Think(air). Feel(water). Act(earth). Be(fire).

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Creative Nonfiction

It's as simple as that when it comes to manifestation. Those are the 4 golden must have steps when it comes to ACHIEVING ANYTHING you want. It follows the astrological principles of having enough of a bit of everything of the 4 elements, in order to really achieve balance and create and manifest things in your life that you really put your mind to. Don't get me wrong, there are different steps as to how to get to the fucking place you want to be at. You don't sit in a dark room and stare intensely at a lit flame and pray that you'll be the president of America a week from now. It doesn't work like that. That's why everyone needs to understand why having enough of a bit of everything will help you along the way. What I can't stand are the business mogul CEOs who tout that you can make money FAST in 10 days or that you can get and manifest what you want simply by pretending to BE that version of you that is living a lavish lifestyle on the beaches of Monaco, because you are pretending to run a successful company making millions per year.

I myself am in the achievement phase in my life again, where I have plans to finish an ESL app before the apocalypse hits, perhaps. It's giving me a nice drive to get my butt moving and place a little more optimism before the shit hits the fan. When I sit back and reflect back on what I have achieved in my life, I realize that I have done a few things that a lot of people would gasp at and wonder how on earth I was able to do what I did. How did I accomplish that feat? I have started my own entrepreneurial business all on my own while living on welfare and government benefits. I have literally written a novel all on my own. And now I'm going to create an app all on my own. Well, I may have used a few friends to help me with a few tasks here and there. The financial investment placed among all of these (including the business) was all under 5k though. I know I should be writing a book about the major tricks for business success, but I'll save that for another day (this is just a spirituality blog, after all).

I will use the example of how I touted all 4 elements of existence (thought, emotion, action, and being) in order to create my own 1 woman business. This is a more complex system in order to gain achievement. I mean, I am not sitting in front of my desk, looking at a banana, feeling hungry, thinking that I should grab it, using my human arms and hands to reach for it, and finally, grasping it with my firm hands and chewing on it right after I peel off the layers. As human beings living in the new millennium, we have built beyond complex systems sometimes for achievement, and this does include starting a motherfucking business.

When it comes to thinking, thought, and ideas, it belongs to the 3 astrological signs aquarius, libra, and gemini. They are the signs that like to sit on top of a mountain like old sages, and ponder about things to no end. I give credit to aquarius for being the quirky and eccentric ones that can come up with really wacky ideas and theories. They can really see things from a humanitarian perspective, so they see the whole picture at times to really understand how things work together and work around things. I am blessed to have a bit of that in my chart with my rising sign.

My insight on things can get pretty intense and groundbreaking at times when I do sit down and think about things in a way that no one else does. I am an intellectual person. I remember one day working at Dollar Tree as an assistant manager, trudging my way through the aisles of the store, front facing all the items. In the meanwhile, I was also playing the role of a cashier as well, running towards the register whenever I had a buyer carrying items in their hand wave for my attention. There was usually only one other coworker on that shift who mainly had roles of being the cashier but took over front facing the aisles as well. I was tired and exhausted of playing the role of 4 other assigned roles, taking over most of the duties. This was when it hit me though. I realized that at the end of the day, business and maintaining a business was all based on the concept of the systematization of people. I was THINKING this. I had always wondered to myself, how on earth could a successful business chain like Dollar Tree have been able to sell their items for 1.50 a piece? Then I realized most of a business' expenses were devoted to paying the 7 different workers with their 7 specialized tasks their biweekly paycheck. In the most generalized sense, business is revenue offset by working expenses. I only learned this brilliant idea after witnessing the pattern in this scenario compared to my 20 other jobs prior to this.

Regardless, I was glad to have grasped an interesting idea and insight that stuck in the back of my mind for a while. It wasn't until I was working my 3 year stint as a tutor to this kind kid on my 30th literal job that I actually felt some emotion about wanting to start my own business. I am a big fan of cognitive science. I like reading up on different ways to learn and how the human mind actually learns in all these interesting ways.

One day, I remember randomly asking the kid I was tutoring to circle the whole algebraic problem in order to solve it. He was getting 50s in his gr 10 algebra course. He followed my instructions, and funnily enough, he was able to easily solve his problems by circling them and figuring it out then. His average in gr 10 math went from C to A. He had actually used a method in cognitive science called "chunking", placing two items together as one and seeing it as one. It turned out that his ADHD was actually a result of the fact that he had cognitive shifting problems. By using complementary cognitive methods, he was able to see a literal algebraic problem in a different light and solve it. I thought to myself, this is a brilliant way to inspire educational teachers in IEP programs and worried mothers over their autistic sons to take the initiative to soothe any tensions they may have over their children's learning difficulties and obstacles in life. More so though, it inspired me to develop some passion in order to want to have something accomplished. This is where the emotion, the FEELING came in. Water signs such as pisces, cancer, and scorpio all feel to no end. I give credit to scorpio for being the most intense about this.

