Fiction Drama Romance

Introducing Myself.

My mother taught me this recipe for having great friendships. 

“Brenda,” she’d say, “the best way to have friends is to be a friend. It’s all up to you.”

Take two heaped cups of patience

One heartful of love

Two handfuls of generosity

A dash of laughter

A headful of understanding

Sprinkle generously with kindness

Add plenty of trust, and mix well

Spread throughout a lifetime

Serve this sunshine into the lives of others

And however much you give away

You will always have plenty.

I wrote it into my diary and read it from time to time. It occurred to me that ‘forgiveness’ is missing. But forgiveness is unnecessary if you include all those other ingredients. Love is the breath that blows away all the hurts and misunderstandings. Kindness is the healing salve that covers any wounds.

So far, I have gone through life with plenty of friends and admirers. I guess I’m a likeable person who cares about others. This formula always worked for me until I met Percy. Percival Smart is his full name. But he is not smart.

I loved Percy from the moment I met him. He is one of my work colleagues, and as we’ve worked beside each other for the past three years, I’ve come to know him pretty well. On the other hand, he hasn’t acknowledged my existence, let alone become my friend. Somehow, I managed not to take this personally. Unless he has it in for blue-eyed blonds. He doesn’t really interact with the others at work, either.

We both work at Epic Games in the engineering and design teams for the game Fortnite. He works on character, level and systems design, and gameplay. He is a walking textbook of the game’s current jargon and acronym usage. As a player, he’s ‘cracked’ and sought after for team play. His brilliant avatar skin is OG (first of its kind). To state it simply, he’s brilliant. My function in the team is as an administrator. It’s not as creative, but it’s necessary for the team to function. Theresa Green also does admin. The show must go on, and having two of us to share the load works well.

I hang on Percy’s every word, and if he ever needs anything, I rush to get it or do whatever to help him with his workload. He’ll say a brief ‘thank you’ in his quiet spoken way without even looking me in the eye. Everyone at work realizes he’s my crush. They smile and wink at me in a knowing way. It’s embarrassing. It certainly isn’t apparent to Percy. Or is he just playing hard to get? If that’s the case, he is a damn good actor.

I’ve taken to silently flirting with him. Nothing too obvious. My subtle body language demands he look at me. As I mentioned, he’s not smart.

At Work.

One day, he approached me in our coffee room. No one else around. He appeared embarrassed.

“Brenda, I’d love to invite you over for a meal and movie at my place this Saturday unless you have other plans.”

Well, you could have knocked me over with your little pinky. The invitation came out of nowhere. Can I even trust this guy? “Yes, please, Percy. I’d love that. Where do you live? I don’t have a car – “

“Don’t worry. Give me your address, and I’ll pick you up. We won’t be entirely alone. My butler Adam will cook dinner. I’ll have time to get you.”

“How super. A butler.”

Somehow, I had to contain my excitement. My dream had come true. All I could think was, “Why, now?” This was the first time we’d made eye contact, and his eyes had seemed frightened. Maybe shyness about personal things? The way he speaks his mind and articulates his suggestions at meetings makes this seem unlikely. Maybe just shy around females? I resolved to not divulge our date to our colleagues. I might jinx the whole thing.

At Home.

At dinner that evening, I told my mother and my young nephew Stephen that I had a date lined up for Saturday night.

“It’s taken you long enough, Brenda. I told you it was time to give up on that, Percy.”

“But Mum. I never gave up on him. He asked me out of the blue. It made me wonder if it was a dream. He’s picking me up to take me back to his place on Saturday.”

“Something must have happened for him to ask you out.”

“Maybe you are right, but I’m unaware of what it is. Anyway, I plan to let him know how I feel about him. This may be my last chance.”

“Sounds like hard work to me. There must be an ulterior motive. Are you willing to wait decades for a proposal? It’s taken three years for him to even ask you out.”

“Mum! Give him a chance. I think he’s shy.”

Late afternoon Saturday, I saw Percy drive up to the house in his Tesla. He held my door open. I guess I looked like a cat gloating over cream. My mother had predicted that he would not show.

“Thank you, Percy. It’s lovely to see you.” I glanced back and saw my mother peering through the front window.

At Percy's.

As we approached his house, surrounded by high walls, Percy clicked on a control, and the front gates opened. We drove down the tree-lined driveway towards the panorama of a stately mansion surrounded by an ample garden. I quickly shut my wide-open mouth.

