Creative Nonfiction Crime Mystery

This story contains sensitive content

CW: Inappropriate Language, violence

Four people were in a white room with six chairs and a mirror behind them.

Two people were standing while arguing and accusing each other of murder over two years ago. One more person was standing in the corner holding something. James didn’t pay much attention to it at that moment.

“EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!” said James, the victim's husband, the only one that was sitting down. 

“Please… just sit down,” James said, this time more calmly, and gestured towards the chairs.

One by one, everyone started to sit, with Jack being the last one standing. James looked at him and noticed that he was leaning in the corner while holding a knife.

James took note of the knife that seemed oddly familiar and wondered how Jack got it in here but decided not to ask. So instead, he just asked him if he would sit down. Jack didn’t say a word but smiled and shook his head to say no. 

James saw that Jack was wearing an outfit that James hadn’t seen since his younger days in the late 1980s. Instead, he wore the high school punk outfit you would only find in musicals these days with oily hair. It reminded him of his brother, who was stabbed to death in a street brawl twenty years prior. His brother would always protect him while he was alive from bullies and his father, an abusive drunk. He did all this while never saying a word to anybody else. Although his brother never told him in any shape or form, James suspected he couldn’t speak.

“Suit yourself,” said James, who shrugged while keeping an eye on Jack's knife.

James then looked over to the first person that met his eye. It was a woman that looked like she had gone through the wringer five times and back while relying on pills just to stay sane.

The woman noticed and met her red eyes with his, and James recalled that he had never caught her name.

“I’ve just noticed that I never caught your name. May I ask what it is?” said James politely.

“The names Melody, but ain’t we all here for a different reason?” said Melody sarcastically but smiled anyway. There was something familiar about that smile. He recalled his mother’s smile and how she would take him to get ice cream when he was younger to try and get away from his father as much as possible.

“You’re right… I had nearly forgotten after hearing all the arguing,” said James honestly. After all, they are all suspects in his wife's murder.

“OH, PLEASE! Why are we even here?! We both know that she committed suicide!” said Bill, the man sitting on James' left.

This triggered something in him, and the next thing he knew, his chair had been thrown, and Bill was on the ground after James had punched him, but strangely it felt good. 

James immediately repaired his composure and helped Bill up. It was only then that James had gotten a good look at him. He was a middle-aged man with yellow eyes and rough knuckles, almost like he had been in fist fights his whole life. Bill had a stern face and greasy hair, but something seemed off to James. There should have been a bruise on Bill's cheek where he hit him, but there wasn’t even a scratch on him. James just chalked it up to him being tough-skinned.

“So sorry about that, Bill. I lost my composure for a second there,” said James while fixing Bill's tie. Bill just nodded and sat down after seeing James' unsure but relaxed grin.

James grabbed his chair, placed it back where he was sitting, and looked around at everyone else. He could see they were all uncomfortable, so he decided to break the ice. 

He looked back at Bill and asked how he thought James' wife's murder was a suicide.

“Well, pills were found beside her bed, weren’t there?” Bill said uncomfortably.

“Weren’t they found to be allergy pills, though? Besides, there were bruises around her body, don’t you think that counts for something?” said Melody while looking at James.

“What are you trying to say, Melody?” said James, shocked and water building up in his eyes.

“You know what I’m trying to say,” Melady said while staring at him.

“I would never hurt my wife,” James said with tears streaming down his face. “What about this man over here, though. We all know what he’s done in the past with those rock-like fists and those yellow eyes.” He said while pointing toward Bill, still teary-eyed.

James looked towards Jack, who was playing with his knife. Jake gave him a sad side-ways nod, almost like he said, “you know who’s to blame here.” James then looked at Bill, who had stood up and walked over to James. Expecting Bill to hit him, he flinched and got ready for it. But Bill stood there and said, “you’re worse than your father.” Everybody watched as James fell to the ground, recalling something he had long forgotten.

James suddenly remembered that after his brother died, he started watching his father beat his wife to the point where his mother took her life with pills. His father had a lung disease, so in his head, he knew he was going to die anyway. His father had made James pull the trigger in self-defense from him. But James could have sworn there was a single tear, but what he saw on his face was a sad smile but glad to die.

Deep down in his heart, James knew the truth about what he was; a murderer.

James found himself on the floor screaming and crying, with a doctor rushing in. Somehow he found himself in his bed strapped down and saying he killed his wife with poisoned pills. Then, he started talking about the three people he was talking to in that room. 

After that, he noticed that the doctor was writing in his notes; he decided to ask him what was happening.

“James, you were the only person in that room that entire day.” said the doctor.

“That’s impossible. There were clearly other people in that room with me. There was Bill, Jake, and Melody.” said James with concern.

“James… Can you tell me what your family's names were?” The doctor asked.

“Sure, they were Billy, Joel, and Harmony. Why?” said James in a confused tone.

“Oh nothing, you just get some rest… You’ve had a long day.” said the doctor smiling.

“Sure thing, Doctor. Have a good night,” said James.

“You too, James. Goodnight.” said the doctor as he shut off the light and closed the door.

As the doctor leaves, he comes across an Assistant who has concern on his face.

“What’s going to happen to him, Doctor? Is he going to stay here?” asked the Assistant.

“I don’t know yet, kid, but I must inform the authorities. After that, what will happen to him is up to the law, " the doctor said worriedly.

“I have to be honest, Doctor. I don’t know whether to feel sorry for him or not.” said the Assistant.

“I don’t know either, kid. But we can’t play the blame game right now. So c’mon, let's go turn this in.” said the Doctor as he started walking again. 

The doctor couldn’t help but look back, though, and wonder what kind of life that man lived to be in that shape.

September 30, 2022 13:31

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