Fiction Sad

Sequel to the last story, Let This Last Forever.

Her hands play mindlessly with her pink ruffled dress. She wraps her fingers around the end of the pink silk bow attached to her hip as her eyes constantly scan the room for him. As she looks around the big gym floor the soft smile on her face seems to slowly downward at the feeling that coming tonight was a mistake. Kenzie can see all of her classmates being twirled and swung around, their laughter and giggles echo repeatedly in her head as if they are purposely mocking her. She wonders if they are happy that she has no one here for her. 

She swings back and forth in place as she looks around the room that is covered in string lights and pink streamers, it is filled with happiness and joy. But Kenzie feels none of that. She lets out an irritated huff at the watery tears that start to stream down her face. She wipes them away with her small hands, leaving a temporary red flush on her skin. Why couldn’t he ever show up for her? He promised that this time was different, that he was going to be better at showing how much he loved her, but he never came. 

She stands against a pillar in the room, her eyes find the giant clock on the wall as she stares at it willing it to fast forward to when the dance is supposed to end. When she can go home, climb into her bed, and never come out again. 

“May I have this dance?” A voice says from behind her. 

“What?” her voice trembles. Kenzie wipes her tears away with her small hands to hide her shame before turning around to face them. Her toes bounce up and down slightly, and the corners of her mouth turn upward rapidly forming a grin from ear to ear. She lets out a high-pitched shriek. “Nate!” 

“Hey sis,” he crouches down a little so they are at matching eye level. “I have missed you so much.” 

Kenzie immediately lunges into his arms making them both fall to the floor. He wraps his arms around her holding her tightly in his arms. Her hand sneaks its way into his, holding on tightly. 

His sister has grown up so much since he last saw her 3 years ago in his old house. He still hears her cries and screams in his head every night before he goes to sleep. Looking down in his arms though, that innocent little six-year-old who grew up way too fast is long gone, replaced by a nine-year-old who holds far too much doubt and suspicion than he would like to admit. 

Nate knew how this day was going to go the second he saw the crumpled up paper on the floor next to the trash can. The words, Daddy Daughter Dance are written in fancy cursive engraved on the pink paper. He knew his Dad wasn’t going to show up for his sister. So, he went out and bought a black and pink suit, hoping that is still Kenzie's favorite color, and drove five hours from his house to Kenzie’s school dance. He did not tell his Dad where he was going, knowing he wouldn’t approve, but then again Nate didn’t agree with his Dad's decisions either. How could he just get up one day and decide to abandon his daughter, his own flesh and blood? Why couldn’t he just love them both? 

As Nate looks into his little sister's eyes for the first time in years he can feel this relief wash over him, he can feel the light flooding back into his heart and soul. He is back with his sister again. Maybe he can replace her screams with laughter. 

“You came?!” Her eyes sparkle.

“I did, I will always come for you,” he gently lifts her off him, keeping their hands latched in each other's as he stands up, “can I have this dance?" 

She lets out this loud infectious laugh that brings music to his ears. “Yes! Yes!” She cheers. 

They walk over to the dance floor, he takes both of her smaller hands in his as they sway back and forth. He twirls her around as her long hair moves with the movement. They stay there for a moment, just him and her, holding hands as they dance. 

Their silence is broken when she glances back up at him. “Nate?” 

“Yeah, Kenzie?” He looks down in those green eyes of hers.

“Where is Daddy?”

He sways their hands back and forth. His voice is gentle and soft, “He couldn’t make it Kenzie, I'm sorry.”

“Why couldn’t he come?” her lower lip trembles slightly. 

Nate can feel his heart breaking at her words but his veins are pulsating at the rage he feels for his Dad. No child should ever have to live with the fact that their parent doesn't want them. That they picked one child over the other. Nate doesn’t know how to look his nine-year-old sister in the eyes and tell her the real reason he drove five hours today. So she wouldn’t be alone. He struggles to find his voice but when he does it is strained and tight, “He couldn’t make it, Kenzie so I came in his place.” 

He skipped school today so he could make the drive over here, but his sister didn’t need to know that. She didn’t need to know that he skipped his prom night to come to his little sister's Daddy-Daughter Dance just so she is not alone. He didn’t tell any of this to her though, she doesn’t need to know. She doesn’t need to know that while he skipped school and prom to be here, their dad is on the couch doing nothing. 

He twirls her around mindlessly. 

“Nate, why doesn’t Daddy love me?” Her voice is holding back a sob that is building up in her throat as she stares at the floor beneath them. 

He feels the air in his lungs halt in shock at her question. He stops their dance for a second and crouches down to meet her eyes, keeping one of their hands held together tightly, his other hand holds her chin loosely to keep her eyes on his. One look into his sister's eyes though makes him pause in his answer. He can’t lie to her, their Dad has done enough of that to her to last a lifetime. “Don’t worry about him, it is his loss to not spend every moment he can with you. You have me though and I will always be there for you Kenzie. I know it has been a long time since we saw each other, but I have never once forgotten about you. Don’t worry about Dad, I love you, Kenzie.” 

Her eyes start to water, so he wipes the tears away. She jumps into his arms, making him pick her up and she lays her head on his shoulder. He sways them back and forth to the music around them. No matter the distance between them, he will forever be there for her. 

“I love you too Nate.”

They dance for the rest of the night, their hands held together tightly, never once letting go. 

June 13, 2024 02:07

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Alexis Araneta
18:12 Jun 13, 2024

Oh my goodness ! At least, Nate and Kenzie are reunited. Sweet one, Katelynn !


Katelynn Seavey
20:47 Jun 13, 2024

Thanks for reading! I am so glad you liked it.


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Mary Bendickson
14:31 Jun 13, 2024

Happy for now ending. Very sweet.


Katelynn Seavey
20:44 Jun 13, 2024

Thanks for reading!


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Darvico Ulmeli
08:13 Jun 13, 2024

I had to read the sequel. So glad that they get together. At least your story has a happy ending. Nice read.


Katelynn Seavey
20:46 Jun 13, 2024

Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment! Glad you liked it.


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