Collodion. Flocculation. Flatulation.☺️ Crafting and crafty language.

Written in response to: Write a story involving a portal into a parallel universe.... view prompt


Kids Middle School Science Fiction

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Hearing something a hundred times isn’t better than seeing it once.

Unless, of course, you never forget a face.😞

All best bets off.

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, however, per Alan Watts, “One showing is worth a hundred sayings.”

Edsger Dijkstra, opined the concept yet a bit further. “A picture may be worth a thousand words, a formula is worth a thousand pictures.”


Still further, Computer Scientist, John McCarthy, to make the opposite point: “As the Chinese say, 1001 words is worth more than a picture.” (Wk)


Perceived truths. Or plain old perception. Crafting language to fit the story never amounts to true understanding. When and if the language makes its way into broader society.

All hope may become lost. Deliberately creating confusion to throw off the storied story. Interpretations of phrases may become complex. Best when done in context. Interpretations vary.

”A rolling stone gathers no moss”. Can be interpreted as both good and bad. Condemnation of a person that keeps moving, seeing moss as a positive thing, such as profit; others see the phrase as praising people that keep moving and developing; seeing moss as a negative thing, such as negative habits.

One hand cannot clap. Teamwork? Or. Argument?

Depends on the colloidal nature of the beast. Beasts. Historical histories and habits.

Some folks left behind will do anything for a bite outta another. Still others exist who feel they are “owed” something if and from another. One way or another, will stake a claim. All that may happen is a bad, bad mixture. In which one substance consisting of microscopically dispersed insolvable particles is suspended through another substance.

Same can be said and true about personal intentions and motivations. some definitions specify. Solid. Shakey. Achey. Breaky. An interaction of persons and particles that do not, will not mesh. No matters whose name is attached. To the mix. The mixture. Sometimes contaminants exist in and on the surface.

Above ground, sea water, lakes and underground, limestone, granite, sandstone. It can be anywhere and everywhere. the contamination.

Set it on fire and Holy Smokes!

Collodion is a flammable, syrupy solution, flexible and non-flexible. Used on picture, photos. Medicine even. Ironically used on wounds, too. Medicine and wounds and words. (Wk) Used in order to preserve. The image. The picture. The story. The process.

Wounds. Photos. Pictures. A thousand of words explaining the picture to cover the wound. The wounds. Used in medicine. As a dose of medicine maybe. A dose for you, but not for me.

I think I heard some kinda of explosion😞 come out of the other room. What to do. what to do.

Run and see what and where it came from or or stay put and forget.

Over there, before, it did not exist. Over here, now, it follows like a bad dream. That will never float away into the parallel u vise rise of oblivion. To be forgotten.

Sometimes. It sticks with you. Never really allowing your escape from it. Reminders pop up daily, both visually and acoustically. Plug the hole. Plug the ears. When folks decide to talk loud, out loud. Some folks are happy at another person’s misery. Really. Sad.But parallels have a way of suspiciously rearing their heads. Suspiciously, of course.

Sometimes the colloidal particles even come out to play. Come out of suspension to settle, sediment. 🤯. Either spontaneously or or due to the addition of a clarifying agent.

Due to the addition of a clarifying agent.

Now. We are starting to get somewhere.

Actions. Words. A thousand words. A thousand actions. What to do.What to do.

Actions differ from precipitation in that, prior to floccution, colloids are merely suspended, under the form of a stable dispersion.

Under the form of a stable dispersion.

Solids. liquids. Gases. Flocculation. Flatulation Potatoe Potato Tomatoe Tomato🫤.

Coagulation + Flocculation = Clumping of fine floc so that they can be more easily separated from water.

More easily separated.

More easily separated.

It’s all about the water. Wastewater. Filtration. Sedimentation.

I am no longer thirsty. HBU?

Still further: No more proverbial phrases to fall back on. To use. To explain. To not explain.

”A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed”. Henrik Ibsen. Seeing something is better for learning than having it described. (Wk)

And parallel universes stay separated so long as the motivations and intentions do too. Of one or both of the parties, party goers. lines were drawn over and over and over.

Parallel planes do too. parallel planes are three dimensional spaces that never meet.

Never meet. Parallel curves are the same thing. Curves that do not touch each other or intersect and keep a fixed minimum distance. Except there is a rub…..(no, not necessarily a collodion rub) in the Unicode of the parallel universe, the parallel and not parallel signs have codepoints.Specifically U+22D5. (#). It represents the relation “equal and parallel to”.

Equal and parallel to.

I think I heard some kinda explosion come outta the other room 😞. What to do. What to do. potatoe, Potato, Tomatoe, Tomato.

Emil Artie adopted a definition of parallelism where two lines are parallel. Equivalence relation. Elements a and b belong to the same class. Binarially speaking, of course. Equivalence relation is a binary relation that is ref I’ve, symmetric and transitive.


In Equipollence geometry equipollence is a binary relation. Between directed line segments. Two parallel line segments are equipollent when they have the same length and direction.



Deducing. Deduction. Best to have a feel of where you are going. Day by Day.Month by Month. year by Year. Chart you own course. Reliance on a rolling stone, a thousand words, or a puff of smoke will get you no where. Most likely not get you from there to here.

Draw a line in the sand.

Your sand.

Stick to it.

Even if and when it sticks with you.🫤

Practice makes perfect.

So does a universe of honest and goodness. No maths in the whole wide world, parallel or unparalleled can change that.

And. That is good news!

May 04, 2023 16:51

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