and hugged her. We finally had a person that loved us.

March 13, 2023 02:55

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