Written in response to: End your story with someone saying “I do.”... view prompt


Drama Suspense Romance

Frigid air coursing through his veins like an icy current, a hazy figure looms over his face, long black hair hanging down. Fingers caressing his face, feeling like a million spider legs crawling over him and a whisper in his ears. The words are too distant for him to understand, he tries to get up but feels his limbs restrained. Hands running over his whole entire body, feeling like he’s being electrocuted; feeling helpless having to grit his teeth for whatever is happening.

Covered in a cold sweat panting heavily, Lucas stares up at the familiar ceiling covered in pepper lights. Throwing an arm over his face he tries to forget the images that raced through his mind.  Taking a deep breath he looked to the side seeing Celine fast asleep beside him, soft snores coming out through her peaceful slumber. Conflicted with how he feels with her not waking up, on the one hand he’s glad she’s a deep sleeper. On the other he feels he could use a bit of her comfort and soft words. 

Easing himself off the bed, a flicker of light and a running stream fills the air; Why now did he have to remember such a thing? His mind should be filled with the weeks that would be leading up to his up and coming wedding with Celine.  Splashing water to his face, looking in the; “Let’s forget about it, nothing bad will happen, we're safe. It won’t happen again.” Though the timing of it all left him feeling unsettled. He turns off the tap grabbing a towel to dry his face.

 Morning light, there was no time to keep anything else on his mind other than getting the rest of their things packed. Anxiety filled him as he was about to head to Italy to meet the rest of her extended family. Sat at the edge of the bed, feet tapping, he zips up the last of their remaining luggage. “Why so worried Lucky, they're going to love you I promise. ” Celine just hopes they don’t love him too much as she knows they’ll hog up all their time together. 

“I hope so too, I don’t wanna have a repeat of your brother happening.” He remembers meeting her brother for the second time, he can understand why as the first wasn’t such a good impression. Choosing not to dwell on that thought too much, “ Come on, I think Roxanna and Marcel may already be at the airport by now.” Taking their luggage to the taxi waiting downstairs. 

From the moment they took off to the moment they landed and were now on Celine’s family doorstep in Verona. He’d been nothing but a bundle of nerves the whole way through, he hadn’t been that anxious since the first day he met her parents. When the doors open they are both greeted with a warm welcoming hug from both her parents. It made him happy to see that they were so openly welcoming still. Greeting the rest of the family that had gathered making it a grand celebration of food, music and laughter. 

Some of Celine’s family members had arrived late in the night, those in particular being her aunt’s family. Upon receiving their greeting Lucas froze, seeing a familiar face he’d hope to never encounter again. He’d tried not to react and feign a smile, he’s not so sure how well he masked it. Hoping that with the wedding underway that there won’t be that many run-ins with them. 

   However that seemed to be wishful thinking  as in turn for the wedding it seems her aunt’s family would be staying with Celine’s family to stay closer for the commute. It seemed fate had decided to play a cruel joke. This person they called saint would be nothing but a devil that haunts him. Had his future brother in law not pulled him away, he’d probably had a panic attack. “ Are you okay? Sorry about this but our parents decided it was okay for them to stay. I can let them know it would be a problem if you’d like.” Lucas appreciates his concern but would rather not make it a big issue and ruin the atmosphere for everyone. 

 “It's fine there's nothing we can do about that now. I’ll just try to avoid her as much as possible. The house is rather big overall.”  Though that would be rather difficult as well, waking up and going downstairs seeing Celine all dressed up with none other than the one they called saint. Learning that they would be going out to run a few errands with the other bridesmaids. Finding out she’s more involved with the wedding than he had initially hoped. 

Celine on the other hand can’t help feeling like something might be up with Lucas. Wondering if it was him being nervous being left at home with her family, she chuckles as they can be a bit overly accommodating with new people, wondering if he’s going to be able to handle them all. One of her bridesmaids, Ramona, had been helping with preparations pertaining to a surprise dance they’d been planning for the wedding. 

She’d gotten in touch with a friend of hers that had a dance studio nearby that they could practice in and maybe learn a few moves. They weren’t that shy about dancing but other than Ramona it had been a while since they’d really done anything choreographed. However they did have quite a bit of fun loosening up with a few unchoreographed shenanigans like they were back in college again. Afterwards they headed out to go shopping in the plaza like old times, heading into bridal shops one after the other trying on dresses. 

In the dressing room of one of the bridal shops, Celine finds a note on her clothes. ‘Don't believe his pretty lies, he’ll end up changing when you least expect it.’ She finds it rather cryptic, wondering who this note was referring to. Shakes it off as she walks out of the dressing room with a bridal gown on, seeing the others in their bridesmaids dresses. 

Though after that day it seemed like the messages didn’t seem to stop, they’d changed from ordinary notes to text messages from an unknown number.Feeling uneasy as they all seemed to point to referring to her husband to be. She wonders why. Lucas is in a bit of a dilemma of his own, Getting a message from an unknown number, he knew it had to be her. Asking his soon to be brother in law and his best friend Marcel to keep an eye on her. 

Though would just those two be enough? What if she did something to Celine, knowing how far she’d go to get what she wanted. However, would she really go as far as to hurt her own Cousin? Lucas finds it hard to want to keep Celine out of his sight. Yet, he doesn't want to give anything away that would worry her. Feeling a bit conflicted with what he should do. 

Picking up on his suddenness of not wanting to leave her alone with her bridesmaids. He’s confronted one night by Celine asking him if everything was alright. He tried to deny it that everything was fine, though with the text messages that made his heart drop he told her the truth. Or at least half the truth that is. He didn't know how to tell her this unstable person was her own cousin. Celine feels the gravity of the situation, also being aware that her brother was already aware. Trusting in this all going to go smoothly was another thing. Dealing with her own struggle of feeling unsure she wants to continue like this. He never lied but he had hid  from her. Roxanna, her best friend, had come to notice a change in Celine’s demeanor. Not seeming as high spirited as she was before, asking her about it. Celine didn't know what to tell her, only that she's not really sure about the wedding anymore. 

Her friend told her to think it through, while asking what had brought on that thought. Though Celine is not sure how to explain, she admits their conversation behind the walls were grinning ears. The days leading up to the wedding were the hardest, Celine having started to suspect something going on in the wedding party. Finding it odd, while preparing for rehearsal she'd overheard her brother and Saint talking, having missed their earlier conversation only warning her to keep her distance from Lucas.

 She couldn't gather much else as she had to hide away before they could notice her. During practice walking up to the altar the words stuck in her mind, “This thing between you have with Lucas, it’s… look, I’m warning you, stay away from him. It’s time you moved on.”   Now at the altar, getting ready to practice their vows for the big day. The words playing in the back of her mind over and over like a broken record. “I Do” Her mind racing, with thoughts, “Saint and Lucas do they have a past? Is this why he wouldn't tell me then why didn't he?” Feeling conflicted, “Celine”  she looked up seeing Lucas looking at her concern. “Are you okay? Is there something wrong?” His voice so gentle and concerned, “Ah, sorry about that, got so much on my mind what were you saying?” Celine says feeling a little flustered, Not sure what she's doing right now in front of everyone right now. “We're at the part where you say I do.” 

The officiant asks her again if she'd take Lucas to be her husband, not thinking long she says “I do”

August 23, 2024 15:57

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