Teens & Young Adult Friendship Fiction

*Not related to the prompt, Sorry. Sequel of Reconciliation. Please check out the first part, if you haven't.*

I quickly pulled out from the warm hug and scanned the surroundings.

Then, when I realized no one’s watching, I looked back at her beaming face.

“That was kind of awkward. But, to be honest, it felt good.”

I looked at her, feeling embarrassed. She was flushed just as much I was.

Suddenly, she gave a short chuckle and gave me an I-knew-that look.

Her warm, tight hug brought to me warm memories of the first day in my new school.

Seven years ago. Yeah, I know this is pretty old. So, get ready for a long flashback!

2014, many things happened in this year. Mr. Modi became the prime minister of India, Transgender was constitutionally accepted as a third gender, India was declared polio-free by WHO, Kailash Satyarthi won the Nobel Prize, Sachin Tendulkar won Bharat Ratna, 75% of Kashmiri people, including my parents and their siblings turned out to vote, and so on. The list continues to go on.

But, the most important thing was papa got a job in the army and my parents decided to send me to a boarding school for better education, somewhere in Bengaluru.

I was not really interested, cause I was just an 11-year-old and I wanted to stay with my mother, father, and my 7-year-old sister. But, I was sure my parents are not going to cancel their plans. If my mother decides something, she will never take a foot back or from her decision.

I was really stunned by their decision. I had no other choice other than to obey my parents. I was not gonna join at the beginning of the academic year, but, in the middle of the academic year.

Soon, I reached the school. Well, who doesn’t like a change? I came from a place where the temperature was low almost all the time. But, things were different here in Bengaluru. The weather was really warm here, and I was loving the weather here.

I walked over, trying to find the principal’s room. On the way, I accidentally knocked down a girl. The girl had stern, brown eyes, and ash brown hair. She had an athletic physique and was a couple of inches taller than me.

The coffee she was carrying splashed all over her white hoodie with ‘Adidas’ inscribed on it. Her hoodie was stained with coffee. I think she might be in a hurry, because, she didn’t even get raged and argued with me for hours, she just apologized to me and then, quickly sped. She behaved as if she didn’t care her hoodie was stained with coffee.

That was strange; totally strange. Is Kannadigas so calm and care-free? This thought jumped over in my head, as I rushed to the principal’s office.

I knocked hard on the door. A rough, masculine voice came out of the room.

“Come in…”

I walked into the room, confidently, flashing a respectful smile. The office was clean and tidy with several photos hanged on the wall. Some of them looked familiar to me; the portrait of Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagath Singh, Jesus Christ, and Buddha.

All the other people might be the previous principals, probably.

My eyes went over to the old-looking man sitting on a rotating chair in front of a large glass table covered with red cloth. He was smiling at me, warmly and he looked at me lowering his glasses. A glint of surprise appeared in his deep brown eyes.

“You must be Mr. Rowan Rahesh, am I right?”

I nodded at him. I was kind of surprised. How does he know me? Well, we’ve never met. Maybe, he might have guessed my name.

“Yes, sir. I’m Rowan.”

“Rowan, welcome to RavenIsle International Boarding School! I am Professor Shekhar Ravindranath and I am the principal of this boarding school. Nice to meet you, young man. Your future is safe in our hands.”

The same thing the principals of almost all the schools declares to the new students and their parents, Your/ your children’s future is safe in our hands. I said nothing and just smiled at him, in respect.

He began to explain the really long history of RavenIsle, beginning from 1992. It was really boring. It was quite hard to be patient to hear the super long story. This was the most frustrating moment of that day.

At last, hopefully, he stopped explaining the history.

I saw him, grabbing the telephone and talking to someone.

“Hello. Send Liam Thompson of Room B159 to my room. It’s urgent.”

I stared at Professor Ravindranath, deep in thoughts.

After a few moments,

“Hey, sir. It’s me, Liam.”

A boy of about my age came into the room. He had hazel-colored eyes and brown hair. He was flashing a surprised smile rather than a gentle, respectful smile.

Professor Ravindranath looked at the boy, and then, at me.

“Liam, this is our boarding’s new student and your new roommate.”

I looked at him. He was smiling as if he was extremely happy to see me.

“And, Rowan, this is Liam. Your roommate. Liam will show you the room. All the Best!”

I rose from my seat. Liam went out of the room and I joined him. Just before exiting the room, I thanked the principal and waved at him, “Thank you, sir!”

I followed Liam, watching students play basketball on the court and students learn swimming in the pool.

“Hi, I am Liam. Nice to meet you, Rowan.”

I was distracted from the conversation, I asked something he didn’t expect me to ask.

“Can we play basketball here?”

He smiled at me and then, replied, “I think you play basketball. Yeah, there is a basketball court here.”

He pointed towards the basketball court.

Cool! This whole boarding school is pretty amazing, except for that long history. I think I’m gonna rock in this school, making a lot of friends, clicking a lot of pictures, and learning many new things.

