Submitted into Contest #286 in response to: Center your story around a character who’s afraid of being forgotten.... view prompt



This is Colton's story as he goes out to sea, he shares his memories of his life, his wife, daughter and the lighthouse he left behind.

I wave goodbye to my beautiful family. My wife Laura, the love of my life and my beautiful daughter, my angel, Jaylen. They are my rock. They keep me going. They keep me alive.

I memorize their beautiful faces. Their smile and their beautiful eyes. My girls are the reason I do what I do. They are the reason why I take these dangerous trips.

I want them to have a good life. The best life possible. Fishing is a way of life in Harbor Haven. It's the only way I know how to make money.

My girls know this and they support me. One last wave goodbye, I give to my girls. My heart is with them and their heart is with me.

The Heart of Diamond has been my boat since the day I met Laura. It is where I took Laura on our first official date and the place where I proposed to her.

The Heart of Diamond is also the place where Laura told me we were going to be parents. It's memories like this that will sustain me.

The wind is picking up. The water is getting rough but it's okay. That's part of the job. I close my eyes and inhale the cool ocean breeze.

The Heart of Diamond is now passing the lighthouse which has been part of Harbor Haven and my family for generations.

My lighthouse guide me home.Be my beacon in this time and when I need you how me the way home. I wave goodbye to my lighthouse. I hope to see you soon.

The water continues to get rough but we push on. My family and Harbor Haven are counting on me. So is the family of my men.

I hand the wheel to my buddy, Jack. He is the best at navigating rough waters. I go and sit on the starboard section of the boat. I close my eyes and listen to the roar of the ocean.

I remember the first time I went out to sea. I was six years old. I was with my father. He taught me everything I know about boats and the sea. He was my hero.

I was an excited six year old. I put on my sailor clothes and cap my mom got for me. My said I was the cutest six year old boy.

I got on my father's boat called the RoseMary named after my mother. My father took the RoseMary out. It was the most perfect day. I got to drive the RoseMary too.

My father taught me how to maintain and fix the RoseMary. Those were fun times I had with my father. These are the things I want Jaylen to remember about me. How good of a father I was because of my father.

I'm afraid that if I don't make it home alive my girls would forget about me and that scares me. Twenty years is not long enough to have had my daughter in my life and the same goes for my love.

I want Jaylen to remember me as a man who put his family first. A man who would do anything for his family first. I'm writing down my memories so my girls will have a piece of me with them.

I know there is a storm coming. The water continues to get rough. The wind is howling. I fear I may not see my family again. So, I'm writing down my memories about my life for my girls would always remember me.

I'm hoping that when the inevitable happens and I know it will that somebody will find my notebook filled with my memories and delivery it to my Laura along with a letter to Jaylen.

I look up at the sky. It's grey and overcast but still looks beautiful. I recall my fondest memory. It was on this boat when I popped the big question to my love Laura.

It took me months to prepare my proposal to Laura. I wanted that day to be perfect and it was. My beautiful love was dressed in the most beautiful dress.

She looked like an angel sent from heaven. My Laura changed a lot since we first met and you know what I liked the change Laura made.

Laura's full natural beauty was on display. To me Laura has always been beautiful. Whether it's this new Laura or the old Laura. Laura has always been a special person even when nobody saw it.

From the first time I saw Laura, she has always intrigued me. I didn't care how she looked. I just wanted to meet her. I wasn't nervous just hoping she would give me a chance.

Back to the proposal. It went just how I imagined it would. She was beyond surprise and of course she said yes. We were married within the year. Another happy memory. We got married in the lighthouse. Then more happy news came.

I'm usually not the crying type but these memories are bring the tears. These memories are what I'm afraid is going to be forgotten.

I have more memories to share. One of my best memories that I relieve every day is of my baby girl, my angel, Jaylen.

Jaylen is the best thing to ever happen to me and Laura. She made us the proudest parents. Jaylen is a kind, sensitive soul with a heart of gold.

The first time I took Jaylen out swimming she was scared. She held on to me and didn't want to let go. Truth is I didn't want to let go of her but I knew I had too.

Jaylen was brave. She let go of me and I let go of her. She began swimming. I was right there ready to catch her. Jaylen was my mermaid of the sea.

Tears are coming down my face again. I hope and pray Jaylen remembers what I did for her.

The lighthouse was my special place. I loved going there and it's the place where I took Jaylen when she was six years old.

The same age I was when may father took me to the lighthouse. I saw the same gleam in her eyes that I had. I told her the special history of the lighthouse. She smiled all the way until the end.

This is hard for me to do because I never been this afraid of anything. I'm, afraid my girls are going to lose their way without me especially Jaylen.

I hope this book I put together and this letter I written to Jaylen will be source of comfort for them.

The weather is getting worse. The Heart of Diamond is nowhere near Harbor Haven. This is it. I take the letter and put it in a bottle so it won't get wet. I put the cap on the bottle and tie a string around it.

I cover my notebook with a towel and secure it inside two bags along with the bottle. I throw it over the boat. I take out a picture of both my girls. I kiss them both. I love you both so much. Always in my heart.

January 23, 2025 22:51

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