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Drama Fiction Mystery

“I don’t get it Jeff, how the hell could this happen? What did I do to deserve this?”

“Damn Paul, that’s really messed up bro. are you one hundred percent sure about this?”

“No, not a hundred, a thousand percent sure. Dianne is cheating on me. I may be dumb but I’m not that dumb.”

“Does she know that you know?”

“Heck no. You think that that’s just something I’m gonna blurt out just like that? Naw, I’m gonna play this one with a smart hand. She thinks she could just up and do me like that? Like I’m some piece of garbage that she could just throw away just like that? After everything I’ve done for that witch. No, this ain’t over, not by a long shot.”

“Listen Paul, we’ve known each other since we were in college, and you know I got your back no matter what, but you gotta be certain about this before you do anything you can’t take back.”

“Certain, you think I’m not certain? We’ve Dianne and I have been married for nine years Jeff, NINE FREAKING YEARS. You don’t think I don’t know the woman I’ve been married to for nine years? Oh I’m sure, I couldn’t be more sure.”

“I’m not gonna lie Paul, personally I find it shocking. You two seem so good together. You guys barely even argue, and you literally finish each other’s sentences. So to hear this, it’s kind of unbelievable.”

“How the heck did you even find that out?”

“Didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I’ve been suspecting it for a while. At first it was the little things you know. Like how she started going out more frequently with her friends.”

“Good God Paul, I’d hardly call that evidence.”

“By itself no, but it wasn’t just that. She’d go out and come back late at night and then she’d go into the library and talk really quietly on her phone. I walked in one night and asked her who she was talking to, she said it was one of the girls from her “girls’ lime” and that they just gossip after about the nights activities.”

“Whenever she says she’s going to the gym she would sit in her car for about 5 minutes on her phone before she drives out. Why the hell would she even need to do that?”

“Ok, I gotta admit, this really doesn’t sound good. It is suspicious but it’s not proof Paul, you need proof.”

“Oh I got that and then some. Last week after she came home she went straight into the shower. I couldn’t let the opportunity pass so I started quietly going through her purse.”

 “Geeze Paul, you went where no man dares tread.”

“Damn right I did, and I’m glad I did. Know what I found? A damn condom, a condom Paul. You know I never use that crap, ever since we found out I couldn’t have kids. But she’s definitely been using it with someone.”


“Wow is freaking right, so last night when she left to go hang out with “the girls” I freaking followed her. I was really stealthy too, she never saw me. Know where she went? She drove straight to the Salsby Hotel. I couldn’t believe it bro, just like that, my whole life was shattered in a single moment. Why Jeff? I sacrificed everything to give her the luxurious life she has. She got the trips, the cars, the mansion, servants at her beck and call, she has everything and THIS is how she repays me? It's not fair damnit. I gave her everything and she returns it with betrayal? DAMN IT. Look at me sitting here pounding my fists crying like a baby. Imagine that.”

“Dude, there’s no shame in that, it would be weird if you weren’t. Let me pour you drink.”

“Listen Paul I’m not making excuses for her or anything, but do you think it has to do with the fact that you work all the time? You’re never around man.”

“Seriously, you think THAT’S a good reason? Then how the hell does she expect her luxurious lifestyle to be paid for? She thinks BMW’s grow on trees? Or maybe the airline just feels generous and donates trips to the Bahamas to a lucky witch once in a while. If she want’s the lifestyle then it comes with sacrifices.”

“So, what’s your next move?”

“My next move? I’ll tell you what it is, I’m gonna make that bitch pay Jeff. She thinks she can just destroy my life and take everything I own and worked hard for in a divorce? That ain’t happening bro. she must be outta her damn mind. She knows me, she knows I can be a dangerous man, she knows I know a lot of dangerous people. It’s one of the perks of being a defense lawyer. I haven’t slept a wink since last night, I’ve been planning this out all freaking day. My brain feels like it’s about to crash but I’m still pretty clear about what I g-gotta do.”

“Hold on a sec Paul let me get that.”

“Y-you know what dude, I-I never thought my life would end up like this. I thought that we would be so h-h-happy. Damn it, I c-c-could barely t-t-talk. J-just so f-f-freaking tired. Im j-just sssoooo fffffreaking ti-tired”.

“Don’t worry about it bro, I understand, lay your head down and take a nap.”

“By the way that was Dianne who just called, we were supposed to meet at the Salsby hotel again today but I explained to her that you found out and we would have to postpone. I had to move up our plan to get rid of you by a couple of weeks. It’s a shame too, I had to waste a whole bottle of Chardonnay just to poison you. But don’t worry Paul, I promise I’ll take care of her and our baby way better than you ever could.” 

February 24, 2023 23:23

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1 comment

Gloria Preston
11:29 Feb 28, 2023

Dialogue and voice are authentic. The pacing is good, hurried perfectly but not frantic. The plot is good - a predictable ending with a twist, but a believable twist. Other than a few punctuation errors, it is well done.


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