
"Shit, I lost my shoes," shouted Maria while shaking her head. She had climbed out of her yellow Mini Cooper and stood barefoot in the parking lot next to it. Thank God, I am not a bridesmaid this time, thought Maria, but the situation was still bad. She had no time to go back home to fetch another pair.

Suddenly she heard a low voice saying: "Well-well, a modern time Cinderella."

A man in a light blue suit stood and looked at her bare feet. Thankfully, she had just had her toenails painted.

"She lost one, though. Mine are both gone before the party has even started," Maria replied sharply.

"There is not much use of just one shoe either, so I'm not sure she really was in a better situation than you, " the man said with a smirk.

"Mine were expensive, and I do not have a fairy godmother who could just get me a pair."

"Did you leave them at home?" asked the man with what seemed a genuine interest.

"No, I am quite sure I put them in my car. Oh, I cannot be barefoot at a fancy wedding. What people will think of me."

Maria sighed.

"Why did you take your shoes off in the first place?" the man inquired.

"I do not like driving in high heels. It is uncomfortable. So, I did not put them on, but I suspect I left my shoes in the driveway. Shit, this is bad."

Maria started to feel more and more like an utter failure. This was her niece's wedding, and Lana was always perfect. Maria was quite sure that Lana had forgotten nothing in her life. Mother will go nuts if she sees me without the shoes, thought Maria, and tears started to well up.

"You are five or six, if I am not mistaken, shoe size, I mean."

That question came so suddenly that Maria had forgotten that the man was standing beside him.

"Five…how do you know that?"

She asked with surprise in her voice.

"I have some experience in shoes. In fact, I have a pair of heels in my car. They may not exactly match your outfit, but they will have to do for now, " the man explained.

"You have a pair of heels in your car. Your girlfriends, I presume? She might not like that you lend her stuff out."

"No, those do not belong to my girlfriend. I have them because I am…um…designing shoes. I am Aiden; I apologize for my manners. I should have introduced myself earlier."

"I am Maria. Oh, then, in that case, I would be very grateful if you lend me that pair."

"My car is over there; let me bring them to you."

Aiden pointed in the direction where a black Tesla was parked.

"Thank you!" shouted Maria.

Now when Maria felt a bit more at ease, she had to acknowledge that Aiden was very handsome. He was tall and fit with pleasant manners. Maria followed him with her gaze.

"Here you go, try them on. Those are samples, but I hope they will do."

"Beggars can't be choosers," said Maria.

Aiden handed Maria a black box. When she opened it, she found a pair of exquisite red beep-doe heels inside. Maria gasped.

"So beautiful. You designed those yourself?"

"You like them?"

"They are perfect. Absolutely perfect. Thank you so much! You are my savior."

"Well, I hope you enjoy them then," said Aiden, walking away.

The heels fit as those had been made for her. Maria had never felt so good in brand-new heels as she did now.

I could take over the world in those shoes, thought Maria when she walked towards the wedding venue.

Her mother was chatting with aunt Maggie when Maria entered the room. Maria tried to look around to see if she would spot Aiden among the other guests, but the man was nowhere to be seen.

"Hello, Mom, hello, Aunt!" greeted Maria.

"Hello! Finally. I was about to call you," said Mom after they had exchanged a brief hug.

"I was detained briefly, but now everything is fine. Do you know someone named Aidan who is a shoe designer?

"I have no idea who you mean. Lana and Raul have so many friends, though, and Land did study fashion in college, so that could be someone she knows from that time."

"That might be so. I will go and say "hi" to others."

Maria turned and looked around when she noticed her second cousin Katie waving at her. She smiled and headed to her. 

"Hey Maria, come sit here with me. Wow nice heels, those must have cost a fortune."

Katie looked at Maria's red heels with slight envy.

"That is a funny story, actually…" started Maria, but she stopped when she noticed a familiar light blue suite.

"I like stories, tell me!" demanded Katie.

"Do you see that man in the light blue suit there?"

Katie looked in the direction where Maria was pointing. She was squinting a bit to see better.

"Yes, I can see him."

"Do you know him? He said his name is Aidan," asked Maria.

Katie smirked strangely before she responded.

"You want to stay away from him. He is bad news."

"How come. He is a shoe designer."

"Is that what he told you?"

Katie laughed.


"He is no shoe designer. He runs a completely different business and makes quite good money, I might say."


Maria looked at Katie with surprise.

"Naah, since it seems that he has already sparked your interest, I will not spoil the surprise for you. You google yourself. His name is Aiden Roberts. Have fun, but don't say I did not warn you!" said Katie with amusement.

A voice declared that everyone should find their seat, and the ceremony was about to start. Maria raised her gaze and saw Aidan looking at her from a distance. His smile gave her a tinge of nervous anticipation she had not felt for a long time.     

August 23, 2024 06:16

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