Creative Nonfiction Drama Romance

               It’s a nice summer evening – the birds are chirping, and the grass has just been cut. The football team practices in the distance, as Wendy sits off to the side. The school day had finished hours ago, and the football game would begin soon. Wendy watched her boyfriend run across the field, his teammates following closely behind. The day had dragged on – teacher after teacher piling more and more homework on her shoulders left the young girl nervous for the upcoming weekend. Wendy knew she’d find herself studying and working all weekend, barely being able to see her friends or relax to herself.

               “Hey Wendy!” Bebe Chandler, Wendy’s best friend since elementary school came running down the field, a football barely missing her head. A sigh fell from Wendy’s lips. The girl could be so ditzy sometimes.

               “Did you finish the math homework?”

               “The one that was, just, assigned?” The smile feel from Bebe’s face, while showing back up on Wendy’s.

               “Right…” The sunset casted a warming glow on the two girls faces, as they both sat together on the grass. The peaceful silence created between them made a nice atmosphere, and Wendy found herself at ease. Bebe always had that effect on her, it felt like the other girl knew Wendy inside and out, and brought a peaceful atmosphere even when Wendy felt herself losing control.

               “Oh my god! I forgot to tell you! Clyde gave me the prettiest bracelet on our date last week!” Bebe suddenly lunges forward, her torso colliding with Wendy’s in less than a few seconds. Bebe’s outstretched hand almost slaps Wendy in the face, jiggling afterwards with a slight bounce.

               It’s like time stopped.

               It must’ve been Bebe’s new perfume – the girl was always trying something new out, self care wise, but it’s like Wendy’s smelt it before.

               It reminded her of her mother.

               Wendy had lost her mother when she in elementary school, she was only eleven to be exact. Although she loves her father and appreciated him so much growing up – she missed out on having someone she could relate to in her own home. The years have dulled the pain since then, but Wendy could still perfectly see her mothers smile if she thought about it hard enough.

               Wendy could still remember “Parent Date Night” at her house. Her parents would get all dolled up and go to the local theatre once a month, leaving Wendy with her babysitter for the entire night. She always thought her mother looked so pretty, sitting by her vanity before they went out. Wendy always admired the care her mother put into getting pretty.

               “Wendy, what are you staring at?” A soft smile broke out on her mothers face. The lipstick she just applied sat perfectly on her lips. Their eyes locked in the mirror, and Wendy felt herself blush from the attention.

               “Why do you put makeup on mom?” The smile from Wendy’s moms face dropped a little – there was something in her eyes Wendy couldn’t quite place.

               “You’ll understand when you’re older darling.” A pity smile was shown in her direction. It was gone before Wendy could even process it, and her mother went back to putting blush on her cheeks. The powder flew off her mothers face, and right into Wendy’s nose – making the young girl cough.

               “Oh Wendy,” Her mother quickly spun to face her, bending down to be eye-level with the girl. “I’m sorry sweetie.” Wendy didn’t even know she was tearing up until she felt her mother’s thumbs wipe the tears away. Wendy could see the light sparkle in her eyes, and the eyeliner she put on – the line was shaky, and she knew her mother’s hands could never stay still enough to the liner on.

               “Are you okay, sweetheart?” Wendy felt so, safe. Her mothers arms wrapped around her so snuggly, it felt like two puzzle pieces fitting together perfectly. Wendy felt like she could do anything, be anyone as long as she was in her mothers arms. The soft aroma of her perfume filled Wendy’s nostrils, quickly destroying of the blush particles left over. The scent of vanilla was strong, but not too overpowering, and it made Wendy feel warm inside. Her short arms wrapped around her moms neck, and she let her head rest on her shoulder. Parent Date Night always made her nervous, but Wendy was always a nervous child. She could never calm down until she heard her parents car pull into the drive-way, and would only fall asleep once she felt her mothers lips on her forehead. But in this moment in time, where the clock has stopped and the only thing that matters is her mother and her, Wendy felt like she could take on the world.

               When only one parent came back that night, Wendy realized she had to take on the world, this time, alone.

               “Oh, so you think it’s ugly? Clyde’s gonna cry when I tell him.” Bebe brought her hand back, cradling her arm like it got burnt. Her sweet eyes looked so hurt that Wendy almost felt bad. Almost.

               “That’s not why I was silent,” an eye-roll, sometimes Wendy couldn’t stand the girl. “Are you using a new perfume? It smells nice.”

               “I can’t believe you noticed! It is new!” A smile instantly broke out onto Bebe’s face, all bad feelings forgotten in a flash. “I got it from Nicole – we went to that new store in the mall the other day. Girl Boss, I think? Cheesy name, but it just smelt so good I had to buy it!”

               It was funny really – how one closed door can lead to another. Wendy knew she was never going to get her mother back, she realized that years ago. But sitting here next to her best friend, she knew that it was going to be alright. Yes, she was still taking on the world, but she was not alone. She had her friends, she had her boyfriend, she the strength of everyone she’s interacted with.

               Yes, she was taking on the world, but she was with those who loved her. And for the first time in a long time, she felt safe.

September 28, 2020 05:54

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