Horror Suspense

I really met my person - the one I get to call home no matter where we actually end up. He really wasn’t perfect, we both had our faults, but we always worked on them together. the petals to my rose - this man was going to be my husband, I was going to make sure of it. Quiet, never too outstanding, nothing above average, no matter what it was we were doing, he never did anything too brilliant, not wanting to be seen by others. And yet he took my heart; I was the social butterfly out of the both of us, chit chatting away at parties, but always making sure my significant other was close by and never feeling left out. I made sure no matter where we were, I did the most to make sure others weren’t giving him a hard time, always making sure that he wasn’t too far away.

My favorite memory was our last date right before I proposed, I mean I felt I had to, I knew he would never have the confidence to do it himself, he could think of it as a personal favor to be repaid some day in the future once we share anniversaries or kids’ birthdays. That special day will always be in my memories As my proudest moment in our relationship. It was like something out of the movies; blossoms were budding on trees left and right, the grass was unbelievably soft, like a rug for when you have children, and the air was just right, I made sure of it. I waited for the perfect time: 6:15 pm, exactly when the blues in the sky began to deepen: orange, reds, purple, now. As he looked at me to speak, I bent on both knees (Feeling it was most appropriate) and I spoke those magical words that changed life forever, “Will you marry me? I can’t wait any longer to start our family together.” I’m met with silence, one second became a minute, two became three; his eyes turned dark, this isn’t right, this didn’t happen what’s going on? His mouth widens, a loud shriek, next, I’m awake.

A dark room at first, shifting left and then right, not a single peep on either side, and then a light pops on, revealing a strange looking doctor. Large as a man, arms lengthy and slender, but built and large, like a character customization gone wrong. He waltzes in, confident that he intimidates me with a stupid, smug look on his face, a slight sneer appearing, revealing his cracked lips that I can’t seem to turn away from, ”Worms like you disgust me, be gone from my sight or I will make sure you regret it.” A relief I wouldn’t have to see him again, I wasn’t scared, but the smaller details on his face disgusted me, maybe considering I couldn’t move, I wouldn’t have made sure it was the last time he ever saw me. And with that, everything went black, like I was being transported into a room polar opposite from the other, no feeling, no sense of time, like I was unconscious but awake and aware at the same time. There were cool grey, stone walls in the other room, sort if catering more to a dungeon rather than an experimental testing room for a hospital; whereas mine has soft white walls, wide roman style windows lay on each, creating a warmer and serene atmosphere, I’d assume all patients get nervous and this helped, I just think this is a waste of money for us “tax payers”. A large board sat front to me: Name: Lanpur Wills, Room: #2017, Nurse: All who dare, Notes: In responsive conditions, although delirious, can and will respond to any and all questions asked. Big letters scrawled in fast, nurses loud whispering in the halls, “No, you deal with her! You have more experience and I don’t think I can do this anymore, after this, I might just quit!” Fear stricken faces on each as I turn my head to face them all, not a single muscle moved, my face sat blank, I know it, expressionless to make it all the worse. My favorite nurse, Lyne, she stood in middle of the full group, she was the smallest but the fiercest, sometimes we’d talk, she didn’t really care, it was her job to make it seem like she was listening, but I know she just wanted to spot things that were “wrong with me”. She had the most terrified expression out of all the nurses, I got out once, the restraints failed and I pulled free, she was stuck in the room with me, I did nothing, but she still screamed and shouted for help.

Loud silence filling everywhere, everyone is terrified of me, I never thought I could be this proud - everything went well, I know it did. If memory serves me well, which is should, even after all the testing to see “what was wrong with me”, I told him he mustn’t make mistakes, and yet all he did was commit error after error. He thought he escaped, he thought his secrets were kept well, no matter how quiet, I knew of everything going on. I knew he would meet with that girl, how he was planning all his savings to make sure of two things: 1, he could change everything about himself, and 2, he could move somewhere with her, somewhere nobody would think to look. how stupid of him to think so low of me, knowing full well I’d search even the farthest planets to make sure he was always with me and only me. The girl wasn’t even half of what I was, she was barely average, especially in running, or hiding - on another thought, poor girl must have been terrible at hide and seek, I found her no matter where she went. I didn’t even have much of a fair game with her, she got what she deserved, and he did too, forever miles apart and never together because death did them part. He knew he was mine and only mine, belonging to nobody else but me, and these doctors know full well I will play along until I get my out, nothing will keep me separate from his body for too long, he’ll miss me for sure.

May 04, 2021 04:01

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