Fiction Inspirational Romance

                      "Unspoken Truths"

When a star crossed there are chances that two meets anyhow or destiny tries to make them pairings. Nirupam Oberoi is a handsome guy in the medical college of Mumbai. Every girl loves him and tries to get close to him.  But he never give head to it. He is very focused in his work. Soon his life change when she enters in the campus. Bina Sharma who comes to the medical college to become a best doctor. She belongs to a poor family but is very beautiful and kind in nature.  Initially both Nirupam and Bina fights with each other because Bina always triggers Nirupam’s male ego. Both the people hate each other and always engaged in a heated argument.  But one incident changes everything between them.  One day all the doctors go to a camp in a hilly area for 4 days Nirupam and Bina are also selected to treat there.  The day 2nd day it was a night when all the doctors lost in a jungle specially Nirupam and Bina. after fighting of quiet an hour they finally saw a hut in a far distance.  Without having any option they goes to the hut and decides to spend the night as also the rain began to pour in the jungle. As they reach there Bina shivers in cold so at first Nirupam light fire with wood then after sometimes they feels like sleeping so they manage some clothes and sleep beside each other but at some point Bina got high fever. So without uch option left she gives her body heat which turns into sleeping together. Next morning they find their way but they didn’t says anything to each other and remain quiet.  As they reach hospital after 4 days all the staff notice changes in them but as usual they denies and argues more in front of everyone but behind the back falls head over heel in love with each other. With time their arguments increased much more which doubts everyone. Eventually everything changes once again when they got their medical degree. Unfortunately, Nirupam goes to USA and Bina being a poor girl didn’t get opportunity to work anywhere as her parents gets her marries to a rich guy of a neighbourhood. Later Bina and her in laws shift to Mumbai. As Bina wants to work in a hospital her in laws including her husband didn’t allow her to work anywhere and to keep her busy force her to have baby and after few month passed without any option left Bina give birth to five babies one by one. Now they becomes old as the children grows up. But Bina is not happy in her marriage and also her husband cheats her and without her concern marries another women. Bina without any word take divorce from him and move away in her life and get a job in a Mumbai hospital and stays alone as her families didn’t accept her or the fact. One day while working in the hospital she gets a news that a best neurologists will going to join their hospital as he is an Indian and plans to return back. All are excited about the news but as Bina is a mature woman she remains uneffective about it. After few days the new person joins the hospital and as soon as Bina see the figure she becomes shocks as the person is none other than Nirupam. They are in a shocking state but now the look in Nirupam’s eyes have change for her. But now Nirupam has become very rude with everyone. Bina as usual works when Nirupam comes and grabs her hand and bring her close and gives her a very intense look. After few days Bina discovers that Nirupam never gets married and waits for Bina for 30 years. After few intense encounter one day he marries her in front of everyone and states that he marries her because his revenge is incomplete and says her that he will make her life hell. But as usual his words never matches with his actions. But now Bina is use of his torture and deep down she realise that she loves him a lot and remember that night when she literally give herself to him. She wonder why she never push Nirupam away from her. But one day destiny again plays a nasty game with them when in an accident Nirupam lost his legs forever. After this incident Bina becomes really sad but decided to stay together with Nirupam. She always stays with him and she put artificial legs in him and by those he again become able to walk. But again they always keeps fighting with each other and never express their love for each other. After few years of living witheach other Bina and Nirupam dies together in a bed one day. As soon as the book complete Ema is shock to discover that whatever is written in book same thing is happening with her and Robinson. That day after their chemistry class Ema shows the book to Robinson and ask him to read and Robinson also feels shock after reading they realse that they are the reincarnation of Bina and Nirupam and their love story remains unsaid. But luckily neither Ema nor Robinson are poor and eventually Robinson propose Ema and both the families gladly accept them and this time they didn’t faced any issues like their previous life and also both are very focused in their professional life as well as personal life together. After few years they blessed with two boys whom they share the story from their previous life and ask their sons to confess if they love someone in near future before its too late and many other things happens in their life. The ex husband of Bina is still alive although he has become much old and one day he becomes shocks seeing Bina very young but later he discovers that its like her someone but he never gets to know that Bina is living happily with her soulmate Nirupam in the form of Ema and Robinson. So the moral of the story is no one can separate soulmates. They are forms by God. They are inseparable just like Bina and Nirupam or Ema and Robinson. But in todays generation soulmates has become only stories of TV.s and shows. 

July 19, 2024 17:29

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