“This is beautiful. You have a gardener?” Somehow, the picture of Percy being outdoors in dungarees, digging in the dirt, jarred in my mind.

“Yes, he has his own little cottage around the back. My Butler, Adam, is cooking the meal.”

He parked the car in front and led me from the car, up the steps, and into his home. A suit of armor stood as a sentinel on my left. As I approached it . . .

“Greetings.” Both of its arms extended. “Hang your coats and hats here.”

For a horrifying moment, I thought it must contain the ghost of some warrior from days long past. Percy smiled, and this set me off into a fit of laughing. So, he has a sense of humor, I thought.

“You got me there, Percy.”

Display cases abounded, filled with every conceivable miniature replica robo-cyborg creation. The penultimate collection.

“I love these. You’re really into them. I guess one day you’ll have some kids to play with them.”

Percy cleared his throat and looked blank. “Actually, they’re not toys, as such.”

I giggled. “I know. Boys and their toys. Anyway, I thought your Tesla was your toy!”

Adam, the butler, had come downstairs. “I know what you mean. Small boys, small toys. Big boys, bigger family car-sized toys. Hello. You must be Brenda.”

I smiled and nodded. “Hello, Adam.”

Wow, is he a hunk! Tanned skin, blond hair, fantastic physique. I had thought Percy was good-looking. Adam seems miscast as a butler and makes Percy appear as ordinary as a meatball beside a ribeye steak. But no, I still fancy my Percy.

Adam poured us some white wine with our meal. He really knew how to serve with finesse. The braised lamb and gravy, with vegetables and mashed potato, followed by blancmange with fruit salad and cream for dessert, was perfect.

At the Movies.

Percy led me into his Movie Theatre. Small and cozy with a big screen. Like a miniature cinema. He put on the sci-fi movie Travellers. I would have held Percy’s hand, but he kept his arms folded, except when he reached for the bowl of popcorn Adam brought us. His hand drew back whenever he nudged mine accidentally. The movie isn’t as sci-fi as I feared. It’s lovely and a real tearjerker. In the end, I cried.

Adam brought me a box of tissues, as Percy seemed flustered.

“I’ll be fine,” I said. “It’s such a cool movie.”

Percy stared at me like I’d said a strange thing. He offered to take me home, but Adam gave us some hot chocolate.

As we sipped our chocolate, I looked Percy in the eyes. “Thank you so much, Percy. This has meant the world to me. I understand you better now. I guess you invited me here because you don’t want the team at work to find out about us.”

Percy shook his head. “It’s not that, Brenda. I-I really enjoyed tonight. What do you think of Adam?”

“He does his job well. I can see he is your friend too . . . I’d rather be your friend, Percy. If Adam had invited me, I wouldn’t have come.”

“He only met you for the first time today. I invited you.”

“And I’m happy you did. Let’s meet somewhere else next time. Discreetly, of course.”

Percy looked non-plussed again.

At Work.

The next morning at work, I was the one who was non-plussed. Percy totally ignored me. He didn’t even smile slightly as he walked past. I knew his landline number and rang his butler, Adam.

“Good morning, Adam speaking. This is Percival Smart’s residence. Can I help you?”

“Good morning, Adam Speaking. It’s Brenda.”

“How can I help you, Brenda? Actually, my surname isn’t ‘Speaking.’”

“It’s a joke, Adam. I’m ringing about Percy.”

“What about Percy?”

“He – he’s treating me strangely. We had a great time the other evening. Do you think he could be embarrassed? I wasn’t expecting him to pretend he doesn’t know me.”

“I see. Maybe he is embarrassed. I hate to say this, but he did tell me he didn’t want to do it again.”

“Do what again? He didn’t do anything. He’s got nothing to be embarrassed about. I kissed him . . . It was only on the cheek.”

“Don’t worry, Brenda. I’ll talk to him when he gets home. Give me your number and I’ll ring you back with some answers, hopefully.”

‘What do you think is wrong, Adam?”

“Just Percy being Percy. Leave it to me, Brenda. Give me your number, and I’ll get back to you tomorrow. This is your break time, isn’t it?”

He rang me the next day as I sipped my coffee. I went into the hallway.

