The Secrets of Love

Submitted into Contest #42 in response to: Write a story that ends with the narrator revealing a secret.... view prompt



Jan 18, 2023

Dear Diary, 

This is the place where I will let my heart out and write my true feelings. And my diary, of course. I love music, too. “This is who I’m meant to be! This is me! Look out cause here I come!” That is from The Greatest Showman. Anyways, I’m in my freshman year in high school right now. I love music as I said, art, sports, and most of all, my crush, Ryder Simmons. He is the sexiest, cutest, sportiest, and most popular guy in Raven Hood High. Also, he is a Junior that isn’t very intellectual, if you know what I mean. Many might not know that I’m a very kind person, but my mom always called me an angle. Oops. Now I’m bragging. Now I’m bragging about bragging. Sorry. Yes, I might not be popular, but I have other things to love about my life. First of all, my little dog is adorable. Like really adorable. Her name is Misty. She is part Pomeranian and part Husky. 

Secondly, as said before, I have a secret crush on Ryder Simmons. Sorry for talking about him so much. I can’t stand it when I absolutely love him, but sadly, he might not even know that love from me exists. He’s a football player, of course. He’s a quarterback, which makes him even more popular than he already is. There are so many girls already falling for him, my love, so it makes it harder to even say a word to him. But on the bright side, I sit right behind him in math class! Since, as I said before, he isn’t very smart, he got dropped down in math. And now our teacher asked me to tutor him!! Sadly, I’m too shy to flirt with him or talk about anything besides math. 

Oh no! Got to go to bed. It’s almost midnight! Bye!

Love, and your friend, 

Amethyst Miles

Jan 31, 2023

Dear Delightful Diary,

Well… you guessed it! It’s my birthday today! I’m turning 15! I’m super excited! Also, I’m inviting my new interest, Brody Davis, to dinner tonight. We will first have my birthday party, and then he will stay for dinner! Everyone, including me, (by the way, I built up my courage), calls him Bro, as in Brody. I later learned to call him by a new nickname, Bro the Hose. How cool is that? Again, I’m so excited for tonight! Two thrilling moments on the same night! I can’t stand the heat, people (by the way, all this slang and swag came from Bro the Hose)!

Sorry, but I gtg (I also learned that abbreviation from Bro)! Bye, diary!

Your excited friend,

Amethyst Miles

Feb 1, 2023

Dear Diary,

I have a lot to tell you today. A LOT. Eek!! I’m so happy! 

I had my first kiss.

Not with my dream crush, Ryder Simmons, who is probably never going to like me back, but with my new boyfriend (yes, I said boyfriend,) Brody Davis. After my party, which was actually really fun, Bro the Hose stayed for dinner, as I had said before. He was really sweet and brought some homemade cookies for me. He’s not really a baker, so it wasn’t that good, but the gesture was still really sweet. After dinner, I took him up to my bedroom to show him Misty, who was sleeping on my bed. 

He said that Misty was really cute and asked me if we could sit somewhere. I pointed to some chairs and we took a seat. And that was when it happened. He was a bit fidgety. I asked him if he was alright, but he just kept fidgeting and didn’t answer me. It felt a little weird, kind of like he was trying to tell me something. Suddenly, he cleared his throat and pointed at the window, saying that the sunset looked beautiful. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him inch a bit closer to me. I agreed and turned to face him. I don’t mean to get all mushy, but I noticed for the first time that he had beautiful, sapphire eyes. His blond hair was combed perfectly and his eyes had golden flecks that shined in the light. I began to have butterflies in my stomach as he leaned closer, and closer, and closer. And then he kissed me! Sadly, it was only on the cheek, but still! It was crazy! I was not expecting it at all. At that moment, he asked if we could become boyfriend and girlfriend. Then I said yes. Again, eek!! He admitted that he really likes me. I confessed it too. After that, he said that he thought I was really pretty, and, though I’m a bit startled about this, but not entirely surprised, I felt my confidence accelerate as I finally gave in. I said he was handsome too. This next part was a little crazy, but I’ve got to tell you, so here it is… he kissed me again! Not on the cheek this time, but on. My. Lips. I was so excited. My first kiss! My first boyfriend. And he was Brody Davis! He left after a while and my parents knew something happened in my room, even though they didn’t say a thing. 

