Undeserving Beneficiary

Submitted into Contest #164 in response to: Write a story in which someone returns to their hometown.... view prompt


Crime Drama Suspense

Jeff drove down the steep, one-mile hill into the town of Signal Valley. When he got to the bottom of the hill, he parked in the first empty parking space he came across. He put his car in park and turned off the ignition.

He was a city slicker living in Dale City in New York state. The landscape seems foreign as he looks around and does not see even 1 low-rise building. He gets out of his car and walks to the nearest convenience store. There, he will purchase a bottle of water. The temperature is a very hot 85 degrees Fahrenheit in this town on this summer day.

As he walks the 100 feet to the convenience store, he notices that he is stared at by the local citizens. He is taken aback of this occurrence at first. But then he remembered something. When he was living here, the town is so small that residents viewed strangers with suspicion. That is exactly what they were doing with him now. He simply ignored the stares and went on his merrily way to the convenience store.

He finally arrives to Al’s Convenience Store and walks in. He had not been living in this town for 10 years. Therefore, he more or less had to re-introduce himself to the locals. Surprisingly, Al, the owner of the convenience store, recognized him.

“Jeff, how are you, old buddy?”, said Al.

Jeff’s initial reaction was: “You remember me after all these years?”

Al replied, “Yes, of course! You are Jeff and you used to do landscaping work in this town in the summer about 10 years ago.”

Jeff replied: “That’s exactly right! Good to see you again, Al! How have you been keeping?”

The conversation continued for 10 minutes. Then, Jeff bought the bottle of water, got into his car, and headed to the hotel where he was staying for a week.

That afternoon, he headed to the town’s central park. He was curious to see how the landscaping had been kept up for the 10 years that he has not been living in the town. He was impressed. All the trees, grass, flowers, and shrubs were kept in immaculate shape. Jeff was proud he left a legacy that was upheld.

Jeff had his iPod with him. He sat on a park bench, turned it on, and listened to some Classic Rock music on it. Then, a middle-aged man sat beside him. He started talking to him.

“Hi! My name is Steven.”, said the man.

“Hi! My name is Jeff. It’s a pleasure meeting you, Steven.”

“Are you from around here?”, asked Steven.

“I used to live here. But now I am living in Dale City.”, replied Jeff.

“Did you hear the sad news?”, asked Steven to Jeff.

“No. What sad news are you talking about?”, replied Jeff.

“Old man Bob Stanley died this morning. He was the richest man in town. He will probably have a few million dollars in cash and assets to leave to his beneficiaries.”, said Steven.

“I remember Bob. I did landscape work for him.”, said Jeff to Steven. He continued by saying, “Like they say, ‘all things must pass’. I guess it was his time. I wish I could be one of his beneficiaries.”

“When will it revealed who his beneficiaries are?”, asked Jeff to Steven.

“Tomorrow at the lawyers office. They will post the list on their website.”, replied Steven.

“I’ll be sure to check the website. At this point, they part ways and go to their respective lodging places.


The next day, Jeff visit’s the website of Bob Stanley’s lawyers. He scrutinizes the list of beneficiaries. He pauses at a name listed. It is his own. The amount he will be granted is $ 20,000. Jeff is ecstatic! It is as if he won a minor prize in the national lottery! 

He further reads the website. He comes to the description of how he will be able to collect his check for the $ 20,000. He knows now that he must go down to the lawyers’ office to collect it. He will do that later on today.

Since he is going to the lawyers office, he will get into his best –and only—suit. After doing this, he gets into his car and drives to the lawyers office. He gets out of his car and enters the office and approaches the secretary by standing in front of her.

“Is this the Goldman and Waxman office?”, asks Jeff.

“Yes. What can I do for you?”, asks the secretary.

Jeff explains who he is. He also explains that he is listed as a beneficiary of Bob Stanley’s estate.

“I have asked Mr. Goldman if he would like to see you, and he said to let you into his office.”, explains Janet, the secretary.

“Thank you. I will make my way in there.”, concludes Jeff.

He enters Mr. Goldman’s office, shakes his hand, and has a seat. I have a check for you for $ 20,000. Mr. Bob Stanley has declared you one of his beneficiaries. I have seen your identification that you are Mr. Jeff Smith. Here is the check in this envelope.”

Mr. Goldman extends his arm and hands Jeff the envelope with the check in it.

“I thank you, very much, for this check, Mr. Goldman. It was a pleasure meeting you.”, says Jeff.

They both shake hands. Jeff leaves the Goldman-Waxman office and gets into his car. He drives back to his hotel.


Don and Brad Stanley, the nephews of Bob Stanley, are disgusted with the whole situation. They resent the fact that Jeff Smith is an underserving beneficiary. They must do something.

“Where’s your handgun?”, asks Don of Brad.

I have it with me. You know I always carry my gun.”, replies Brad.

“O.K. Let’s go to Jeff’s hotel room and we’ll get the check from him. We’ll have him endorse it, and I’ll deposit it my account.”, explains Don.

“Isn’t that risky and illegal?”, asks Brad.

“I don’t care! All I know is that we are entitled to that money; not him.”. replies Don.

They both get into Brad’s car and go to Jeff’s hotel building. They go up to the suite he is staying in and knock on his door.

Don says: “Hey Jeff, it’s us, Don and Brad Stanley.”

Jeff replies: “What brings you here?”

“We want to congratulate you on your good fortune of being a beneficiary of our uncle’s estate.”, says Don.

“O.K. I will let you right in.”, replies Jeff.

Don and Brad make themselves comfortable on the living room sofa in Jeff’s hotel suite.

Brad starts a new conversation. He says: “We’ll cut to the chase.” 

At this point he pulls out his gun and puts it on Jeff’s temple of his head.

“You better sign the check to endorse it. We think it is totally unjustified that you get a share of our uncle’s estate. Do as I say, or your brains will be plastered against the wall!”, insists Brad.

Jeff does not argue with them. He signs the check. Don and Brad grab the check and leave the room at a steady pace. They get into Brad’s car and drive home.

Jeff is totally startled by what just happened. He packs his bags, checks out of the hotel, and drives back to Dale City.

Jeff Feels totally betrayed. But he gets his revenge without lifting a finger, as he soon discovers.

He is watching the news channel on TV. It is reported that Don and Brad Stanley have died in their home. A forensic investigation reveals that a furnace wire short-circuited that caused an explosion.

Jeff has a feeling of satisfaction. The unfortunate part is that it is in a perverse way.

September 22, 2022 17:17

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