
''Richard !''

''Yes Margot ?''

'' Fetch my book and glasses from the bedroom...I'm bored with this movie. If this simpering little mouse ducks her head and says ' If you please Sir. ' one more time, I might throw this lamp straight through the T.V. screen ! ''

'' Well Margot, it is a period piece....eighteen hundreds or something, and that was how a well brought up young lady would have behaved.''

'' Well, I don't have to watch it. Turn it off. You have the remote on the side table.''

'' O.K. ''

'' What happened ? ''

'' I don't know. ''

'' What did you do, Idiot ! ''

'' I didn't do anything..... the power must have gone out. ''

'' Well something must have caused it to go out ! ''

'' It certainly wasn't me switching off the T,.V. ! ''

'' Alright smart ass..... find out what did cause it. I don't intend to sit here in the dark waiting for it to come back on ! ''

@ It isn't just us, it must be the whole street. There is no light from outside no advertisements flashing or anything. ''

'' Oh !. Oh ! You're right ! What's happening ? Can you see anything that could have caused it ? Have a look ! ''

'' Give me a chance. I'm making my way to the window, but it's a dark night and I don't want to fall over anything and break something....do you have a match ? ''

'' A match ! What would I be doing with a match ? ''

'' A flashlight would be better, but I doubt if you have one of those either....never mind I can see out now, or rather , I can't see out. It looks as though the whole city is without power.''

'' But that can't be ! Why would that happen ? ''

'' I don't know, but it has happened . Come here and see for yourself. ''

'' No ! I'm not stumbling around in the dark in three inch heels, and with expensive object d'art on the tables.''

'' Suit yourself.''

'' Don't get smart mouthed with me or you' ll be history.''

'' And you wkill still be in the dark Margot.. For pity's sake, can't hyou be a little reasonable now and then ? The city is in darkness. It might be a hiccup and all will be okay in a few minutes.... or .....''

'' Or what ?''

'' Well, it has to be something pretty serious to affect the whole city, so, well, whether it is technical, criminal or terrorists....''

''Terrorists ! You think we are under attack ?''

''Calm down Margot.....I was only saying that...well, whatever the cause of the trouble, it will probably take a while to correct . I mean it isn't just going to be a fuse needing replacing is it ? ''

''I don't know ! How should I know ? I pay my bills. I pay my taxes and I expect the Government to see to it that everything runs the way it should. I choose to live in this city so that I have all the civilized amenities.... I want electricity, plumbing, pizza delivered whenever I want it and phones that work......is that too much to ask? ''

'' Well, maybe for a while we won't have any of those things/''

'' What ? What are you saying ?''

'' I am saying that if the power has gone out completely, then everything might be affected....until they get emergency systems up and running. I have my smart phone in the bedroom, I'll get it. It has a flashlight and that will help while I fill some pans with water....we might get some now and not later....I'm just not sure. Come and help me. We can't use up the phone battery, so the quicker we are, the better. ''

'' I'll take off my shoes first...do you really think there will be no water ?''

I don't know, but better sure than sorry....come on.''

' It's getting cold.''

'' The heating is off of course. Better put on something warm. don't wait until you really feel cold.''

'' Oh ! Are we going to be freezing and starving and gasping for water ?''

'' Margot, stop being so dramatic. The temperature is way above freezing and I checked the cupboards; you may not cook often, but there are tins of food and bread and cheese. We just filled containers with water. Stop griping ! ''

'' Why you, you....don't pick on me.''

'' Stop crying Babe. Things are not bad. Go put on your fur coat. I know you never expected to wear it to keep warm, but it will do the job. ''

''Now you're being mean ! ''

''I'm going to ring my parents and see how they're doing.''

'' Don't use all the phone battery !''

'' I won't.... Hi Mom , how are things ?''

'' Hello dear, well Dad has just lit the wood stove. It isn't really cold, but it gives light too and I took the roast chicken out of the oven and put it on the stove to cook slowly. This reminds me of when I was a girl and my Momma had one of those old black cast iron cookers that had been in the house for ever,,,,well, she would produce the best baked goods on that old stove. I don't know how she knew how long to leave them in....no timer, no indication of temperature, but everything was delicious.... but how are you son?''

''O.K. Mom. Just checking in.....have to go...we need to save the phone for later. 'Bye....tell Dad I said goodbye too.''

'' Goodnight son.''

''I expect your folks are enjoying this,''

'' I think they kind of are, It's different in a house, and on the edge of town.''

'' I never liked living out in the sticks.''

'' An outer suburb is hardly the sticks. but at a time like this, at least you don't have to climb down eighteen flights of stairs to rteach the garage....and even more to the point, climb up eighteen flights when you get back.''

'' Climb the stairs ! ''

'' No elevators.''

''Oh, My God ! Oh ! what was that ?''

'' Breaking glass....they have started looting already. There are twomen dashing towards a car and jumping in....I don't know what they have but I suppose it was the jewellers....they probably couldn't get their protective screens in place. This will only be the start. If this power outage continues for long I expect it will get really nasty down there.''