“Yeah, you’re right. I also had to hear that long story the day I joined here. I like everything about this school except the long history and…Don’t think I’m trying to scare you…”

It was then I understood I accidentally spoke my thoughts. His voice fell, and then, he whispered to me.

“You know, Natasha, Kevin, and their gang rules this school. Natasha is the most popular girl in this school and Kevin, the most popular guy. They are so nasty and keeps bullying newbies. So, be careful, Rowan.”


I rushed to the classroom, just after leaving my luggage. I was in deep thoughts about Liam’s warning. Might this be true? Is this school too ruled by some nasty students as we see in those movies?

I knocked at the door.

“Excuse me.”

Suddenly, someone opened the door. It was a woman of about 32 years with deep brown eyes and black hair. I think this is our class teacher. She greeted me with a sweet smile.

She went into the class, without saying anything. She stood in silence in front of the students, in an authoritative way, but smiling warmly.

I looked at my classmates. Everyone was busy chattering and gossiping. The class, as a whole, was noisy. But, some students were busy reading their textbooks. Some of them smiled at me, happy to see me, but, others looked as if I did something very wrong.

The teacher cleared her throat and began, “This is not a market! SILENCE!!”

The whole class went silent. I was really surprised.

“Students, this is our new classmate. Please welcome, Rowan Rahesh!!”

I stood there, smiling at everyone as they chorused, “Welcome to RavenIsle!!”

A girl who had hazel eyes just like Liam had come towards me. She gave me a bouquet of fresh roses. I felt like I was the chief guest of some kind of important program. I didn’t think that students will welcome their new friends like this in this school. If Ananya knew this, she would have come with me. She loved being the center of attention, but, I was the opposite. For me, being the center of attention is really overwhelming. I hate it.

Then, everyone looked at me like the audience in a program would look at the chief guest who is going to deliver a long speech.

“Thank you for the warm welcome and the flowers. I didn’t think everyone would welcome me like this. Once again, a big thank you to everyone!!”

I looked over at my classmates, once again. I noticed someone waving at me. I understood who it was. It was that girl I saw this morning. She was smiling. Not just she, a boy and a girl who was sitting in front of her were also waving at me. I smiled at the mystery girl.

The class teacher looked at me and then, continued, “Glad to meet you, Rowan. I am Aakansha Khatri and I’m your class teacher and also your Science teacher. Have a seat beside Atharvika Pallavi.”

She pointed at the mystery girl who had smiled at me, earlier. I walked towards her and sat beside her.

“Take page-no 128 of your science textbook. We were talking about how Cactus survive in deserts. How are cactus adapted to survive in a desert? Who can answer this question?”

A few hands rose. My hand did too. I noticed that the mystery girl did it too. It was now that I realized that she spoke nothing to me since I sat down beside her. She was busy reading the NCERT textbook.

“Yes, Rowan. Go on.”

I stood up and continued.

“The cactus has special adaptations in its roots, leaves as well as stems that enable it to thrive in desert environments. These adaptations include – spines, shallow roots, deep-layer stomata, thick and expandable stem, waxy skin, and a short growing season.”

“Correct, Rowan. Sit down. Everyone give Rowan a big round of applause.”

Everyone clapped for me. I sat down, feeling somewhat happy. Aakansha Ma’am seemed somewhat impressed.

Soon, the bell rang.

“That’s all for today, class! See you later. Today’s homework: complete pages 132 and 134.”

She wrote the homework on the blackboard and left the classroom. Soon, students began to leave the classroom. I looked at the mystery girl. She was giving out a deep, relieved sigh. And, then, she smiled at me.

The girl who sat in front of me turned towards me and asked something.

“Are you Team Raven or Team Falcon?”


The mystery girl rolled her eyes at her.

“How could he know about that, Faiza?”

And, then, looked at me.

“Hi, I’m Atharvika, this is Faiza, and this is Naishin.” She pointed at them.

“Can we be friends, Rowan?” She asked me, holding her hands towards me. I shook hands with her, and then with Faiza and Naishin.

“Sure. Rowan here.”

“Are you a nerd like Atharvika is? You guys both make a great nerd duo. Impressing Aakansha Ma’am is a big feat!” Naishin winked at me and then, said.

I was really surprised at his voice. I guessed that he is 13 from his appearance, but, his voice felt like hasn’t still reached puberty, even though I could see his ‘Adam’s apple’ and pink pimples appearing on his slightly pale face.

“Hello? Are you here, Rowan?”

Suddenly, I woke up from my daydream. I realized that I was daydreaming.

“Oh, sorry, Atharva. I was thinking of the first day of my school. You know the day I spilled coffee on you.”

Atharvika giggled at me. I giggled back.

She began humming the song, ‘Memories’ by Maroon 5.

Here’s to the ones that we got

Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not

‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories

Of everything we’ve been through

Toast to the ones here today

Toast to the ones that we lost on the way

‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories

And the memories bring back, memories bring back you!”

I asked her, “So, what are you doin’?

She said, stunned by my question, “Can’t you see, man! I’m a medical student. I’m in my first year.”

