Fiction Science Fiction

At 9:30 in the morning, darkness still enveloped the surroundings. Marvin peered through the skylight of his apartment loft, catching a glimpse of Saturn’s rings. On Earth, such a time would have been greeted with radiant sunlight, but on Titan, it was a different story. The moon was entrenched in its seventh year of winter, plunging its inhabitants into prolonged darkness during fall and winter. However, signs of the season's transition were evident as temperatures began to rise slightly. Today, the forecast promised a relatively mild -169 degrees Celsius outside.

Consulting his holowatch, Marvin reviewed his financial accounts, a routine he knew by heart. Though he had already confirmed the figures, revisiting them felt like a step towards his aspirations. The balance stood at a precise 175,769 United Colony Credits, sufficient for a comfortable existence in a biome city like Cronus. Yet, the dream of acquiring Earth citizenship remained distant, with its steep price tag of 500,000 UCC. He remained years away from achieving this goal, and the lack of job prospects in recent weeks only exacerbated his concerns.

The mere thought induced a throbbing headache, prompting Marvin to consider returning to sleep. The previous night's escapades at the bar seemed less than wise in retrospect. As he began to drift back into slumber, a buzz from his holowatch snapped him back to reality.

A call from the Constable's office interrupted his thoughts. Marvin had hoped for a cushy security gig, safeguarding affluent visitors as they indulged in the wonders of Titan's various biome cities. Such roles not only paid handsomely but also offered perks like fine dining and premium beverages. Alas, luck seemed elusive.

Answering the call, Marvin adopted a tone of alertness. "Good morning, Constable. I assume this isn't a social call or a philosophical discussion?"

"Cut the crap, Marv. We're swamped. Need a hired hand to alleviate some of the workload for my inquisitors. We've got a fugitive on the loose. Can't discuss details over an unsecured line. Head to the station, and I'll brief you."

Clearing his throat, Marvin put on a facade of wakefulness. "I'm kinda tied up right now. I'll swing by in a couple of hours."

"Hey, Marv, are you still in bed? I know you've been through a lot, but you gotta shake it off," came the reply.

"Why bother? Technically, this day has been dragging on for 6 days. Time here's just a nod to Earth's clock," Marvin retorted.

"Oh, spare me the 'time's meaningless' spiel again. I get it, one day on Titan's like 16 on Earth. Save the Earth stories for when you're here at the station," the voice persisted.

"I'll roll in soon. Gotta fuel up with a bowl of cheerios and bourbon,"

"...I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.” 

With a chuckle, Marvin hung up. He'd make his way to the station when he felt like it. No need to rush. If they needed a hired hand, it meant nobody else could handle it. They'd have to play by his clock now. And Marvin felt it was time for cereal.

A couple of hours later, Marvin strolled down the street toward the station, regretting his choice to walk as the smell of methane tainted the city air. The biome filters must've been acting up again, ruining the oxygen quality. He slipped on a respirator for some relief, reminiscing about his last security job, safeguarding a wealthy trader who waxed poetic tales about Earth's green grass and breathable air. It sounded too good to be true.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Marvin focused on the task ahead. Earth might be within reach, but for now, he was a hired lawman on Titan.

The Constable's station buzzed with activity, a hub of chaos amidst Titan's exotic allure for the rich. Crime, especially smuggling, plagued the local population. Marvin guessed the new fugitive was likely tied to some smuggling ring. There was always something being smuggled on or off this moon.

Making his way to the Constable's office, Marvin approached the admin desk where June awaited him.

“Hey stranger, good to see you back around here.” The young brunet smiled. She’d always like Marvin, and the duo got along. Something that was rare in this chaotic office. 

"I'm here to see Mitch. Is the Constable available?" Marvin inquired.

June leaned in, her voice low. "He's in, but heads up, it seems pretty serious. There's a Vanguard Emissary in there."

Marvin's heart sank. Dealing with Vanguards wasn't his cup of tea. Their arrogance about being the original alien race of the Milky Way grated on him. He had no patience for their condescension.

Turning on his heel, Marvin started heading back towards the entrance. With a nod to June, he bid his farewell. "Thanks for the heads up, June. I think I'll pass on this one. Suddenly I'm not feeling too well."

"Marv, wait! Don't be rash. I overheard Mitch mention a bonus for you. This job's urgent. Just listen to the Vanguard before you decide."