'' Oh, Richard.... shall we go get in the car and get out of here ?''

'' Eighteen flights of stairs remember, and there won't be any traffic lights working....some idiots will drive as though there are no intersections . It could get pretty hairy.''

'' Why is this happening ? This isn't supposed to happen. I....was that more glass ?''

'' Yes, I expect this is just the beginning....Hello, what ? Oh, someone has started a fire.''

'' A fire ? What kind of fire ?''

I can't see with only the car lights, but I can see flames.''

'' They are not setting fire to the buildings....are they ?''

'' No. I can't see exactly what they are doing, but there is definitely a fire burning up the street a way. It seems to be in the road....,you can hear the car horns.''

''Are they crazy ? What is the matter with these people ?''

'' Any excuse is better than none for some of them...oh, the cops have arrived...their sirens are going but I don't think they can get past the cars...Wow ! Someone just threw a missile, a flaming missile of some sort , right at the police cart.''

'' Oh, shots ! Gun shots ! ''

'' I guess the police are firing at the guys who attacked them. This is getting serious.''

'' I need some coffee.... Richard, make me some coffee.'',

'' Margot ! How am I supposed to do that ?''

'' Oh, I forgot. Oh, no coffee ! How much longer is this going to be ?''

'' I wish I knew.''

''Oh Richard ! That was a scream ! A woman screaming !''

'' Yes....I don't know what I can do. It had to be somewhere in this building, but how could we find out where ? The whole building is in darkness and you know how deceptive sound can be with staircases and elevator shafts channeling it up and down. Unless she continues to scream or shout at frequent intervals, I could spend all night feeling my way from door to door....and what would I say if I knocked at the door ' excuse me, but are you murdering your wife ?' ''

'' O.K. O.K. I get the picture, no need to be sarcastic about it.''

'' I wasn't being sarcastic, I was simply explaining the difficulties.''

'' Yeah ! Do you think I should phone the police ?''

'' Sure...oh, and when you have done that, phone the ;power people and see if they can give us any idea when it will be back on. ''

'' O.K. How can I see to find the numbers ...oh, my phone light of course, sorry.........''

'' I can't see much detail from this height but I can see a good distance, and it looks as though it is getting pretty bad... there are cars crashing, fires going, police cars with flashing lights and fire engines tryiong to get through. If people are injured, I don't know how an ambulance will get through all this traffic snarl up.''

'' I've been waiting for ever and I still can't get through to the police. I'm on hold. I hope my phone doesn't die on me before I get an answer. That poor woman is probably beyond help by now ! I think I'll try the power number.''

'' No. Don't hang up, you'll be way back in line if you have to start all over.''

'' I know, but....well, is it going to make any difference ?''

'' Probably not. O.K. go ahead , see if you can get anywhere with what is causing this outage.''

'' Richard.''

'' What ?''

'' When it gets light... what are you going to do ?''

'' Go to work. Assuming it's safe. I can still use a theodolite without needing power, but if the crazies are out, all bets are off. ''

'' You won't leave me alone will you ?''

'' You are probably as safe here as anywhere, that is if you aren't going to work too.''

''There won't be any photo shoots without lights . Richard...you will come back won't you ? If this thing is still the same, if we don't have lights ...you won@t go home... you will come back here...I mean.. I know it is eighteen flights of stairs and all... but don't leave me alone in the dark...please.''

''Yes, I'll come back, if you want me to.''

'' Thank you.''

'' Have you got any nearer to a human being yet ?''

'' No way of knowing. Nearly everyone in the city must be trying to get through.''

''Margot. have you had any luck with that phone call ? It's getting light . I think I must have dozed off for a while. ''

''I gave up. I was afraid my battery would run out and I want to keep some means of contact.''

'' Yeah, of course. No power yet. I guess the freezer and 'fridge will be alright for a while if they are not opened.''

'' There is only ice cubes and I ce cream in my freezer so no great loss there !''

'' I should have known. My freezer is stocked with green beans which my Mom grows and fresh water fish...mostly rainbow trout , that my Dad catches.''

'' Pity I can't come and help you eat some of it.''

'' We could fire up the barbecue on my balcony...nothing fancy, but good food.''

'' That would be great Richard! ''

''I'll come for you at six, er, dress for outdoors..casual, very casual.''

''O.K. Are you climbing up here or er,do I have to walk down alone?''

'' I'll come up. Just stay put until I knock on the door...make sure it's me.''

''Will do.''

'' Of course, if the power comes back you might not want to come and slum it.''

'' I want to come Richard. o power. I do want to come. ''

'' Nice to know.''

'' Oh Richard. This fish is delicious ! What did you do with it ? ''

'' I fried some almonds in butter for the sauce.''

''Brilliant ! I love candle lanterns....and I particularly love that you still used them even though the electricity is back on. This is much more romantic than some fancy restaurant.''

''Welcome to my world Margot.''

'' I'd like to make it my world too....if you mean it.''

''I mean it...pass the pepper please.''


May 07, 2021 18:47

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