I laughed and then, said, “Now, I see the old angry, stubborn Atharvika Pallavi. You have not changed even a bit.”

She smiled and then, said, “You too. What are you doing? Still obsessed with photography?”

I replied, “Yeah, my intention to come to Bangalore was to do my higher studies. I planned to take a bachelor’s degree in Photography from Hudson Academy.”

She replied, placing her palm on her chin, stroking her jawline.

“Wow, that’s a very popular Photography institute. One of the top photography institutes in the world. You might have worked so hard to get there, nerd!”

I gazed at her, smiling.

She gazed back at me and continued, “But, I still miss that fierce Rowan; the Rowan who knows martial arts and who stands up to himself and his friends. I love that Rowan, not this nerdy Rowan.”

It came into my mind. Those days she saw the fierce and brave side of me. Those days I defended myself and my friends from the Team Falcon, our then Rivals.

March 25, 2021 08:49

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Maraika!!! 😎
19:52 Mar 25, 2021

Ooooooo great job, Ash! Are you going to make a part 3? Just some tips for the next time you write: 1. watch out for words that repeat and are said to much. Find a symonony or what ever it's called to find a diffrent version of the word. 2. Some of the diolauge and the like starting stuff that tells you whos talking could be put in the same paragraph. Just to make sure no one is confused on who's talking. And that's all that I could think of! Great job on writting two stories in one week. Can't wait to see what you write next. :) Talk to ...


Maraika!!! 😎
20:07 Mar 25, 2021

Also: #StopDownvotingNow Share with ten friends add your name to pention https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/contests/86/submissions/59942/


Ash S
04:26 Mar 26, 2021

Yeah, I signed that petition and I also saw that you did too. I'll share it with my friends. :)


Maraika!!! 😎
06:45 Mar 26, 2021

I saw you signed the pention after I posted it lol. Sorry


Ash S
06:49 Mar 26, 2021

It's okay. :)


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Ash S
04:25 Mar 26, 2021

Thanks! I'm halfway through part 3. Thanks for the tips. I don't know why I keep repeating the words, 'look', 'just', 'like' and stuff. Yeah, you're right, I had some problem dividing the text into paragraphs. Thanks again! I love Maroon 5's songs like Girls Like You, Sugar, Memories, and Beautiful Mistakes. That's why I incorporated that song into my story.


Maraika!!! 😎
06:46 Mar 26, 2021

Of course :)


Ash S
16:36 Mar 27, 2021

Which is your favourite character? Why?


Maraika!!! 😎
18:54 Mar 27, 2021

I like the sass of Atharvika, but Rowan is pretty awesome.


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Ash S
17:41 Apr 25, 2021

Hey, Maraika! If you're not busy right now, can you check our collab project in Google Docs. We gotta begin writing our story. Thanks


Maraika!!! 😎
18:33 Apr 25, 2021

Ohmigod yeah of course! I'm so sorry that I haven't been checking on it. I hadn't had any good ideas and was working on some other stories. GOing to go check it out now. :)


Ash S
05:29 Apr 26, 2021

It's alright. I was also busy these days. :)


Maraika!!! 😎
05:30 Apr 26, 2021

Yeah thank you :))))))


Ash S
05:33 Apr 26, 2021

I didn't knew you were online right now.


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Ash S
08:58 Mar 25, 2021

Hey!! This is my third story. I'm pretty excited about it. I hope you're lovin' it. This is the sequel of 'Reconciliation'. Rowan is daydreaming about the day he met the love of his life and the day he met the only friends he has. Read on to find out! Guys, if you loved the story, please share it with your friends. It means a lot to me. And, comment your thoughts on this story. Please check out the first part, if you haven't. P.S: Which is your favorite character and why?


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Unknown User
09:07 May 01, 2021

<removed by user>


Ash S
02:58 May 02, 2021

Hey, Sienna!! (Love your name, short and cute)😍 I'm really glad to talk to you. Yeah, you're right. We're so alike. 😄 I'm happy that you liked my story!!❤️ Maraika is my first friend at Reedsy and I'm also her first friend here. She's a really awesome person. Sure, why not. I love making new friends. ❤️ I've heard that cusps are pretty cool. It's been about 3 months since I joined Reedsy. Absolutely, I'm loving this community so much. There are so many amazing, wonderful, nice writers and readers here and it feels so good to communicate ...


Unknown User
04:18 May 02, 2021

<removed by user>


Ash S
09:01 May 02, 2021

I hope the pandemic will end soon. :) Thanks. Trying to stay optimistic in this situation.


Unknown User
22:36 May 02, 2021

<removed by user>


Ash S
03:30 May 03, 2021

Thanks for the upvote. Oh, I had signed this petition before. Thanks for the website url anyway. I was searching for it. 🙂 To share it with my friends. #stopdownvoting #getridofdownvoting


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Unknown User
01:49 May 07, 2021

<removed by user>


Ash S
04:02 May 09, 2021

Thank you!! ❤️


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