Fiction Teens & Young Adult

Before she met Sam, Anna never understood why anyone would want to commit murder. She never thought of herself as the crazy type either. But here she was on a Friday afternoon, stalking her ex-boyfriend’s Venmo account and fantasizing about stabbing him to death. It had been a whole year since he dumped her and blocked her on everything (except Venmo) but the mere thought of him made Anna’s blood boil. 

She scrolled through his most recent interactions on the app and zoomed in on his new profile picture. This was part of her daily ritual now. Her new mantra was “Eat, Sleep, Hope that Sam’s life is a living hell.”

At the local university, just twenty miles away, Sam was beaming. The weather was chilly but not too cold. He was graduating from college in a week, and the love of his life was walking towards him with two iced lattes in her hands. 

When Sam met Mia, she had been working as a barista at the university’s Starbucks, and he was still with Anna. He couldn’t pinpoint what made Mia so attractive to him but there was a spark there that he had never felt with Anna. It was love at first sight. It only took five coffee runs that day to realize that he did not love Anna. He followed his heart and ended his three-year relationship to ask Mia out on a date. 

Now, he was the happiest man to grace the earth. 

“What are you thinking about?” Mia asked, handing Sam a coffee.

“Just about how beautiful you are,” he replied. 

Mia gave him a small smile and sipped her drink. 

“You say that so often, I’m starting to wonder if you really mean it.”

“Of course I mean it, baby. Are you calling me a liar?” he gave her a pout and batted his eyelashes. 

Mia shivered, but not because of the cold. 

Sam stood up and hitched his backpack up far enough so that Mia could see rings of sweat forming around his armpits. 

“Let me walk you to class,” he said. 


He laced his fingers through hers and smiled. 

She’s perfect, he thought, giving her hand a squeeze.

He’s clammy, she thought, suppressing the urge to free her hand. 

They stopped in front of her classroom. Sam leaned over and planted a kiss on Mia’s lips. 

“I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

He left, oblivious to the fact that his girlfriend felt like she was being eaten alive by a million maggots. 

When Sam asked Mia on their first date a year ago, she was ecstatic. He was the cute boy who kept stealing flirtatious glances at her during her work shifts. On paper, he was exactly her type: tall, dark, nerdy and handsome. 

But on the third date, he bit his straw while drinking a smoothie. 

That’s when Mia realized that not everything should be judged solely on paper. Still, she brushed her disgust aside because it seemed like a shallow thing to care so much about. “You’re the man of my dreams but I’m breaking up with you because the way you drink from straws makes me uncomfortable” just sounded stupid even to her own ears. Besides, a relationship is all about compromise, right?

But over the past year, Mia had accumulated a list of seemingly petty reasons for wanting to end things with her boyfriend. Out of the hundreds in her collection, her top three were:

  1. He licks his fingers when eating chips and wipes his saliva-covered hands on his trousers.
  2.  He bellows — there is no other word to describe the sound he produces — when watching sports on TV. He sounds like a dying walrus.
  3. He says “libary” instead of “library.”

Mia had been trying to convince herself to escape the relationship for months, but she was too afraid of hurting Sam. He wasn’t a bad guy and he clearly loved her. She thought that maybe after graduation, they would naturally drift apart the way so many couples did, but Sam was getting more and more clingy during the weeks leading up to the end of the semester. 

For the next hour, Mia sat in class but paid no attention to her professor’s lecture. Instead, she planned how she would finally break up with her boyfriend. 

Unbeknownst to Mia, Sam was planning his own surprise at the same time. He had spent a large chunk of his savings on an engagement ring. He sat in his car, daydreaming about his soon-to-be fiancé. He was mulling over the perfect place to pop the question when he received a notification on his phone. An email from the university announced: 

Graduation Party! 

Friday. May 12, 2023

 9:30pm at Olive Garden in Loma City

Dress code: Semi-Formal

Sam smiled. Perfect.

Unfortunately for him, Mia was looking at the same email. 


Anna couldn’t believe her eyes. She had thought about what it would be like to see Sam again after their break-up. She thought about it at least twice a day. In Anna’s fantasies, Sam would be cartoonishly miserable, wishing he had never dumped her. 

