Friendship Funny Happy

They stood around, competing with ideas, by the kitchen stove and arguing about what would be the best grilled cheese in the world and who could make one. Eventually, both Sara Miller and Josh Brewer decided a friendly cookout competition would solve this 'grilled cheese' dilima. After grabbing frying pans and placing them on the stove, they dashed to the refrigerator excited about this cookout in unison.

"Hey! I got here first." Sara blurted out. She got pushed back and she raised her hands, followed by rolling her eyes in annoyance.

Josh snatched the sliced cheese and something else out of the fridge after bumping Sara out of his way.

"Wait your turn. The best cook should go first." Josh confirmed with a grin, sticking out his tongue.

"This is not a race, Josh. It is just a friendly competition."

"Says you. I will make a grilled cheese to die for and fast too."

Sara awaited her turn patiently, arms crossed in defiance, while Josh scavenged the refrigerator for whatever else he was looking for to make his version of the best world grilled cheese.

The remainder of the afternoon, Josh and Sara cooked their idea of the best grilled cheese in the world, hovering over the stove sweating. Josh used ingredients secretly when Sara was not looking, trying to block her view with his shoulders.

"I can see what you're putting in your grilled cheese you know. You don't have to hide it from me." Sara chuckled, eying his grilled cheese in progress, which soaked in butter, and frying in his frying pan.

"You are not supposed to know a chef's secret, Sara. Those are the rules. Did you see me looking to find out what you are using?"

"I saw you peek a couple times, yes." Sara smiled. "Besides, I really do not care if you know my ingredients. You will probably find out anyway."

Continuing on with focused looks on their faces the competition was getting close to an end. Sara had just finished flipping her grilled cheese over to cook the other side and smashed it gently to cook faster. Sara finally finished her grilled cheese and in a calm satisfied motion she gracefully placed the grilled cheese on a plate.

Josh however, dashed back and forth from the refrigerator to the stove, adding and making adjustments here and there. He had been breathing a bit heavy and Sara, who just finished her dish, watched Josh with a beaming grin.

"Why are you rushing so fast for? I already finished mine. Trying to make it quick like that may mess it up."

Josh huffed, "I know what I am doing, Sara. You just wait. A chef needs to be reliable and fast."

"Ok, if you say so." Sara then pulled out her cell phone from her back pocket. "I will just play a game on my phone until you're done." 

"How did you finish so fast with yours? You did not use much other than the original ingredients I see." Josh glanced at Sara's grilled cheese laying on her plate.

"I cooked something with it that you would not expect. You might even be surprised." Sara looked up from her phone at Josh and winked.

"Better not have used mayaniose. You know I hate that stuff." Josh eyed Sara's grilled cheese in disgust.

"Don't worry." Sara waved her hand in the air at Josh, not looking away from her phone. "It'll be fine."

A few minutes later, Josh finished his dish with his chest bulging out and he said in a triumphant voice.

"It is finished!"

Sara brushed off Josh's proud moment and quickly pushed her plate towards Josh, placing her phone on the kitchen counter.

"Good, I am starving. Now hurry, give me yours." Sara said with her arms stretched out towards Josh's plate. Staring at his grilled cheese with hungry eyes.

Once plates were exchanged, Sara and Josh tried each other's grilled cheese. Josh nodded his head yes each time, after taking a bite of Sara's dish, trying to figure out what she put in it. Sara took small bites of Josh's and gave wide eyes. She suddenly could not control herself and started to devour his grilled cheese in pleasure moans.

"Oh my gosh! Umm. This is fantastic, Josh. Wow, it is like the butter is squeezing into my mouth when I take a bite. But there is something else I can not identify. What all did you use?"

Josh smiled a really big smile. "Yes I used butter, but that is not the butter that has that great taste. It is something else."

"Come on. It must be the butter. Tell me, what did you use, Josh?"

"Nope, I can not tell you. I swore a chef oath, and I can't break it."

Sara threw a napkin at Josh. "Stop joking around. Tell me! What is it?"

"Ok, I'll tell you. You already know I used cheese. Well, I toasted the bread first before I put the bread into the pan filled with butter. Then I fried an egg to use with sliced sandwich turkey meat. After, I sprinkled Taco seasoning onto the egg."

