sweet 35 - highschool edition

Submitted into Contest #54 in response to: Write a story about someone going back to school as a mature student.... view prompt



" one , two ,three.. all of the graduation hat's were in the air touching the sky."

in the group of these happy young adult there was samuel john smiling from heart trying to belive what just happened , what he has just achieved it felt like dream a real vivid dream... beep beep beep his eyes opened alarm went off and he was thinking about my dream it was sure a weird dream but what was happening in his life was much more wierd and real.

' next week is my graduation ceremony..' Samuel told logan his partner. 'yeah, what are you going to wear?? ' Logan said.

'somthing that won't make me look like one of the parents of graduating student'.

'but you're a parent who's daughter is going to grauate next week. '

'with me..I'm also graduating.' yes i am Samuel john 35 year's old probably 36 by next 2 week why am i graduating this late ? well i have my own reasons it's not like i am that man who wants to study to gain knowledge or something no, i have money , my business is going well , i have a very beautiful daughter and a Happily married life nor do i wanted to enjoy my teen life again why would i do that ? I have had gone through puberty once. *cough* horrible experience i will not tourture myself with that again, well i am little greedy i guess all business men's are greedy but i didn't knew what life had served for me and i didn't knew it was going to be this much tough to earn money.

i started my business at early age so i didn't had time to complete my graduation my parents did wanted me to complete my graduation i never understood why ? i was doing my business grade and they were happy about it too , there was no need for me to go to highschool but as your parent's are ment to be pushy so as were mine too. even after their death they wanted me to go to high school and complete the degree how you ask?? no its not case of ghost hunting and no they didn't torture me in my dream or something . they wrote in their will that all of their wealth will be handed to me after i complete my graduation.. i mean why would they do this , why anyone would do this but guess what.. .they did , neither they didn't had dementia nor Alzheimer's where did they got this crazy idea ??

I thought they loved me , did they??

and yes i am a selfish man as much as i love my parents i love their wealth as well. i respected their wish and before i knew this old man was on his way to the first day of his high school all of the new freshman on their way to start their new highschool life were excited and me who already owns a business awkwardly on my way to my class. my daughter was not so happy about this and she was right who wants to go to highschool with their 35yr old dad who is selfish and doing this just for money well i was my parents only child so technically that money belongs to me .

also i dropped out of highschool at 2nd years so it was only 2 years i thought i should give it a shot but the question was how am i gonna fit into these teenager's it's not that i have that korean vampire skin to look younger , on top of that i look older for my age , will i still get bulling I'm an adult still that horrible flashbacks still hunt me..

i looked at the class, kid's these day i have to tell you i have never seen such a funky class some boys were playing in class one student had tatto on his arm with bleached hair, someone was chewing gum , paper ball fight was going on some girls were fixing their makeup some were gossiping , the Romeo boy for whom all the girls crazy for was chatting with some girls as soon as they all saw me everyone stopped . their expression was telling me that they definitely thought i was their teacher or something i also stared back at every one found a empty place to sit in the corner they were still staring at me at so i yelled at em " guys make sure you listen to your parents , or else you'll end up going to highschool at 35 and yes i am your new classmate, stop staring at me. "

even before lunch break whole school knew about me it was like wildfire , this much fame i didn't even got in my actual highschool years, everyone was staring at me and one of teacher greeted me she taught i was new teacher or something ,

school lunch still sucks though looking at the funky spoilled brat i thought food will be great but I think the food is main reason for the students to be this funky, after eating lunch I'm also feeling little funky.

i guess you can get bullied at any age, age is just a number for bullies i got comment like "trying to hit on highschool girls pedophile ??" "oldie do you need stick to walk??" and the worst was one of the teacher was hitting on me.

my daughter she was not even trying to make eye contact with me this whole time i was somewhat prepared for this but i was in this wierd situation thanks to my parents and my greed , i thought this how i was never going to complete my graduation and when you get old your brain works slowly and lesser and lesser prone to learn new things that was happening with me. i was just praying to pass these 2 years without burning myself out.

this was happening to me i was going to the high school at the age of 35 , my daughter was ashamed and confused of me, here i am without any shame.

August 09, 2020 11:55

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