“Hello, Adam. Thanks for ringing back. Percy hasn’t been avoiding me today. He’s just been Percy with a tiny smile for me. But it’s still like the date didn’t happen.”

“Don’t worry, Brenda. He was embarrassed and the fact he is being himself is better than nothing. View it as professional behavior. Be patient.”


Two weeks later, I rang Adam again in a panic. I’d overheard Percy applying for time off work. It is so unlike him.

“Hello, Adam, it’s Brenda.”

“Hello, Brenda.”

“Did you know that Percy is taking time off work? He’s never done that before. It’s strange.”

“What can I say, Brenda. Percy needs a break. He’s taking me to the beach.”

“Going to the beach is a day trip. He’s taking two weeks off!”

“The truth is we are staying at Saint Clair. There’s a place called Sandy Cove Inn on the Esplanade. We’re nearly packed. I’ve never been to the beach before.”

“Haven’t you? That’s kind of him.”

“Percy is a very kind man.”

“So are you, Adam. Thanks for telling me. Percy’s been so quiet about it, I was concerned.”

“Don’t worry, Brenda. I told Percy that life should be more than constant work.”

“That’s excellent advice. Thanks, Adam. Bye for now.”

After thinking about it, I decided to act. I also took the same two weeks off work and booked a stay at the Sandy Cove Inn at Saint Clair for my nephew Stephen and me. Percy nearly fell over when he saw us at breakfast in the morning.

At the Sandy Cove Inn.

“Good morning, Percy and Adam.” They both looked down at Stephen. Adam smiled, but Percy raised his eyebrows and gaped.

“What are you doing here?” said Percy, his eyes wide open.

“Adam told me you were coming here.”

“He invited you?” Percy turned to Adam. “What were you thinking?”

“Why are you here, Brenda?” asked Adam.

“I took your advice. You said life should be more than constant work. The seaside is lovely at this time of year. I thought Steven would enjoy it.”

“You have a child?” said Percy, his voice strangled.

“We both keep secrets, Percy.” Then I gave him a piece of my mind - the truth. “I wanted to talk to you at work, but you made it impossible. I decided the best way to discuss things with you is away from work. Adam told me you were coming here, so I also booked time off work. The truth is, I’ve had a complete crush on you for years. Everyone at work knew except you. When you finally asked me out on a date, I was so happy . . . until you came to work the next day and ignored me. I just told everyone that your home is lovely and full of incredible robotics. You should be proud of it.”

“And Steven?” said Percy.

“Steven’s not mine. He’s my sister’s boy. My sister and her husband died, and I’ve looked after Steven since he was little. Me and my mother. Can you imagine how hard our lives are? Steven has no man in his life; he adores robots and only snacks on your robot cookies and crackers. We love your Emporium. Are you so heartless that you can’t be nice to one of your little fans?” By the time I’d finished, my eyes were full of involuntary tears.

Percy stared with his mouth open.

“Of course, he cares about his fans. What a splendid plan. The four of us should join forces and holiday together . . . Let’s have breakfast for starters. What do you say, Steven? Come with me.” Adam took Stephen by the hand.

By the end of our idyllic fortnight as a foursome, I refer to myself as Percy’s girlfriend. Percy and Steven have become chums, and Adam believes we make a great ‘family.’ Neither of us has mentioned this to Percy, of course.

Percy said, “If only we could stay here forever.” The truth is, I had said it, and he repeated it as a question. I made him think he had agreed.

“Snap! We are so much the same. This idea of going away together was brilliant.”

Percy sort of smiled.

“Dreams are free,” said Adam. We both grinned conspiratorially. Adam understood what I was up to and approved.

However, the four of us had to return home. Percy offered us a ride home in his Tesla, which pleased Stephen. It was more fun than travelling by bus. Adam drove, and Stephen sat in the back with Percy. They get on so well.

Since our return, Percy has reverted to his workaholic existence. I haven’t given up because Adam promised to work on Percy. Every promise Percy makes (reluctantly or not), or acceptance of suggestions I make, he will make Percy comply with. Percy may be reluctant, but he isn’t a liar. Where there is life, there is hope, I guess. My recipe for success just didn’t seem to work with Percy.

At Percy's.

Percy kept his promise and invited us to his place for lunch. Even after Stephen fell into the pond, he still took us to Percival Smart’s Emporium, the business his parents set up for him when he was a child. It is a very successful business that makes, sells, and distributes robot-shaped snacks. Stephen loved it. But that’s another story.

