The world of wokedom. Do I tik tok, twerk, tweet, or tweak?

Written in response to: Write about someone who is shackled by fears of failure, until they break free.... view prompt


Christian Drama Teens & Young Adult

True or false.

Multiple choice.

All of the above?

Questions faced by persons, by families, persons, legal and illegal citizens.

Walls up.

Walls down.

Prophetic either way.

A new different.

Let’s call it that.

Death. And life.

Life and death have a way of insidiously sorting through the remains of life.

Sounds dreadful

And it can be.

For example. One side suggests de-programming. Of a constitutional right. Of others. Especially a bonafide citizen. How can the suggestion and subsequent verbalization be taken seriously? Will give an ounce of recognition, but not a pound.

Another side counter. Where do YOU live? What rules do you follow?

Just wonder in’

We all make mistakes.

Destroying evidence?

Not so much, Grandma.

Were we all to make our way to a platform.

Good for you!

However, smashing devices, crosses a line, a wall even, as does smashing to smithereens evidence of self making.

Would never, ever question your parenting techniques.

Not my call.

However in the public sphere.

The smashing methods become well, a problem.

For me.

Based on principle, of course.

Platforms. Waking up in this world of wokedom is a never ending lesson in insanity. However, wherever the suggestion to deprogram another arises, is crazy making behavior. I realize you do not care. Please also realize I will not follow your program. No matter how hard you plan to smash to smithereens my or my children’s future.

Please self examine: Have you been a good rearer? A good parent? In your mind. A good leader?

In public, the rest of your behavior leaves a lot to be desired.

Lawyer up. Lawyer down.

Or just smash it all to smitereens and trust the gov-homies who profess to have your back..Interesting things happen behind closed doors, wouldn’t you agree?

Who is the parent.

Who is the child.

Who is rearing who?

To get the job, “done”…..

Just wonderin’.

In the meanfime, while the village was taking a beating in the land of wokedom, the wokeness revolution. What was the goal? For the masses?No.Not the races. Because wouldn’t that be, racist?

Wink.Wink. Nudge.Nudge. Elbow to elbow.

And discriminatory.


Smash, smash of the metal.

But if not for the good and honorable soldiers with mettle.

Thank Godness.

No worries.

No declaration.

No problem.

Until later.

When it becomes a problem.

Smash to smithereens.


Character assassination.The choice of the day.

Have you forgotten? The grandkids are still watching?

Just wonderin’.

Some of us remember at the time, all the homies, that

never declared.

The truth of the intentions.

To pass to and of the wiggle room.

Or the VIP room either.

Not bothering to declare intentions would not have been wrong, weak and needy.

It would have exhibited honesty that was sorely lacking in wokedom.

Better to character assassinate sooner rather than later. Oh. And smash and bleach too. As long as there were enough followers, what the heck.

In the land of wokedom.


No worries— take the you don’t know what you don’t know approach?

Which can work well for awhile.

Until it doesn’t.

An immature child.

A rebellious teenager.

A tumultuous young adult.

A thirty something.



A forty something.

Never mentioning the half center mark.

Because at some time, wokedom still must play catch up.

It hurts.

Ages one before their time perhaps.

Oh. Wokedom.

Oh wokedom.

Where are art thou wokedom?

Alive and well.

To those not paying close attention.


Who may not have been updated.

No worries.

Can always blame it on the kids and their issues, to throw the smell off the evidence. Hold in your hand the legality of a truant accessing legitimate access to a country. Truly seeking asylum and not just,

Be here.


Kinda a fearful and cowardly way to go about things.

Evil, even. Perhaps it appears that was an inspiration, of yours.

Made you feel stronger. Families have been and are broken on the back of wokedom.

We know caring for you is only in the nature of smashing devices with a touch of bleach but. De programming,,,,is an all time joke. Of a suggestion.

Underestimating the enemy and the need for a “ reset.” Lacks integrity.

Integrity?. Amidst the chaos in the land of wokedom.

Life. And God. Depends. On it.

But we know, we know, you never declared, so you are in the clear.

Smash. Smash. Bleach. Bleach.

All gone!

Like a toddler finishing their mushy peas.

Yuck, Yuck.





That is what the rest of law abiding citizens confront and tackle every day.

I believe most people are good.

Protection has become the name of the game.

In the now atmosphere and land of wokedom.

Shave a little off here.

Cut a little off there.

Exhausting. Your ways of hiding the truth. The gain of function and all that nuisance stuff. The hidden under table nonsense of earned money of others. Who you may or may not have represented, it made no difference.

To the rest of us.

A new, difference.

Like it or lump it.

As a parent.

Shame on you.

Since I never had a say,

In the shenanigans.

I choose to be a bigger person and

Share this little smash and grab with you.

I do, hope you grab, on your way out of the land of wokedom.

Disclaimer: It is gender noted.

It is spiritual related, and since your practice is non-declaration. I just wanted to be sure. To be clear.

I am guessing you have a strong opinion ‘bout that. Perhaps it vanished away”, in the smash and bleach.

I have my doubts.


This is safe for young viewers, listeners, and interested parties:

“Help me to give my children the best. Not of trappings or toys, but of myself, cherishing them in good days and bad, theirs and mine.

Teach me to accept them for who they are, not for what they do; to listen to what they say, if only they will listen to me; to encourage their goals, not mine, and please, let me laugh with them. And be silly.

Let me give them a home where respect is the cornerstone, integrity the foundation, and there is enough happiness to raise the roof.

May I give them the courage to be true to themselves; the independence to take care of themselves ; and a faith to believ in a power much greater than their own.

See that I discipline my children without demeaning them, demand good manners without forgetting my own, and let them know they have limitless love, no matter what they do.

Let me feed them properly, clothe them adequately, and have enough to give them small allowances—not for work they do but for the pleasure they bring—and let me be moderate in all these things, so the joy of getting will help them discover the joy of giving.

See that their responsibilities are real but not burdensome, that my expectations are high but not overwhelming and that my thanks and praise are thoughtful and given when they are due.

Help me teach them that excellence is work’s real reward, and not the glory it brings. But when it comes—-and it will—-let me revel in each honor, however small, without once pretending that it’s mine; my children are glories enough.

Above all, let me ground these children so well that I can dare to let them go.

And may they be so blessed.

A Mother’s Prayer.

October 10, 2023 03:48

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