Then he leaned in closer to Sara. Looked around to make sure no one else could hear him. Sara looked around also confused because it was just her and Josh there.

"That is it. That's all I used." Sara hit Josh's arm. " What? I really do not know what could possibly be used for the world's best grilled cheese."

"Here I thought you really had some special ingredient for the grilled cheese. You tricked me." Sara frowned.

Josh went back to eating the rest of Sara's grilled cheese. "You know yours wasn't too bad either. I like it."

"You like it? You figured out what I used yet?" Sara cocked her head to one side.

"No, not yet. But there seems to be something I can not pinpoint." Josh took another bite. "It is good for sure though. Might be better than mine."

Sara became happy Josh liked her grilled cheese. She knew if Josh liked her dish then she must have cooked the best grilled cheese in the world. The best in the world for someone she wanted to be with and that was good enough for her.

September 02, 2022 20:25

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Ogbonna Nnamdi
21:01 Sep 21, 2022

HOW I GOT MY HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF PRIEST WISDOM CONTACT ON WHATS_APP NUMBER +2348124644470 Seeing is believing. I met with PRIEST WISDOM . He is a true spell caster. He brought back my ex within 24 hours after he cast a spell on me . I insisted I wanted to meet with him because of many bad experiences I have had with fake spell casters from Africa and Asia and he came to me in California all the way from NIGERIA . He is real and based in Nigeria . You have nothing to lose here. contact PRIEST WISDOM directly via email on supernatur...


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Ogbonna Nnamdi
21:01 Sep 21, 2022

HOW I GOT MY HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF PRIEST WISDOM CONTACT ON WHATS_APP NUMBER +2348124644470 Seeing is believing. I met with PRIEST WISDOM . He is a true spell caster. He brought back my ex within 24 hours after he cast a spell on me . I insisted I wanted to meet with him because of many bad experiences I have had with fake spell casters from Africa and Asia and he came to me in California all the way from NIGERIA . He is real and based in Nigeria . You have nothing to lose here. contact PRIEST WISDOM directly via email on supernatur...


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Brenda Liam
00:21 Sep 16, 2022

DO YOU WANT YOUR EX LOVER BACK URGENTLY AFTER BREAKUP/DIVORCE EVEN IF YOUR SITUATION SEEMS HOPELESS! CONTACT DR CHRIST: CALL/WHATSAPP: +2348111123690 OR EMAIL: LIGHTERDAYSENT@GMAIL.COM DR CHRIST IS CERTAINLY THE BEST SPELL CASTER ONLINE AND HIS RESULT IS 100% GUARANTEE. Hello everyone my name is BRENDA LIAM i want to give a testimony to the Gods of DR CHRIST for helping me to get my ex back. After 3 Years in a relationship with my Husband, my Husband started going out with other girls and showing me cold love, on several occasions he th...


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T.S.A. Maiven
03:56 Sep 11, 2022

This is a good story. Very uncomplicated. Just a few spelling issues and it would be great. Good job!


Brian Rains
02:00 Sep 12, 2022

Glad you liked it. I will make sure that I proofread more closer in the future. Thank you.


T.S.A. Maiven
22:39 Sep 13, 2022

Your welcome! I'm bad when it comes to editing my work. I never leave myself enough time. I often have small errors in mine to!!


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Sharila Surpal
09:38 Sep 10, 2022

Brian such a simple plot put together to perfection. What I loved the most are the last lines - 'Sara became happy Josh liked her grilled cheese. She knew if Josh liked her dish then she must have cooked the best grilled cheese in the world. The best in the world for someone she wanted to be with and that was good enough for her.' Congratulations!


Brian Rains
13:24 Sep 10, 2022

Thank you for liking my short story. It took me awhile to figure out what I wanted to write about, but as I started writing I suddenly realized what story I wanted. Yes, I like how the best things in life may only be the best things in life for only you. It is how most relationships become unified in my opinion. I like how I put Sara feeling content with someone, even though to others they may not be so comfortable with the relationship. Thanks again.


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