"A bonus, you say?" Marvin paused and turned back around. More UCC meant a faster Earth citizenship card, a ticket off this rock. He decided to stick around and see what this runner was worth.

Inside the office, the Constable sat with a grave expression, accompanied by the Vanguard. Their ornate synthetic suits concealed their appearance, adding to the mystery surrounding them. It was said they lived on multiple planes of existence, but Marvin didn't care much for rumors. He just despised their rudeness and arrogance.

The Vanguard took the initiative, gesturing towards Marvin. "Is this the human you mentioned?" their robotic voice cut through the tension.

The Constable nodded. "Marv, glad you could make it. This is the Vanguard Emissary to Titan."

"Quite the introduction. Anyone care to tell me why I'm here?" Marvin asked bluntly.

"Directness is appreciated," the Vanguard replied, awkwardly settling into a chair. "There's a runner, Chase Gordon. Mars native turned thief. Surveillance last night caught him leaving my ship. He stole some of my property and managed to slip away undetected by the alarms."

This caught Marvin's attention. Even though he had little love for Vanguards, he couldn't deny their technological prowess. No human faction could match their advancements.

"I understand the severity of the situation," the Constable said, rising from his seat and passing a holofile to Marvin. "If a small-time criminal possesses hacking equipment that can rival a Vanguard security system, we need to act fast. Your standard retainer fee of 10 thousand UCC is included, along with a 5 thousand bonus. Bring him in within 24 hours. We've had all hands on deck since last night, but he's vanished without a trace. I need him off the streets for questioning."

Marvin nodded. "Got it. I'll start reaching out to my contacts and—"

"If the target resists arrest, you're authorized to use lethal force and deliver the body to us," the Vanguard interjected with cold precision.

Ignoring the Vanguard, Marvin turned to the Constable. "Mitch, is that true?"

"It is. This operation's been cleared by the government in collaboration with a joint Vanguard task force. Bring Chase in, by any means necessary," the Constable confirmed.

"Consider it done. You know my methods—payment up front, results guaranteed," Marvin affirmed.

"Don't worry, the funds have already been transferred, and you've been sent Chase Gordon's profile," the Constable assured.

"In that case, I'll be on my way," Marvin said, ready to depart.

"Are you certain a one-armed man can handle this, Constable?" the Vanguard remarked, its tone dripping with condescension.

Marvin's temper flared in an instant from 0-100. He strode up to the Vanguard, brandishing his bionic right arm. "With this arm, I can crush steel and move faster than the eye can see. Want a demonstration prick?"

"Let's not escalate this," the Constable intervened, stepping between them and guiding Marvin towards the door. "Even after his time as an Inquisitor, Marvin Diaz is the best lawman on this moon. Integration with his bionic arm was 100%. He’s better than he was, I assure you."

"Interesting. His hostility confirms your observation," the Vanguard remarked, unfazed by Marvin's outburst.

The Constable ushered Marvin out into the hallway, leaving the Vanguard alone in his office. "Marv, what's gotten into you? I know you've been through a lot, but your temper is what got you booted from the Inquisitors, not your accident!"

"Mitch, they're nothing but arrogant jerks. They act like they're superior to everyone, and they're pulling the strings of our government," Marvin retorted.

The Constable sighed, shaking his head. "I'm not thrilled about their influence over the government either, but having someone like Chase Gordon out there with a digital skeleton key is even worse. Just focus on your job, and I'll see about upping your retainer as a lawman."

Marvin brushed off the Constable's words and headed for the door. "I'll find this Chase Gordon."

Hours passed, and Marvin exhausted every informant he had. Each gave conflicting information about Chase Gordon's whereabouts, indicating nobody truly knew. It was clear that everyone just wanted a bribe from a lawman. Cronus was vast, making hiding easy, but Inquisitors were on the hunt. If Gordon was smart, he'd have fled to another biome via transport ship.

At the transport station, Marvin sifted through footage until he spotted a few individuals boarding a transport bound for Thea, a small farming biome. One of them managed to evade surveillance, raising suspicion.

After a wait, Marvin boarded the next transport to Thea. Securing a window seat, he braced himself for the hour-long journey across the moon. Beyond the biomes, Titan's landscape resembled what one might expect from an untamed moon—jagged rocks, towering mountains, and vast methane lakes. Even during the brightest seasons, Titan remained shrouded in darkness, distant from the sun. Yet, Marvin found solace in the darkness, as it made Earth's presence in the stars more discernible. Spotting it before arrival at Thea, he felt a renewed determination.