I myself have a tumor in my brain that gives me seizures. I have interesting cognitive abilities and weaknesses, and I always studied up on the subject of cognitive abilities to sort of understand where my strengths and weaknesses came from. I learned that I am a mainly left-brained person, as I actually flunk most non verbal cognitive tests. I know that the location of where my tumor lies gives me great creative problem solving skills, yet I make for a terrible driver. I can sit down and write scientific papers and essays to no end, yet I remember not even lasting a week at McDonald's. KFC fired me after a month. This is where my personal experience of cognitive difficulties and abilities gave me some sort of emotional boost to want to even start a business relating to something I've witnessed myself and felt strongly about. I felt strongly about being able to change that kid's grades, because he was in every other way not cognitively inadept, it was only his cognitive shifting abilities that got him stuck with his learning abilities. When he did his cognitive testing, he only had 1 feat in this area. He was completely adept in other ways of learning.

To feel the passion to want to create something and achieve something for others is what motivates anyone to do what they do. I never thought that I would ever start a business. It was never in my mind prior because it wasn't an emotional priority. When emotions get in the way though, that's the trigger that lights the spark. Everyone has thoughts flowing in and out of their head. To actually want to do something with these thoughts emotionally takes passion and a desire.

Now that one has some sort of emotional attachment to attaining something, the acting part is where it gets messy and blurred. A lot of salesmen and gurus stating that they know the optimal results to everything always dismiss this, only because it gets complex in itself and can be broken down into 10 million different pieces if needs be. What is absolutely true though is that there has to be STEPS. That is an ultimate truth to any sort of attainment. The best way to doing this is to take the RIGHT STEPS. This is the proper way of ACTING.

I thought to myself, I know that businesses can get complex. They seem to spend billions upon billions of dollars in expenses and also make billions and billions of revenue and sales at the same time. Do I want that kind of system for where I am right now? How long will it take me to get there? Then I remembered, wait. Businesses follow the simpest system of systematizing people. You can read the book called The Messy Middle or Bullshit Jobs to get a glimpse of how our economy and job professions have only grown more advanced and convoluted in order to serve growing populations. It in no way dictates that the 2nd manager in command, the quality data analyst, or the search engine optimal expert are all essential in order to start any business. You must have a product or service. You must have a user that wants to buy that product or service. Those are the 2 grounding principles that will follow you anywhere you go.

When it comes to acting, the earth signs taurus, capricorn, and virgo take center stage. I am blessed with a very earthly grounding, as I have all my personal planets in virgo. Virgo is the one that is extremely practical and logical, and knows what to do, when, and where. It doesn't beat around the bushes when it comes to getting things done in a logical way. I won't lie. I wouldn't have been able to get to where I have and use what I had without certain work arounds. They weren't conventional steps, but they were steps nonetheless. For me, it was about cutting out the wrong steps, and taking as few steps as possible. That is the way to gain ultimate achievement.

I would do most of it myself though to save myself the extra step and resource. Did I need an accountant when I have quickbooks? Did I need to purchase a domain name and subscribe to it monthly to pay off the extra fees? Did I need to hire a web developer when I could use wordpress to create my own webpage? Did I need a regular office, or could I use a stand in one as needed if needs be? I was conducting in-home tutoring after all. Another trick I learned from any company's balance sheet is that office expenses take up the majority of the expenses, following suit after employee payments. I'll admit, I needed a programmer in order to help me with creating my database network. Aside from that though, I did it all myself. I used the right steps to get to what I want. I looked at what the essentials were for any business. This includes a webpage, business card, some social media presence, employees and someone overseeing everything with administration. I cut out a lot of the "acting", namely because it was unnecessary.

The last step is BEING. You believe you have what's right in front of you. This is where the fire signs sagittarius, aries, and leo take their role. I would say that these fire signs can be very confident and assertive, they know what they want and they are sure that it already exists. Sometimes almost to a delusional manner where it doesn't match up with the certain circumstances of what is physically right in front of them. They are drawing in energy though, and a lot of it is positive. However, you can't be sitting in that forest in Kenya surrounding you so sure that the next week you will be president of the United States. Where's the votes? Where are the actual people? I'm sure the trees are feeling your warm energy and swaying to your tune though. Leo is the sign that is the most confident, and delusional at the same time.

My investment in this ended up being less than 5k. I was not willing to put any more money into this due to what I had around me, my resources. I am not Elon Musk after all. The act of applying and acting has to be done with the right resources. No gurus or salesmen ever really mention this. This is because they only focus on 1. brilliant idea 2. wanting and passion, and 4. being. It's as though you already are it (even though you literally are not). Acting and applying is varied in itself, but at least it does follow the same principles of a. steps, b. right steps, and c. resources. It's as simple as that. Most people are either too up the clouds with their thoughts philosophizing and theorizing everything, too busy brooding over what they want so much that they'd cry over it, or perhaps already thinking they are it in a delusional manner(and cutting out what is actually right in front of you with reality).

ACHIEVING is when you can see, hear, taste, smell, touch something in front of you. I have my own small business, run fully on my own in front of my own eyes. I have the business card and the website to show for it. I have the evidence of it. I BElieve this. I manipulated my own environment to get to this point with the right steps and right action. Learn this messy middle, because it takes time and effort, but that is the crux of where potential actually gets overturned into an essential existing concept.

June 23, 2024 20:55

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14:13 Jun 30, 2024

Fascinating read! Love the astrological inputs and concepts relating to business. Especially regarding Virgo, which I am:)


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