At the Restaurant.

He also invited me on a double date with Adam and his girl Melissa. She’s drop-dead gorgeous. I am so proud of Percy. His Aunt Hildegarde had tried to set up Melissa with Percy. She was all over him like a rash until Adam grabbed her and took her to another table. He literally dragged her away. What is it with this woman? I very uncharitably wished for her to drop dead!

 Percy and I sat down for our meal, and he finally said the most complimentary words I’d ever heard him say. He told them with pride. It gave me goosebumps.

“You are my girlfriend, Brenda. You are the loveliest woman here. Melissa doesn’t hold a candle to you. In fact, women like Melissa deserve to be burnt down to a stump and thrown away.”

As the evening progressed, after his declaration, Percy finally relaxed, more like when we went on our seaside holiday a few months before. I asked him if he would like to come and have a meal at home sometime, with Stephen and me, and get to know my mother better.

“I’d love to, Brenda. But it’ll have to wait until after Aunt Hildegarde leaves. She’s adamant that Melissa is the one for me. Though I’m sure that if she met you, she would understand. But I don’t give two figs for her approval or not. You are the only girl for me . . . Let’s order our meal, shall we?”

Finally, the beginning!

Posted Oct 03, 2024

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26 likes 16 comments

Helen A Howard
12:31 Oct 06, 2024

So great to get Brenda’s point of view in all this. I can’t help both admiring her determination and feeling sorry for her.
Thank goodness for Adam who is more human in his outlook than AI. As you know, I’m a great fan of these stories. Very enjoyable.


19:37 Oct 06, 2024

Thanks, Helen. It's difficult to keep up with entertaining stories using the same characters but somehow these characters seem to keep us interested. Diverse prompts help.


Helen A Howard
20:14 Oct 06, 2024

You could almost write a novel by using these prompts. The prompts are often engaging.


10:01 Oct 05, 2024

This is great Kaitlyn. At first I Was like....i think ive read this before? lol. then i realised it was a different perspective. Very clever idea!


11:26 Oct 05, 2024

It fitted the prompt. I'm just not sure if it fits the drama genre well. There is dialogue and it deals with real life situations and emotions. Making it like a script wouldn't have done it justice. Thanks for the read and comment. Will check yours soon.


Mary Bendickson
23:57 Oct 03, 2024

Nice to see Brenda's point of view.


02:52 Oct 04, 2024

Thanks, Mary.


Alexis Araneta
17:28 Oct 03, 2024

To be honest, I had pegged Percy as aro in the beginning and that he only asked Brenda out of pressure. Hahahaha ! Great job, Kaitlyn !


02:56 Oct 04, 2024

Haha and thanks Alexis. He invited her initially to see if his AI, Adam, who played the butler in the first story, could pass himself off as human. Hence Percy's cryptic replies when Brenda imagines something else. The relationship has developed since then.


21:42 Oct 08, 2024

Hi Alexis - Just checking whose stories I should reciprocate read. Thanks for your comment. I think you forgot to like. I often miss, too and am constantly checking. LOL


Alexis Araneta
02:13 Oct 09, 2024

I did. Oops ! Now, it's rectified !


Trudy Jas
13:41 Oct 03, 2024

A fun story, Kaitlyn.

You've mentioned these character's before, haven't you? When I have time, I'll go back and refresh m memory.


16:00 Oct 03, 2024

Thanks for the read, Trudi. Yes, I have written stories about these characters before. This one is from Brenda's POV and is complete. I suggest a read of The Houseguest because even though Brenda covers things that happened in the other stories, and her story is stand alone, the Houseguest one gives the POV that clarifies why Percy asked Brenda out in the first place. If she knew the truth, it would shatter her romantic dreams. I'm happy to say that Percy has finally come around. Another story covers what Melissa and Adam spoke about during the same meal. Suspicious Partners. (Written to the twist prompt)

Funny thing with prompts. Sometimes a past character wants to play a part in doing justice to them.


Trudy Jas
16:10 Oct 03, 2024

LOL, I know about past characters, see Devil's Rebuttal :-)


02:57 Oct 04, 2024

Will have to check it out.


19:47 Oct 07, 2024

Wow! I did check him out. What a character to reprise!


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