Time for a break.

Submitted into Contest #31 in response to: Write a short story about someone cooking dinner.... view prompt




My stomach called the kitchen and I shifted in my work chair. I blinked at the screen. My phone buzzed on my desk, breaking my concentration. It was Maria asking if I can send her the homework again. I moved from the five page paper in front of my desktop to the side and annoyingly pulled up Safari. 

One sent file and five minutes wasted, I was back to my paper. I looked at the clock; 1:30 a.m. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. 

I have to get this done. It’s worth half my final grade. Come on Addie. Focus. 

After my next sentence, my eyes started to cross. I leaned back in my chair listening to the roar of discontent from my stomach. I checked the time again, 1:33 a.m. I took another deep breath and rolled my shoulders. 

One more page and you’re done. I thought to myself, half encouraging, the other half almost kidding. 

My stomach growled again; louder and more stubborn. I didn’t want to, but I stood up. I stretched and made my way to the kitchen. I opened our freezer to some frozen meals and pizza rolls. I was about to pull out a box of Chicken Alfredo when I stopped and looked at our microwave. That thing was as loud as a jet plane. I couldn’t wake up my roommate after snapping at her for distracting me with the same thing. I knew I had to apologize later, but right now was not a good time. I sulkily put the box back in the freezer and closed the door. I looked around the kitchen for something, anything really, to slay this beast hunger. I started with the cabinet by the sink: plates, right. Next, the fridge: mustard, olives, and concord jelly. My stomach roared again as I swung open the cabinet next to the fridge: Peanut Butter and bread. Thinking about home I grabbed them both and set them on the counter next to the sink. I went back to the fridge and pulled out the jelly. With all my items together and grabbed a plate.

I pulled the blue twist tie off the package and threw the bread on the plate. I was about to slap on the peanut butter when I saw the toaster to the right of me. I threw the slices in, turned the dial to 3, and pulled the lever. 

It works, yes!

We bought the toaster a couple days ago from Craigslist, but neither my roommate or I have had the time to see if it actually works. I’ll have to bring that up in my apology tomorrow…

As I waited for the bread to pop, I pulled my phone out to check Facebook. Nothing too much to note; political ads, dog photos, chain messages. Then I scrolled onto a photo of my mom. She was having such with my sister and grandmother, “The gangs all here!” She captioned. “Wow, thanks, mom.” I whispered under my breath. I missed them so much, it’s like they forgot about me. 

The toaster popped and I turned my jealous focus to my now golden bread. I picked it up, dropping it to the plate. 

Hot! Hot! Hot! I blew on my fingers. Of course it’s hot they just came out of the toaster you klutz.

Regaining my bearings, I pulled a case knife from the drawer in front on me. Naturally, I looked at myself in the reflection for a moment before plunging it into the container of Kroger brand peanut butter. I picked up the cooled, now warm, toast and spread the smooth brown goodness across the bread. I licked the rest off the knife and threw it in the sink. 

Next the jelly, I was half way there. I put my right hand on the top and the left on the bottom and began to twist. Well, tried to twist. I took a frustrated breath and tried again. Not even a nudge. I have to start working out. I thought. It had to have been at least three years since my last YMCA visit. I set the container down and turned on the faucet. I just needed to run it under a little hot water, that would loosen up the “stuff” making it stick. I waited until steam came up and put the jar under the running water. I yawned as the jar began to warm with the heated liquid. I grabbed a paper towel to dry it, resumed position with my hands, and twisted until POP!

I smiled at my Hulk like strength, then grabbed a spoon. I tried to gauge how much of a jelly to peanut butter ratio I wanted. I always have too much of one. For some reason, in my sleep deprived drunkery, this sandwich needed to be perfect. 

I spread a light layer, then added another dip, for good measure. I put the two slices together. My stomach growled with excitement. I smiled at my work, but something was missing. Bread? Check. Peanut Butter? Check. Jelly? Double check. I thought for a moment, then like a memory from the past it came to me. I opened the drawer one more time and grabbed a sharp knife. I sliced my creation into four triangles, just like mom did. Finally, I could take a bite. I “mmm’ed” a bit at the taste on my tongue. 

When was the last time I ate? I asked myself. Lunch? No… Must have been breakfast.

I grabbed another glorious slice and licked my lips. I grabbed a cup and filled it with water. I guzzled down half and gasped for air. 

Have I not drank anything either? I tried to think of the last thing I had. I think I made tea for lunch, but otherwise I’ve been so focused on finishing this stupid paper. 

I grabbed the third slice and picked up the plate. I took it to the desk I was working at and unwillingly sat down with it. I stared at the heartless screen and put my hands on the keyboard. I began to write the first paragraph to the last page of the final paper to this semester. 

March 01, 2020 21:10

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