Thea was mostly agriculture, but there was a small village near the middle of the biome. Finding someone like Chase would be too easy. He wouldn’t just hide in the middle of the field. There were only a few locations in town he could be. 

As fate would have it, Marvin's intuition about the town's lone bar proved accurate. As he sauntered in, his eyes fell upon a jittery Chase Gordon seated at a distant table.

He could have bided his time, waited for the right moment, but that wasn't Marvin's style.

In a booming voice, he declared, "Chase Gordon, I'm Lawman Diaz, and I've got a warrant for your arrest."

The young man's eyes widened in shock as he froze in his seat. Amidst the silence of the bar, Chase made a break for the rear exit. Marvin followed him into a dimly lit alley, expecting a chase. Instead, he found Chase waiting with a drawn gun.

"Listen, Lawman, I'm not going quietly to some space detention center. I have my own plans," Chase asserted.

"Kid, trust me, you don't want to do this," Marvin warned.

"But I do. And unless you want your chest split open, you won't stop me. Here's the deal—" Chase began, only to be interrupted by Marvin drawing his own gun from beneath his jacket and shooting Chase's weapon out of his hand.

Stunned, Chase raised his hands in disbelief, stepping back slowly. "How...how did you do that?"

Marvin shrugged, gesturing with his bionic arm. "No idea. I’m handicapped. Now, how about we head back to the transport? There's a Constable and a Loser who'd like a word with you."


"Forget it. Let's go," Marvin insisted, grabbing Chase by the arm.

"Wait! Let's talk! I'm sure there's something you want that I can get for you, right? I know a lawman's pay can't be that great," Chase pleaded.

"I'm not interested in your stolen goods. Let's move," Marvin replied firmly, leading Chase away.

"Okay, I've got something better. An algorithm that lets me do just about anything. Now, you might not care, but I can hack into the United Colony mainframe computer."

"Impossible. The government's mainframe is impenetrable."

"Trust me, I cracked the code." Chase slowly reached into his pocket and produced a data chip. Activating the holographic projection, he revealed a valid Earth Citizenship card. "I can churn these out as I please. They're 100% legit, straight from the mainframe."

Marvin stood there, stunned. Before him lay a genuine ticket to Earth. Questions raced through his mind about how this thief acquired such technology. There were bigger forces at play.

But truth be told, he didn't care. He wanted to wash his hands of the mess on this moon. "Fine!" he declared. "You hand over that citizen card, and I won't arrest you."

Chase grinned. "I knew you were reasonable. Here, take it. I can whip up more. I've got a passage on an agricultural transport leaving tomorrow. We both walk away winners."

"Sounds like a plan." Marvin inspected the data chip in his hand. It seemed as genuine as any other. With a brisk turn, he walked away, leaving Chase in the alley.

As he made his way to the transport back to Cronus, Marvin initiated an audio call with the Constable.

"Marv, please tell me you've got good news."

"I do. I found Chase Gordon. But I'm not bringing him in."

"What? What's happening?"

"Chase gave me a legitimate Earth citizenship card in exchange for not arresting him. The kid didn't specify that I couldn't disclose his location. He's currently laying low at a bar here in Thea, planning to leave the moon tomorrow. I'm pretty sure there's an Inquisitor here who can take care of him for you within the hour."

“I’m already deploying two Inquisitors now. You do realize your career here as a hired lawman is over right? Taking a bribe seals the coffin shut.”

"I won't stick around long enough to worry about it, Mitch. Plus, I've found your guy."

"You've never been the same since Carmen's accident. I should've seen this coming."

"It was always our dream to make it to Earth. I'm gonna see it through."

"I get it. Thanks for everything, Marv. You've been the best, not just as a lawman, but back in your Inquisitor days too. Got a plan?"

"Not a bit! I'm finding a beach, planting myself, and soaking it all in. Farewell, Constable."

The journey back to Cronus was silent. Marvin was already busy on his holowatch, booking passage to Earth on a UC Cruiser. With a citizenship card, he'd have full access to the whole planet in a matter of days.

Relaxing in his seat, Marvin grinned to himself. Many humans gazed up at the stars, wondering what lay beyond. But Marvin? Marvin had looked up at the stars wanting to go back to the original home. Earth.

March 30, 2024 03:48

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