
The sky was filled with dark clouds as it shrouded everything with darkness and the heavy pouring of rain. In a corner of the dark streets, at a bus stand, were two people, a male and female. Currently they were both drenched and wet and they were both hugging themselves as they tried to conserve their body heat in this cold environment.

The time was after seven in the evening and the rain had been going on for two hours now. For two because they had been caught off guard by the rain and none of them had made any preparations, having not checked the weather forecast before coming out today.

Currently, they occupied a different corner of the small and narrow bench.

Derrick was very annoyed. At this moment he was wondering about what had come over him when he had agreed to on the blind date that they had set up for him. Originally it was supposed to be a group activity and that was why he had given in to their demand. His original thought at the time was that considering how low his presence was low in any social gathering, that nobody would pay attention to him and that he could go through it silently like always. Who would have thought that everything was just an excuse to get him to attend a blind date alone?

Glancing to the side where his date was sitting so far away from him, like he had the plague, derrick was very reluctant to admit that she was very beautiful. Not the drop dead kind of beauty, but the kind that reminds one of spring sunshine’s and chocolate.

She had a small oval face that still retained some of her baby fat with a long thin and smooth neck. She was not very tall as her head could barely reach his shoulders and she had a small frame. The first thought that would cross a man’s mind upon seeing her was that she had to be protected.

“haii!!” derrick gave a long sigh.

To be honest, she fit a lot into his atheistic sense and there was not anything that would cause him to reject the idea of being together with a girl like her. She had all the qualities that he expected his ideal girl to have. She was gentle and soft spoken. Had her own thoughts and ideas and was also very smart. If there was anything that he could say that was not to his liking, it would be that she was very quick to agree with others readily.

He could tell from how she behaved with him that she did not come to the date herself and that she was likely tricked to be here by her friends like he was.

He could guess that she was the type who always tried to please everybody without taking into consideration the cost she would have to bear. He knew that if he were to call her again after this and try to set up another date that as much as she would not want that, she would readily agree and if he were to push for a relationship, then it was likely set in stone.

That thought put a feeling of distaste in derricks mouth and that was the major reason why he was dissatisfied with her. He did not want to date her while feeling that he forced her into a relationship with him. It was too troublesome.

Derrick had had girlfriends and had been in a few relationships before and knew that girls could be very complicated. It was this kind of complication that he did not need in his life. Ever since he knew, he had always liked to stay out of trouble and as a result, his social circle was very limited. Ever since graduating from college, he would usually be by himself in the cheap apartment building that he had rented. All he needed was a book in his hand and for his daily expenses, whenever he was short on funds, he would write a few articles online. He didn’t have a lot of wants.

So from the very start derrick that this blind date was meant to be a failure.


Thelma was very anxious. She kept on stealing glances at derrick who was seated on the other side of the bench. It did not help that the cold and wet environment was making her increasingly irritated.

“he’s looking at me.”

“What does he think of me?”

“Does he like me?”

When her roommates first told her that they had arranged a blind date for her, the first thought that came to her mind was to reject the arrangement. Sadly, she did not do so.

Thelma knew that she had always lacked courage. Ever since her childhood, when her parents had always been fighting with themselves, she had always been an outlet for their pent up emotions. Anytime she showed any sign of disagreeing with any of them, she would receive a beating and be starved of food. Since then, she had learned to always agree with them and any other people in order to escape from the pain that they might inflict on her.

She knew that this was not the way that she should leave her life and that if she could not learn to voice her own opinions, she would go on to live her life miserably. As she was spying on derrick, she was reminded of earlier on during the day, during their date and she could not help the blush that came to her face, making red and hot.

When she had been on her way to meet up with derrick for their date, she had ended up running late because of how reluctant she was to attend. Because she was very anxious that her date would be very dissatisfied with her since she did not know how the person was like at the time, Thelma hurriedly sped up her steps effectively ruining her makeup and showing up disheveled.

Picking up her cell to call the person, that was when she first saw derrick. The first thing that came to her was that he looked like someone who came out of a renaissance painting. With the evening sunlight that shone on him as he sat by the window holding up a book and reading in the setting glow, he gave off a refined and scholarly bearing. To be honest with herself, her first impression of him was very good.

Hurriedly making her way to seat in front of him she anxiously said, “I’m sorry for coming late. The traffic was very bad on the way here.”

“hmm!” he only gave out a soft sound.

Thinking that he was very angry with her for being late, Thelma was very nervous and did not know what to do. The atmosphere gave way to a very awkward silence. It was not until the waiter came to take their order, that it eased.

After giving their order, Thelma desperately tried to improve the impression her in derricks mind. To be honest, she was not even sure herself why she was so desperate for his approval of her. Since she did not want to be here in the first place, it would not have minded if he did not have a good impression of her and they could each go their separate ways. But for some reasons she did not want that.

Eventually, the awkwardness common to blind dates eased and they started to have a good rapport together. He asked about her. What she did? Where she stayed? Her likes and dislikes? Typical first date questions.

Finally relived, as found herself enjoying his company. She noticed that he always asked her for her opinions on different things and she had to admit that she liked that feeling, but her habit had already long taken form and it was not easy to change.

Unknowingly, they had been together for a long time and it was getting late. At that time, derrick suggested that they both leave. Thelma became very anxious again for some reason. She did not want him to go and wanted instead to stay here with him a little longer. She had a feeling that they might not meet again and even though they had had a very relaxing time, she could tell that he was not very interested in her and that he would likely not contact her again.

As much as she wanted them to meet again, unfortunately, she did not have the courage to tell him that, and so they both made their way to the bus stop when the rain suddenly started pouring.

Neither of them had come with any umbrellas and so they had to make their way to the bus stop to seek shelter under the rain.

That was what lead to the current situation. Both were in their own world where they each had their own thoughts. Derrick found Thelma to his liking but refused to pursue a relationship with her, feeling like he would be pressuring her into doing so, and Thelma also wanted to pursue a relationship with derrick but lacked the courage to try doing so.

August 28, 2020 11:52

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