This was not what Anna was seeing now, through a window of an Olive Garden. Instead, Sam was down on one knee with a ring in his hand, proposing to the most beautiful girl Anna had ever seen. They were surrounded by people who were laughing and cheering. The girl had tears streaming down her cheeks. She was living the life Anna had dreamed of for three years.

Anna felt her heart shatter into a million pieces, and walked away. She didn’t know that the girl in the restaurant was not crying tears of joy. She couldn’t hear Mia sobbing: 

“I can’t marry you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t…”

Nor could she hear Sam’s desperate voice asking, “Why? Why not? Don’t you love me? Did I do something wrong?”

Anna had no idea that her daily spiteful prayers had come true. Sam was on his knees and his life was now a living hell. Just like hers. 

February 15, 2024 16:19

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Danie Nikole
20:52 Feb 15, 2024

“Eat, Sleep, Hope that Sam’s life is a living hell.” - Ha! This made me literally laugh out loud. You are so good at hopping from perspective to perspective, it flowed so easily I had no trouble switching from one persons thoughts to the next! Well done on this story, thanks for letting me read! Danie


Angela M
07:55 Feb 16, 2024

I hope to put that on a T shirt someday ;). Thanks so much for reading!


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Alex Soto
03:04 Feb 22, 2024

Your first sentence alone was enough to draw me in. I really appreciate all the different perspectives you get the reader to plant their feet in. - A smitten Sam. - Miserable Mia - And a bitter Anna (no alliteration for this one) Many people have had the chance to experience being all three characters at different points in their lives, and you do a good job giving a reminding taste of what it was like. Good job.


Angela M
10:05 Feb 22, 2024

I really appreciate the comment as well as the alliterations! I think deep down most people are hopeless (or rather hopeful) romantics.


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John Rutherford
15:11 Feb 20, 2024

Good twist of tiwsts.


Angela M
10:11 Feb 22, 2024

Thanks so much for reading!


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K.A. Murray
11:24 Feb 18, 2024

I love this - my story also ended up being utterly un-romantic and dark after all those sweet and romantic Reedsy prompts. Great read!


Angela M
14:42 Feb 20, 2024

Yeah! Anti-love revolution!


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Kailani B.
15:08 Feb 17, 2024

I have to agree with Mia's petty reasons; they would drive me crazy too. Thanks for sharing your story!


Angela M
14:44 Feb 20, 2024

Love is blind. Disgust is 20/20 vision.


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Patrick Druid
13:47 Feb 16, 2024

This one is interesting but it makes me wonder what happened between Anna and Sam. Was Anna more clingy than Sam was to Mia? That first paragraph made me think of Strauss's Elektra (which delves into revenge and madness.). Good job!


Angela M
14:48 Feb 20, 2024

I feel like clingy is subjective. But if you ask Sam....Yeah, she was the clingiest clinger to ever cling. I'm going to search up Elektra right away. I'm a sucker for revenge.


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Jacqueline R
01:14 Feb 16, 2024

The first sentence had me hooked! lol Very good flow, and I wish all three characters find their happiness :)


Angela M
14:50 Feb 20, 2024

Me too! I hope they all find love. Except Sam. He can rot in hell. -Anna


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Alexis Araneta
16:46 Feb 15, 2024

Two things, first of all: 1. You should know that you're part of my list of authors whose new submissions I await every week. 2. I do the eating crisps, licking my fingers, and wiping it on my clothes thing. 😂 As usual, brilliant flow to the story. That impeccably gripping opening line just followed more and more brilliant lines. Great use of imagery too. I'm just curious if Mia's unease is her sensing how her relationship with Sam came about by him breaking Anna's heart. Perhaps ? Brilliant job, as usual !


Angela M
07:52 Feb 16, 2024

Hey Stella! I'm so incredibly flattered. Thank you so so much for reading my stories. I also do the chips thing haha. I've had an ex tell me how disgusting it is but if he can't love me at my finger-licking moments, he doesn't deserve me at all 😌


Alexis Araneta
08:32 Feb 16, 2024

You're very welcome, Angela. I truly enjoy your very well-written stories. Also, fortunately for me, my wonderful fiancé thinks the crisps thing I do is adorable...and that is partly why he's a fiancé, not an ex. Hahaha!


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