Love and extremely happy,

Amethyst Miles

Feb 11, 2023

Dear Diary,

It’s my love’s birthday today! Brody Davis is turning 15! I’m going to his birthday party also! He is now inviting me to have dinner with him. Just like I did. I’m excited to find out who is coming to his birthday party. I’m still crossing my fingers for Ryder Simmons. Now that I think about it, it’s actually been a while since I wrote about him. So here you go. We’ve actually been getting closer during our tutoring sessions. I feel way more comfortable around him and I’m not as shy. We’re starting to get to know each other really well. It’s so nice. Of course, I’m not going to forget about my wonderful boyfriend, Brody. It’s still nice to know that Ryder and I are actually becoming friends! 


Amethyst Miles

Feb 12, 2023

Dear despaired diary,

I couldn’t believe my eyes yesterday. I caught my “boyfriend” cheating on me. How evil is that? Worst of all, I caught him kissing my best, I repeat, BEST, friend, Amber. After I saw them together, I almost had a heart attack. I did faint though. But before I fainted, I saw a glimpse of Ryder Simmons. I just wished he fell for me now. 

When I woke up from my disastrous faint, I was lying in a hospital bed. Then I saw a face looking down at me. Wait, it was two faces. I cleared my vision to see two boys staring at me. One was my EVIL “boyfriend”, Brody Davis. When I saw him, my instincts took over. My hand makes me smack and punch him really hard in the face. Then out of the blue, another voice yells, “WOWZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go, girl!” I recognized the voice. Ryder Simmons. I then see Brody give him a devilish look. Ryder then looks at his feet and says, “Sorry.” His voice was really squeaky and tiny. I’m growing a new tree! Oops. I meant boyfriend. Nope! That still doesn’t sound right. At that moment, I broke up with Brody, knowing that there was no future with me and that cheater. OK. I got to go to sleep and rest! See you l8r!


Amethyst Miles

P.S. It is Ryder Simmons’ birthday tomorrow. So excited!

Feb 13, 2023

Dear Diary,

I came out of the hospital today. I get to tutor Ryder Simmons also! On his birthday! He asked for it. I have no idea why. You will not believe what Mr. Simmons wished for his birthday today. In the cafeteria, he wished for a new girlfriend. I couldn’t faint again, so I left. Did I tell you that I broke up with stupid Brody Davis? I also am not Amber’s, my best friend, friend anymore either. Sadly, I have no friends anymore. Well, no real friends. I’m now excited about today’s tutoring lesson with Ryder Simmons. Ok. I have to get ready for the session. Goodbye, diary!

Love, and sad,

Amethyst Miles

Feb 14, 2023

Dear Diary,

It is Valentine’s day. Yesterday was g-r-e-a-t!!! Ryder Simmons asked me out on a date. When he told me that he wished for a new girlfriend in the cafeteria, he said he wanted a girlfriend named Amethyst Miles. Apparently I had left before I heard my name. I couldn’t believe it! He wanted to be my boyfriend! He liked me! Ryder also gave me a gigantic bear for Valentine's Day. It was adorable. I’m holding it right now! It’s a fuzzy red and pink bear with a large heart in the middle. It even has the words Ryder + Amethyst etched into it! I love it so much. I still can’t believe that he asked me out on a date tonight. My dream crush actually likes me!! I can’t wait for tonight!


Amethyst Miles



Feb 13, 2028

Dear Diary, 

Sadly, I haven’t written in this diary in 5 long years, ever since my dream crush asked me out. Ever since that day, my life has been almost completely perfect. I feel terrible for forgetting about this diary, and now I’m already 20. It is Ryder’s birthday today though. We are still together, and you won’t believe what he did today after lunch. Here is the story:

 Ryder and I were taking a walk by the beach when he said, “Amethyst.” I stared at him with my bright blue eyes and my dark almond hair billowing in the wind. “I have been thinking about this ever since you said that you love me, and I said the same. I couldn’t wait for this moment to come.” He got down on one knee, and I, like the show The Office,  (if I were Pam) said, “What are you doing?” Then Ryder said,

 “Amethyst, I have a secret that I’ve been hiding for too long. So here you go. Amethyst Miles, will you marry me?” I nodded my head and started to cry. We were both hugging and kissing each other. And his big secret was one I loved, one that would change our lives forever, and one that I would cherish forever and ever, for the years to come. 

Love you forever,

Amethyst Simmons

May 20, 2020 16:58

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