Coming of Age Happy Fiction

Today is an especially hot day, so I decide to sit down on a park bench that is shadowed by a large oak tree, its limbs reaching just far enough to protect the bench, without looking unkempt. I sit my backpack down on the ground, giving my spine a much-needed break, and the skin on my back begins to cool. As I lean back onto the cool metal to help the cooling process, I catch the reflection of the sun in my eye, blinding me temporarily. I look at the seven-story tall building and see all of the glistening windows, and shadows of students rushing to get to their class. This building is an architect’s dream, while simultaneously being an engineer’s worst nightmare. I walk by this building every day and have never realized the slight twist the building is on so that the top corner does not line up with the part of the building that is on the ground. The windows are so clean I can see the artwork inside, yet I cannot make any people out, only shadows of busy bees bustling around. The more I think about it, I do not even know if I walked by this building. I think I would have noticed this building, with the bright yellow couches on the third floor. Either way, it is a spectacular building. I checked my watch and noticed ten minutes had passed. I spent ten minutes looking at the building at the center of my college campus, one that is almost impossible to avoid even if you tried. I lean my head back and see two birds beginning to build a nest on one of the bigger branches this oak tree has to offer. I get the scent of chicken noodle soup, as well as the pairing of fresh breadsticks, a classic staple of the college’s cafe, even though I have never had it. I always make my lunch so I do not have to waste any time. I look at my watch again and notice I still have forty minutes until my next class. This was one of the most important lessons I finally learned after three years of college is to give myself enough time in between my classes. I decided today, I will skip the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and get the soup. I pick my bag up and head over to the cafe. 

As I walk, some of the college stats I have acquired in the past three years swirl around my head: 4.0 GPA, member of three clubs, 21,740 daily steps, over 200 miles covered in a year, equalling over 600 miles in three years. I pick my head up high and walk with confidence after all I have accomplished. I am not an athlete, so my coaches do not track me, I have to track everything, which helps since my smartwatch is on me all of the time, so I keep track of all of my mileage. Attending a big campus means a lot of steps, and working in a city where a five-minute drive takes about forty minutes, means I also walk to work. I am surprised I have not burned holes into any of my shoes, but the possibility is still there. I am one year away from graduating with a double major in analytics, and microbiology, all while working at the local supermarket. Fortunately enough, my work schedule stays the same, so I can work the rest of my day around it. Working four hours in the morning, 5 a.m. to 9 a.m, four days a week. Most people would complain, but I enjoy that morning slot, so I can listen to recorded lectures in my headphones while I stock shelves without being bothered, but that is really the only benefit. The dark fluorescent lights that mess with my body’s natural day and night cycle, and the lingering smell of raw meat and sweat that bombards my nose first thing in the morning. It helps pay for college and all of the chiropractor visits I need to go to for the neck pain from being hunched over in a book at all hours of the day. I read going to class, and start my assignments with the few minutes I have in between classes. I sit down at a table that only has three seats, hoping no one would pick the other two. I tear a piece of the bread off and dip it into the soup. The symphony of flavors dance around my mouth, and I realize why everyone says we have one of the best college cafeterias ever. I quickly finish my soup after it has cooled off, and I try not to linger in the cafe any longer, as my full stomach is trying to lure me to take a nap.

The clock flashes 4:45. I tie up my laces and begin my walk to work. I forgot my headphones at home, but it is okay, as it is only the first week of class, so I do not need to listen to any lectures. Without the constant stress, I put myself under by listening to lectures before the crack of dawn, I feel myself walk slower. The streets are quiet, with few cars driving by. The illumination of street lights and neon signs light up the night sky, which has a few lingering stars as the sun will come up soon. I never noticed that this is what my walk to work looked like every day. Maybe my neck pain was a sign telling me to look up every once in a while. As I walk into work, I notice my coworker’s smiles. I wonder if they have always smiled at me, and I just never noticed. I shyly flash a friendly grin back in their direction. I begin to notice the smell of pine sol, and cardboard, a pleasant surprise from the sweat odor. Perhaps this is what the store usually smells like, and I am just looking for the negatives. As I begin to stock my first shelf, I listen to the calm jazz music the store has on, and I cannot help but smile. This year will be different. I am still going to graduate, but maybe I’ll be okay with a B or a C in one of my classes, as long as it means I have more time. I have rushed through the past three years, it feels like the only face I see all day is my own. I look next to the girl next to me. She has worked next to me for a few weeks now, both of us just focused on our task at hand. Her ponytail is slicked back, with ginger highlights in her dark brunette hair. Her nails are painted gold and black, the school colors of the college. She works incredibly fast while managing to nod along to the slow pace of the overhead jazz music. 

“Hey I like your nails, do you want to get lunch with me on campus sometime?” I ask.

She barely startles, but you can still tell she was surprised by my question. Without looking up she responds, “Well you must be in a good mood today. I would love to, my schedule is pretty open,”.

This year will be different. This year, I am going to slow down and take in every last drop of this city. This city has so much to offer. Beautiful architecture, and academics, accompanied by beautiful food. Most importantly, this city has beautiful people, and I have not noticed them the entire time I am here. I’m glad I noticed this one beautiful person though, and hopefully more to come. 

August 06, 2021 19:45

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