Lip Service, Moral Inconsistencies and “Bagging a White Guy”

Written in response to: Write about someone who has chosen to disconnect and live an analog life.... view prompt


Christian Kids Teens & Young Adult

Ok. Here goes.

As the lines of the lies continue to blur your beautiful and innocent minds.

I am compelled.

First: To earn your trust.

Second. Hear your thoughts.

Third: Respect your thoughts.

Fourth: Tackle the demons together.

There is such a “thing” as common sense. Really. Usually that comes in the form of a trusted parental-like unit who by words, deeds and actions teaches by example the differences between right and wrong.

Right and wrong exists. Really. Truly, Madly. Deeply.

The sooner you learn to trust the trust of trusting your inner self. The better.

The more beautiful your life will be in order to share your beautiful- ness with the world around you.

So. Grab a pencil. Grab some paper. Put on your invisible thinking caps. Please take your seats at your “work stations” tables, small chairs, (maybe even a desk if you are still allowed.)


Let’s Go!

This is the way, the truth, the life to a path of common sense.

Lip Service.

Similar to a mathematical equation consisting of:


A whole lotta pomp.

A WHOLE lotta circumstance.

A whole lotta “hot air” in that balloon allowed to “linger” about and above our great and beautiful land of opportunity.

Get where I am going with this? No worries. Simple. But not easy. The insidious difficulties, the troubles, with lies is to keep them going, you gotta keep them going. A self fulfilling prophecy. For the liar spewing the non-truths.


Stay with me. I have no other motivation than to give it to you straight to counter attack the lie that keeps on “giving”. And it is the opposite of the gift that keeps on giving.

Truth+Truth= Gift.

Lip Service is: xcvcbckdh, jekfdjisdfnjsdvjksdv, Eravhiper, blah, blah, blah, bluh, bluh.


A whole lotta hot air. A whole lot of empty promises.

A WHOLE LOTTA insincerity.

Promising but empty talk, words absent of real action or intention, quotations. (wk)

Now. Today’s lesson. This lesson is “G” rated. Under no, zero, no circumstances do you need to know about the sickness of what is being considered to be allowed into your school career curriculum.

In the interest of dis allowing the pornographical “explanations” perhaps coming your way in your school career, this talk lesson contains no lip service and is “G” rated. According the the lie brigade, lip service may also contain words, deeds and actions you do not need to know at these tender and fragile time of your life.

No. No. No.

No. No. No.

Just say No.

When any adult, when anything an adult says, any action that an adult may take, if it makes you feel uncomfortable. No. No. No.

Sometimes. We simply cannot be friends. Especially when the land of opportunity we call home is being twisted and turned into a knot of lies and deceptions.

A whole lotta talk

A WHOLE LOTTA “hot air”.

A whole lotta insincerity.

A whole lotta empty promises.

What is so bad about it?

Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others.

When you are unaware either by choice or a “glitch”, it can prove to be amoral.

Choose your words, deeds and actions carefully.


Choose you words, deeds and actions carefully.

Forgive yourself when you may fail.

Moral: (from Latin moralis) is a message.

A message.

A message that is conveyed or a lesson to be learned from a story or event. The moral may be left to the hearer, reader, or viewer to determine for themselves, or may be explicitly encapsulated in a maxim. A moral is a lesson in a story or in real life.(wk)


Translation: Anything you would do or say behind a closed door, you would do or say in front of an open door.


Simple. Not easy.

To overcome a strong opponent in the lie brigade, must one resort to doggedness, ingenuity, trickery??

Great question.

Remember behind closed doors or in front of open door.

Same difference.

But not the same in terms of arrogance.

Ambiguity has its benefits for some.

You need to know this before you are sold a bill of “goods”.

Floyd, Brent, Gosper and Python have all attempted to mathematically explain away the “slow and steady wins the race”mentality. But again. A lot depends on your moral code. The codes with which you live your personal life by.

You cannot kid a kidder.

And stacking the deck is a “thing”. And data, although largely unemotional in nature, cannot begin to explain away the immorality of a word, deeds or action. A stack is needed to implement depth-first search.


Those feelings about what and how you feel deep in your core being. And stack overflow is a thing. Totally understand if you are beginning to wander. If your mind is overwhelmed with wonder. Sometimes it is near to impossible to feel the feelings we feel when we are frightened, angry, happy or joyous.

We simply shut down.

We cannot take the overload.

The oversized.

The big gulp.

Of “hot air”.

A whole lotta Lies.


There is white bagging.

There is brown bagging.

White bagging is too advanced a concept for you at this point in the discussion. It is a game, It is a dance. An insidious a pecking order as there comes—with the intent of elbowing another person aside. In a nutshell, is “designed” to reduce costs for big business and perhaps rob from Peter to give to Paul. Or so and so to give to so and so. And so on and so on and so on.

It is sad. It is amoral. Unethical. Once must have a foundation or ethical standards to begin the quest. Does not involve the truest sense of the word love for fellow man. It is insidious.

And we are there. And we are here.

It is an excuse used by business when “there is no other option” available. But in all honesty, you see, this is a lie. There is always another option available.

A good one.

An honest one.

But money talks.

Money can talk its way out of a paper bag.

This is a lesson you need to know.

I am compelled to walk you through it.

And I will keep the promise I made to you in front of any open door, any closed door.

Especially God’s door.

Because he keeps it wide open in spite of ourselves.

Our faults. Our failings.

With No regrets.

In the sole interest of you becoming the good and honest, moral ethical person you are capable of being. For the persons you are destined to grow up to be. Without all the extra distractions being fed into your message feeds. They are starving you of your right to be: You.

Not on my watch.

You don’t even know me you say.



A belief that you are entitled to the truth of your truth when it is the right time and place and you are of legal age, sound mind, physically able to handle it.

Until then.

I plan to hover over your 🫵🏻shoulder and gently guide what you see, hear and learn. Feel free and confident to challenge me at every turn.

I can handle that too.

For you.

February 08, 2023 17:51

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